"You can't keep that girl forever Harry!"
"Desmond wants her" Nina hissed. "He always gets what he wants"
"She's mine"
"Those kids will pay for what you did to me" Lucas laughed crazily.
Fear courses through my veins like nicotine. Slowly but surely poisoning me till I was no more.
They all circled me like vultures. Keeping an intense watch on their prey. Circling something unmovable, something dead.
"If she's no use to you" Desmond chuckled as he appeared out of the darkness. "Then she's no use to me"
"What does that mean?" I shouted after him. He started to disappear back into the shadows slowly.
I was wrecked with pain but with all the might in my body I pulled myself off of the cold ground. I ran after him but tripped over something.
A snap sounded while I fell and a stabbing pain. I looked down at it but an object in front of me caught my eye. It was a body. Everything I knew was telling me to go away from it but something drew me in closer. Like it was meant. I climbed to the body and was stricken with fear when there was more than one. My body started to crumble as I recognized the women.
They're bodies were all frozen, like silhouettes in the light.
Gemma, Olivia, my mom. My mom was hugging Gemma as they both appeared broken by horror. Olivia, my poor sweet Olivia, she was cradling both Natasha and James. Her eyes were clenched shut as she held our children close to her.
I could practically hear her voice cooing to them. "Shhh it'll be alright, we'll be alright. In the morning we'll be fine". I could practically hear her trying to convince herself of the statement rather than our children.
"Soon" his voice sounded. "So very soon, you'll see what it's like to lose everything"
I jolted out of my dream in a panic. My chest heaved as I wiped at the sweat on my chest. I rolled over and looked at the clock. Although my vision was was blurred I could tell that it read 3:21 A.M., which was way to early for me.
I groaned and turned over in bed. My body tensed when I felt bodies beside me. Olivia, James and Nat we're in the bed and cuddled up to me.
I had gotten so used to being alone at night that I forgot them. But seeing them like that was nearly an exact replica of the dream.
I wrapped my arms around nat and pulled her into my chest. Her soft hair dangled down into my neck. She smelled like Olivia, she looked like a Olivia, and but in the slightest way she talked like me. it was a sight and sound I would never get used to.
I pressed a kiss to her temple; in turn she reached her hand up and cupped my face. Her small hand rested there while she slept. A sight I could and would never get used to.
I was awaken by James trying to sneak out of bed with Nat. It was a habit they had. Since I slept long sometimes they'd get out of bed and play.
"Good morning" I spoke turning my head to the children that were halfway to the door. "Now where are you two going?"
"We're bored"
"You wanna cook for Daddy?" They both nodded quickly and waited for me as I slid out of bed. I put on a robe and headed down the steps with them.
Cooking was filled with laughs, kisses, and the two of them sneakily eating the strawberries I had cut up.
"Do you two wanna go get daddy or do you wanna find something to watch in tv?" Knowing my children they choose the second. They ran into the living room, finding the remote easily and scrolled through the channels.
I walked back up the steps and stopped in the door way to watch Harry sleep for a minute. He looked so peaceful— so innocent. I walked over to the bed and wiggled myself up into his arms.
He groaned and his eyes fluttered open before he sighed and tightened his arms around me.
"Good morning, my love" I smiled.
"Morning" he gave a small smirk with closed eyes before kissing my lips. "What time is it?"
"It is currently" I dragged on while I peered my head up to glance at the time. "10" he nodded before nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.
"You smell like flour" he chuckled. "Were you cooking?"
"Yep, the kids and I wanted too" I kissed the tip of his nose.
"I don't know how you managed to do that, there are absolutely no groceries"
"I have that app that delivers things" I said as I grabbed his arm pulling him from the bed.
He allowed his body to go limp as we both fell back to the bed.
"I wanna fuck" he smirked.
"No" I whined as I straddled him. His smooth skin in between my legs felt desirable as I looked down at him. "I was in the kitchen slaving away over a hot stove with two messy children who nearly ate all the strawberries"
"Fine" he rolled his eyes and picked me up. His firm hands were under my thighs holding me securely. He leaned me against the wall and kissed my lips roughly. "But when the kids are dropped at school, you're gonna be screaming my name" he leaned his head in near my ear and whispered lowly. "As you cum over and over and over again"
My chest heaved as one of his hands slowly crept up to my back. He traced small designs on my skin and kissed below my jaw softly.
"I'm gonna show you how no one can fuck you better than me"
End of Chapter

Fifty Shades of Styles (3 book series)
Fanfic"Say my name," he whispered on the top of my lips while digging his fingers into my hips as he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Harry," I uttered. "You and I both know. That. Is. Not. My name," he said between the kisses that he...