"Your not gonna speak to your father son, after all I did help your mother make you" he winked back at my mom. Bryce cringed letting go of Olivia then walking to the wall.
"You disgusting pig" mom spat before walking into the kitchen with robin and Gemma following.
"How's that wife of yours been?" He asked. "What was her name, Umm Nadia, yeah how's she been?"
Olivia looked up at me then back at him. "They're divorced" she spoke with a sheepish voice.
"Oh I'm sorry, I don't think I asked for your opinion ltitle girl. Stay in your place" she lowered her gaze from him shyly.
She rolled her eyes holding my arm tighter. I could feel the anger in her rise as her nails dig into my skin slightly.
"Why'd you divorce her? She had a lovely accent and a bangin' bod"
"I didn't love her" I spoke wrapping my arms around Olivia.
"It looked like you did" he retorted.
"You would know if you were in his life" Olivia whispered in a small voice.
"What'd you say, child? I could've swore I told your little puppy to stay in her place" He looked down at her with an angered expression. "You know what happens to dogs that don't obey" he smiled while reaching for her arm. I turned my body away moving her from him.
"You will not touch her". Bryce pushed off the wall coming to stand by my side with his arms crossed.
"If you touch that one" he seethed. "You'll have to answer to not only Harry, but me as well"
"Son, I need to talk" he looked at Bryce with furrowed eye brows. "Tell the boy to go back to the wall, and you come with me"
"Harry's not going anywhere with you! You bastard" and in the span of a second Olivia had given him the opportunity to wrap his fingers around her arm and yank her to him. I reached for her but he pushed me back. Bryce went after him and Desmond gave him a sharp punch to the face. One hit and he was gone. He was already drunk which is what seemed to make it easier.
Everyone stood, but no one tried to help. I don't know if they were shocked or amused or stuck. But none of them helped as he shoved Olivia against the wall.
"You listen here bitch, when I wanna talk to my son I will". She reached up to slap him but he grabbed her hand and pined it against the wall.
She giggled in his face before spitting at him.
He flipped her around and threw her to the ground. "Weak bitch" he wretched his fingers around her neck. I watched unable to move. I gagged as a ball formed in my throat at the scared and lifeless expression forming in her face.
My body reacted on impulse and I shot towards them. He pushed me back again with his free hand but I was unmoving. I forced him off of her. He shot to the floor looking at me darkly. I tended to Olivia whose lungs were refilling with air.
"Are you okay?"
The air tasted amazing once it filled me. Harry's worried eyes were scanning over my face as my eyes filled with tears of fear.
"Are you okay?" He asked as I breathed shakily. I couldn't form words as I still had little oxygen in me so I simply nodded. He gave a small nod, he caressed my cheek.
"Son of a bitch" his dad cursed. He stood again going for me. In one swift move harry was hovering over him while he was on the floor.
His shoulders were broad and his body became rigid. "You don't touch her"

Fifty Shades of Styles (3 book series)
Fanfiction"Say my name," he whispered on the top of my lips while digging his fingers into my hips as he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Harry," I uttered. "You and I both know. That. Is. Not. My name," he said between the kisses that he...