"Walk in your rainbow paradise..." I thought tapping just pencil against my song book. Come on Harry, I thought. This used to be so easy. Words would come out of no where. But now look at me. Lost and confused on what the hell i'm supposed to be writing about. "Stained sheets and... ugh no!" I took my pen and scratched through the line. Frustration started to prick at me. My leg bounced with irritation. "Strawberry lipstick state of mind," I began to sang slowly. "I get so lost inside your eyes, would you believe it? You don't have to say you love me, you don't have to say nothing, you don't have to say you're mine, honey." I smiled at the words before me.I grabbed my phone and started recording. I laid my guitar across my knee balancing it with my bad arm and started to strum.
"Walk in your rainbow paradise, paradise. Strawberry lipstick state of mind, state of mine. I get so lost inside your eyes, would you believe? You don't have to say you love me. You don't have to say nothing. You don't have to say you're mine, honey. I'd walk through fire for you, just let me adore you, honey. I'd walk through fire for you just let me adore you," as my fingers fingers the strings my mind wandered to Olivia. Her mark was left all over this song. It was about her. "Like it's the only thing I'll ever do, like it's the only thing I'll ever do."
My mind when blank for a second.
"Uh, you're wonder, um under summer skies," I paused and wrote the lyric down. It was all starting to fall together. I could feel the wheels in my head shake off the rust and start to turn. Quickly and surely the song was starting to become a beautiful masterpiece. I couldn't help but let the ends of my mouth turn up again. I thought of Liv in the summer sun with a strawberry lemonade in her hand. "Brown skin and lemon over ice, would you believe it? You don't have to say you love me. You don't have to say nothing. You don't have to say you're mine, honey."
And just like that Adore You was finished. I placed my guitar pick in my mouth. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed a sigh of relief. The feeling of success radiated through me. I had plenty songs to choose from but this song... it would most certainly, hypothetically, go on an album.
"Harry!" I heard Olivia call out. I sat everything down and followed her voice to the bedroom.
"Don't stop!" She whimpered softly, voice radiating with pleasure. I crept to the door and crack it a little. The sight before me made my pants tighten instantly. "Oh, god!" She screamed trying to stop herself from thrashing about.
My jaw dropped. She was touching herself to the thought of me. He back arched and her perky chest peeped above the edge of the tub. Her nipples were hardened and her legs were spread wide. I wanted so badly to be between them.
"Fuck, Harry! Don't stop. Please don't stop!" She yelled clenching her eyes shut.
My hand made its way into my pants and started to stroke my cock.
"Olivia," I whispered barely audible. "Keep going, baby. Just like that."
She began to shake even more. Water splashed onto the floor but she didn't care. I opened the door more and stepped in. I shrugged off any clothes I had on and kneeled beside her.
"Olivia," I spoke.
She jumped letting her toy fall from her hand.
"Harry," she coughed embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in."
"I know," I smiled and placed my lips to hers firmly. I jumped in with her and flipped us over. "Olivia," I groaned into her mouth. "I worship you."

Fifty Shades of Styles (3 book series)
Fanfic"Say my name," he whispered on the top of my lips while digging his fingers into my hips as he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Harry," I uttered. "You and I both know. That. Is. Not. My name," he said between the kisses that he...