Chapter Eleven

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*Harry's POV

I chose the wrong house. I chose the wrong house. I chose the wrong house. I chose the wrong house. I chose...

Like lightning, I struck the wall with my phone. I watch it turn into small pieces and scatter. I threw the tv down.

"I chose the wrong fücking house" i punched the wall repeatedly watching it cave more and more. It wouldn't go any further but I kept punching until I drew blood. I pulled back my bloody knuckles and kicked a giant hole into the wall.

"I can't" I sobbed. "I'm just gonna keep losing her" my heart was speeding beyond my control. Everything started to go in slow motion. I could hear my heart in my ears. I managed to make it out the house before I passed out onto the pavement.

"Oh my god" I heard a woman shriek.

"He's having...".

Black. All I can see is black. I can't hear a thing. But all I know is black.

"I think he's coming back in" a make voice. I struggled to force my eyes open it felt as if they were working against me. But they finally gave and opened. "Hello, Sir. Can you hear me?" I mumbled a yes. My vision was blurry but I could hear now. I could see just not clearly.

"I have to go home"

"Sir must stay still" the man commanded me. I was fighting against everything till the memories fled in. Every tear, every emotion, every thought. Came back. I lost her. Again. It's all my fault.

Tears came to my eyes. My already blurred vision worsened. The tears streamed freely as I tried to refrain from sobbing.

"Sir, you had a heart attack earlier" a heart attack? But I'm only twenty three. How did I have a heart attack? "You were having a strange amount of anxiety and a build up of too much stress which triggered it. I'm gonna go get your meds" the man walked out. I slowly pulled out the IV and threw it to the floor.

I quickly got up and ran outside. It was a miracle that my car was parked outside. I had my keys in my pocket which made me question this situation even more. I started the engine and put the second location into the GPS. I reached down into the dash board and pulled out a gun.

I called Sophia and told her what I was doing. She said that she was on her way as well now. And that it would be just us.

I pulled into the second houses driveway. There was a car there. I peered into the back seat. I saw papers scattered everywhere, tape, ropes, and a whip. The car was could to the touch but the hood of it was slightly warm.

I walked into the house clutching my gun. I didn't speak, I walked softly without making a sound. The only sound you heard were my rugged breaths.

I turned the corner expecting him to be there. Every corner I turned I felt that feeling. I had checked every room except one. I stood in front of it holding my breath. I tensed thinking about this. What if she wasn't there? What if I was too late? I shook off all thought and busted through the door. I held my gun tightly but let it drop to my side. No one was here. I was too late again.

I walked back outside and sat in my car. I called Sophia again and told her it was no use, no one was there. She sighed in disbelief and hung up. I let it all out. Every emotion. Every word, thought, pain. I let it out. I sobbed into the wheel. I'm never going to find her.

I rode back to the loft in silence. I walked past everyone ignoring their greetings. I opened the door and walked straight into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and sat it in the counter. I stared at it passionately. I laid my palms flat around it. I looked up and saw it. My heart fell to the floor.

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