Chapter Seventeen

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*Harry's POV

We left room quietly; careful not to make a sound. I noticed Olivia's legs and her facade, how the shook a bit when she walked. But after what we just did and how long we did it, I wouldn't be surprised. But she had a small look of fear and worry in her eyes. Something that was quite strange.  We walked into the kitchen and I straightened my posture a bit. Olivia followed suit as she heard the voices of my family ring into the hallway.

"Are you okay?" I asked while placing a hand on the small of her back and a small kiss to her head.

"Umm, yeah I-I'm fine" her eyes widened as she cleared her throat. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her with a questioning look. I shook it off and kept walking softly.

"Happy birthday, Little brother" Gemma said to me softly. Her accent was thick today and I felt as mine would be too.

"Oh, my baby's all grown up" my mom cried while running to me with her arms open. She squeezed me tightly and I could feel her tears on my arm.

"Anne, honey, give Harry some space?" he chuckled. "C'mere son" we did a manly hug but I could still his tight embrace as well.

"Birthday?" I heard her lovely small voice from behind me.

"Yep, birthday. Harry Edward Styles is twenty fucking four" she smiled up to me.

"I-I didn't know" she stuttered nervously. Her eyes widened again and her chest heaved.

"Baby, it's fine. Calm down" I stepped to her grabbing her elbows in my hand and holding them tightly. "Hey, Hey look. Look at me" I turned her head to get her eyes to focus. "It's fine. You don't remember and that's okay" I chuckled. She gave a small smile before turning and walking up the steps.

"Harry, is she okay?" My mom inquired.

I looked at them worriedly. "I'd like to think so"

Hours went by. I noticed that Olivia was no where to be found. I couldn't ask to spend my birthday any other way than to be surrounded by family. But she is my family now; a big part of it. The clock struck three and it chimes through the rooms and walls with a slight ping. I made my way up the stairs to check on her. I tried he knob and to my surprise it was locked.

"Olivia, open the door" silence is all that I heard. "Olivia, please open the door baby. Its okay that you don't remember my birthday." the echos of my voice is all that returned to me. "Olivia? Olivia? Answer me" I yelled. I banged my shoulder against the door when she said nothing. I forced the door open as my heart jumped to my throat. "Olivia, where are-" I cut myself off as i saw what was laid out in front of me.

"Happy birthday Harry" She whispered with a giant smile on her face. She was sitting in the middle of a heart made of roses. She was wearing one of my favorite shirts and had her long hair curled and swooped over her shoulder. She had pictures of us pinned all around the wall. My favorite food were lined up on a table against the wall. And she had my favorite movie put on the TV and ready to play.

"Wha-what is this?" my mouth was agape and I was completely baffled. "How did you get these?" the first thought that came to my head is that Gemma helped her. "Did Gemma help you do this?"

"No, I did it alone. Do you not like it?" Her face saddened as she read my emotions. "I clean it all up, I'm sorry. I Just thought-" I cut her off but putting my lips on her with such force. She tasted of chocolate and strawberry. My favorite, I thought. I pulled away biting her bottom lips lightly.

"I love you" I knew she didn't feel the same but I had to say it. I had been waiting so long to say it. I had to get it off my chest. "You don't have to say anything, I know you probably don't feel the same. I just hope you will one day".

She looked down at the ground and then grabbed my hand. She led me to the bed and told me to lie down. She walked over to the table against the wall and started putting large portions of food onto a plate. She handed it to me and started the movie. She fixed her a plate as well then got on the bed and cuddled up into me. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday. I've missed her so much and being here, in this moment just feels right. Being with her always feels right. I'm sorry that she went through all that mess. And I hate the fact that Shawn took her memories. And I will never forgive myself for the stuff I said and did. But in this moment I'm glad I have my baby back.

During the movie, that we practically didn't look at, she asked me questions about myself. Some made me think others made me laugh. The way I felt right now was phenomenal. I couldn't explain it. I felt like I was on cloud 9 and I refuse to come down. She kissed my jaw and snuggle up into my chest.

"So, What's this one about?" She asked. She was on top of me tracing the outline of my butterfly tattoo while she pointed inked out heart in my bicep.

"It's a pun" I chuckled. "Ya know, wearing you heart on your sleeve" she closed her eyes with a smirk on her face and then shook her head.

"Only you Hazza, only you" she laughed while placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"Do it again" I smiled. She placed another on my lips then the tip of my nose, then my cheek, then my forehead, and my lips again.

"Je'dore, mi amour" she spoke softly.

"I didn't know you could speak French" I looked at her amused with furrowed eyebrows and wide eyes.

"I didn't either" she smiled and kissed me again. She held my cheeks between her small hands. Her warmth radiated through my face.

"This has been the best birthday ever" I could feel my face warm again and I knew I was blushing.

"Well it's about to get better" she reached over and grabbed a piece of folded paper off my night stand.

"What's this?"

"Just open it". She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her thick thighs.

"Don't roll your eyes, your pretty self" I opened the folded piece of paper and tears instantly came to my eyes.

"Haha" she smiled nodding. "I remember everything"

End of Chapter

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