Chapter Fifty-Two

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Floating out on the water felt serene, until there was a sudden tightness in your chest. Like someone stacked five cinder blocks on your chest. I managed to make it back to the shore and Kai ran over to me in a panic.

"What's wrong?" He asked with wide unsure eyes.

"I can't breathe" I wheezed in a whisper. I could feel my throat start to close up with ever small gasp. He grabbed my shoulders looking me directly in my eyes with so much worry and concern. "What's happening?" I blinked fast with my diaphragm twitching.

"I don't know" he repeated over and over faster each time, like he was trying to rack my brain for some valid reason. "I don't know"

I could feel my body start to shut down, I could feel what ever this was start to accept it and and give in. My legs caved from underneath me and his strong arms caught me before I hit the ground.

My eyes fluttered shut as I soon no longer had the strength to keep them pried open.

Black. Cold. The taste of dry, cold, thick, lifeless death.


"How are you alive?" she croaked.

"The same way you are" I whispered walking around to Olivia's side. "She's so beautiful. You see the first time I saw her was in a bar, she was with you. She looked so genuinely happy to be with you, her best friend. But here you are trying to kill her, why is that?"

"I asked a question first" she breathed still utterly baffled. "How are you alive?"

"Fine" I laughed. "You shot me in my chest, granted I should have died, but your a spoiled shot" I smiled and pushed my shirt to the side. "You missed my heart. Also, I'm a doctor; remember?"

"Why didn't you come back then?"

"The only thing I wanted to come back for was my brother, and if I did that Desmond would've killed me. So I didn't because I didn't want to die" I cocked my head with a smirk. "I stayed in the shadows, healing. Physically, mentally...emotionally"

I reached both of my hands over and laid them atop her chest. I pumped a few times and then waited, soon I felt the subtle thump of her heart against my fingers. "Still beating" I whispered with a smile.

I grabbed the mask to the oxygen machine and placed it over her mouth. I pumped her chest a several more times to get some air in her and soon she started doing it herself. "Good girl, now back to you" I turned to her with a clenched and serious expression. "I should kill you... I should wrap my fingers around your throat, and crush every bone that there is within my reach, I should watch your body go limp and dangle down from my grip, as your eyes beg for me to stop" her eyes went wide with fear. "But I won't, he will" I nodded behind her. And in the doorway stood Harry Styles clutching a bouquet of roses. I now know that he's the one that's been leaving the bouquets, he's done it for a while now.

"Everything he just said" he released a small breathe before taking in a larger one and holding it in. "I'm gonna do to you" he let out in a strangled sob. His eyes flooded with tears and pure rage. "You will regret everything"

No matter the pain I put Harry through he will always be my best friend. I know the things I committed were horrible, well more than horrible to be frank. But I didn't do it for myself, I didn't do it for him, I did it out of pure love for my brother for a vendetta. Looking back, I think I would've done it again. Only difference, I would've made sure to put a bullet right between Kate's eyes. I regret what I did, I truly do, but for my brother I'd do the impossible. And that didn't make me a bad friend, it just made me the wrong friend.

"Harry" she held her hands out like trying to tame a frigid bear. "Don't do anything, one might regret"

I watched as he became passive. His eyes became lifeless, his face drained of all emotions. He cocked his head to the side and looked at her like a cold murderer. "You already did" he whispered taking slow striding steps towards her. "I'm just leveling the playing field" he stopped right in front of her. He placed one of his hands above her head and pinned her against the wall by her throat with the other. "Do you have any clue what you've taken away from me? Do you have any clue how much time I've lost? I can never get that back" his chest started to heave at an ungodly rate. His fingers paled as he tightened them on her throat.

I heard the bones break from where I stood. Her hands clinged to his as he refused to let go.

"Harry" her soft voice spoke. My head whipped down to see her barely open eyes staring at him. "Harry, is that you?" his hand released Kate just as she was about to pass out. She fell against the wall and slid down to the floor scrambling to catch her breathe.

"Oliva?" he breathed with shuddering shoulders. "Liv" he laughed as she took his head in her hands. "It is you" she smiled. She ran her fingers over his face, then his lips in disbelief. "I missed you" she smiled.

"Understatement of the year" he laughed pulling her close. "I was about to give up" He sobbed. "I was so close to letting you go finally, to just let you be"

She shook her head weakly. "I'm glad you didn't" she whispered before she let her head fall back and her eyes close. You'd think after being asleep for a year, she'd wake up fully rested and energetic, but on her face I could tell that this took a lot of energy. That to force her eyes to stay open that long took everything in her.

"I want you to leave" he whispered. It was evident who he was speaking to. "I want you to leave and never come back, I want you to never bother us or our kids ever again" he clutched at Olivia's hand like her words filled with he strength that he suddenly seemed to lack.

She hurried off of the floor holding her, presumably, crushed larynx tightly. "You will rue this day" she wheezed before disappeared out of the door.

I opened my mouth to say something but before I did he spoke: "I don't know how you're alive, but I truly don't care. You've put her through hell—both of you deserve a full plate of what she's had. But she woke up, and I'm pretty sure she's alive right now because of you" he huffed. "So thank you, but you and your sister have about seventy seconds to get away. I've already called the police, and hospitals" he paused meeting my frightened eyes. "They're flooded with em" he smiled before turning back to her.

"I helped her, I just saved her life! Please, just give me more time"

"If you think critically, we're two stories up, the window over there" he looked behind him. "It surrounded by trees and bushes also it opens. Going that way would earn you probably a hour or so, granted they'd still be searching the hospital and the premises. so you'd have more than enough time to get yourself back in hiding, but talking to me... you've wasted about twenty seconds of your time"


He is my best friend, well was. He did save Olivia, regardless of how many times he's tried to kill her, he saved her life. In the moment I couldn't have been more grateful, but he still tired to harm her. He betrayed, lied, and stole from me. And in my book, that will never, ever be forgiven.

A sense of relief washed over his face as I helped him. He thanked me before going to the widow and pushing himself off. Gone.

End of Chapter

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