"Olivia, open this fucking door right now!" Gemma yelled while banging on the door.
I'm sitting in the bath tub. The once warm water now chill to the touch. I'm sitting here with Jessie Ware on repeat begging for the song to come from black inked lyrics to the perfect man.
"I don't wanna fall in love if you don't wanna try" I sobbed. I've been crying for hours. Sitting here. Crying, Singing. Trying to force this pain out of my heart. Trying to ignore my beckoning for Harry's touch. "Just say you love me! HARRY, WHY DIDN'T YOU LOVE ME" I sobbed pulling my knees up to my chest. I sobbed into my knees. I just wanted him to love me. To want me. To try. And that's what hurts. Because he didn't. He didn't try.
"Olivia please come out" Ian and Matt were now at the door. I thought they of all people would understand me wanting to lock myself away from the world. To ignore all of the pleas. "Please Olivia" they sounded genuinely concerned, but at this rate. I was genuinely hurt. I was genuinely breaking. I managed to stop the flow of tears with a nonchalant facade that was faker than plastic.
"Olivia" Now my mother. I couldn't handle this. They need to go away—they need to leave. I can't deal. "I'm sorry" Her words meant so little to me now. How could she even think that I would forgive her after all that shit she did. It'd be damn near impossible. I wanted so much for her to want and accept me as her kid but she didn't. I heard Ian whisper something and a sharp suck of breath. It was to loud to be only one person on the other side of that door. "I-I... She didn't tell me" I could hear the anger rise in her voice. She has no right to be angry at anyone. No matter the reason my anger will always out weight hers.
"God could you turn that annoying ass music off and get the fuck out of the bathroom" Kate spoke up clearly impatient with me.
"Calm down" My mother cooed to her. Of course they'd be here together.
"Everyone needs to make space" Gamma started. "I'm bringing out the big guns now"
"Mi hija" He whispered. "please, were worried about you. Please, come out" I ignored his begging and pleading. "She's not budging Gemma"
"God, might as well. It's a long shot but..." I could hear her number pad dialing numbers. "Come up. Fifth floor, third door to the right" then she clicked over. The water that engulfed me was even more chill. Goose bumps crept their way up my skin. I heard the door open and slam lightly.
"Where is she?" the voice was to quiet to make out whose it belonged to.
"In there. She won't come out, she's been in there for hours"
I heard the light click of this persons shoes against the marble floor as they walked across to the door. Whoever this person was, they managed to let silence fall for the first time. The only sounds were their shoes, the Jessie Ware "Say you love me" blasting, and the light swish of water. A light knock and then silence again. This person was nervous. But from the sound of the shaky knocks they were excited.
"Baby" My heart dropped. "I need you to come out" At the sound his voice my facade cracked. I sobbed, this time louder than any other. My cries echoed in my chest as they started to empty out. "Please come out" His voice cracked. He was on the verge of tears. "Please" I could hear the restrain he had in his voice. But he won't be able to escape those tears. "Please" He whispered. Somehow, I knew he was leaning his head against the door letting his tears fall silently as he faced away from everyone. "Please"
My body ached as I forced myself out of the water. I wrapped a towel around my shivering body. The thing was. Out of all this anger, all this hatred, all this pain. I didn't hate Harry. I wasn't even angry. I was hurt. Hurt that he loved me so less that he broke me. I didn't hate him. I hated myself for still loving him with every broken piece of my heart. I still want him. Mistakes and all.

Fifty Shades of Styles (3 book series)
Fanfiction"Say my name," he whispered on the top of my lips while digging his fingers into my hips as he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Harry," I uttered. "You and I both know. That. Is. Not. My name," he said between the kisses that he...