Chapter Twenty

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*Olivia's POV

The sky darkened as the small droplets of rain started to bounce off the window. I'm officially engaged. Well let's hope so. Let's hope it would click in his mind.

"Sir take a left" I instructed the driver. He shifted uncomfortably and fixed his hat in his head. The driver did so and dropped my off at my mothers house. "Thank you sir" I said as I tossed the money in the front seat.

"No problem love" he drove off leaving me in a could of dust standing in front of a demon I call mother.

Harry😋💓: Where are you?

Harry😋💓: Please come home

Harry😋💓: I'm sorry baby


Me: Harry stop

Harry😋💓: No, where are you? We need to talk

Me: About...

Harry😋💓: Us...

Me: What about "us"...

My phone vibrated one last time but time was not given before she barged out of the house.

"Olivia where in the hell have you been?"

"With my fiancé mother" I said underneath my breath while rolled my eyes and tried to take a peak or Harry's text.

"Fiancé? You're engaged?" She screamed. Kate walked out as well with Sofia following shirt behind her.

"Chica!" She said excitedly as she seen me. She ran to me and hugged me tightly nearly knocking me down. I lost my balance and we both fell to the ground laughing. "Oh, god I miss you"

"I miss you too soso" she stood quickly helping me up as well. Mother looked at me with furious eyes.

"Kate she's engaged" she spat with disgust.

"You know what, I also have my memory back. I wonder what correlation it has with being away from you" I shook my head and back away from her. Sofia sided with me.

"I can't believe you kept her from me Kate" Sofia whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"Kate told me you were dead. I was depressed lost my home, job, car. She let me believe that you had been dead for months" her face saddened.

"Kate is this true" she opened her mouth then shut it. "I'm leaving, Sofia you're coming with me"

"You're not leaving again" Kate protested.

"Watch me" I said as I walked back towards the neighbors house.

I knocked on their door lightly and to my surprise he opened right up. "Ian, hi"

"Holy shit" he laughed taking me in his arms. "Where in the hell have you been girl, you know how long it's been since I've seen my best friend" he shook his head with a goofy smile. "What's up with this death hoax about you?"

"I'll explain later, Ian this is Sofia. Someone who's the closest thing I have to a sister and Sofia this is Ian. My actual brother and best friend"

"Come in" he gestured. "This weather ain't playing games" we walked in and Sofia gazed at the decor and the scattered pictures of him and I and his boyfriend.

"Where's Matt?" He rolled his eyes in an instant.

"At a job interview he should be home in a few hours" he smiled and guided us to the kitchen. "I was just about to cook, do either one of you want food?" Sofia shook her head graciously and sat down. I walked over to his fridge and pulled out some strawberry yogurt that I knew would be there. I handed an spook and the yogurt to Sofia.

"I said I wasn't hungry" she held the items cluelessly.

"Yeah, but yogurts our favorite. Especially strawberry" she looked at me with a small smile before shrugging and digging in.

"So sis, why ya here? You never come around any more?" I saw his face sadden a bit. I missed my brother. My best friend. The last person who understood the things I did. The last person who excepted me. That was until Sofia came along. Till Kate came along. Till I met harry.

"A couple months ago; I fell in love. A love that damn near killed me" I reminisced in the feeling of horror, the panic, the rising sensations that always managed to resurface at the wrong time. "Anyways. I lost my memory. I seen Harry again, left with him mom was pissed. I came back moms still pissed said some words I don't regret and here we are. Needing a ride to my fiancée" and at those words I looked at my phone and saw ten messages illuminating my screen.

Harry😋💓: Hellloooo...
Harry😋💓: Why won't my FIANCÉE ANSWER ME.
Harry😋💓: I will make you regret this.
Harry😋💓: 1 image.

I opened the picture to see an enlarged photo of his dick on my phone. I quickly hid it on the counter. I tried to his my blushing face but it was too late for that. I looked back at the screen to see it still there rapidly turning me on.

Harry😋💓: Come home now, I need you.
Harry😋💓: My dick needs some lovin
Harry😋💓: I will take you to the red room as soon as you get here.
Harry😋💓: Babyyyyy
Harry: I'm drinking now, I give up.
Harry😋💓: But tonight... you'll feel my pain😈

I could tell my face was bright red now. I was shaking my leg intensely to suppress what ever pressure that was rising in my lower abdomen.

"I need to get home now. Can you take us there?" I asked with wide eyes. He nodded curiously but shook it off.

In under an hour I was crossing the Was lthreshold into my new home. It had ways been my home but now it's official. I'll be living here soon. Well more than I already do I guess.

It was pretty late so Ian savages the night. I showed Sofia to the guest room and noticed how quiet the house had been. Everyone was either sleeping or in the room quietly. I walked up the stairs expecting to see Harry sprawled out on the the bed. But empty was all my eyes registered. No shirtless Harry. No sobering Harry. Nothing. I checked the empty rooms, the kitchen, his office, the grand room. Everywhere except... the red room. I stalked up the steps; my shoes tapping the floor lightly.

I knocked twice no answer. The third time; the door flung open. I walked into the darkness that engulfed the room. The faint aroma of Harry's dark perfume clouded me. I went to switch the light and his dark voice answered my motions.

"Don't" his voice was raspy and seductive. "Strip" he commanded. I felt my heart thump as my core throbbed. "Now" I did as he said with swift movements. "Knees" another order followed. "Look at me" he softly lifted my chin to face his dark eyes. My hands sweated as the rested on my thighs. "You'll feel my pain" he whispered.

I could smell the alcohol off his breathe. He sweeper my up and placed me on my feet in front of some machinery. He grabbed my hands and restrained them as well as my legs and feet. His silhouette disappeared into the darkness further than my eyes could see in it. He returned with a blindfold. He wrapped it over my eyes taking away my sight.

"You left me around five and you're just now coming home" he spoke roughly. "It's two in the morning, Olivia. That's nine hits"

"What" he cut me off with a leather belt to my skin. It left a stinging sensation as he pulled it away from my butt.

"Count or I won't stop" he did it again harder marking my eyes clench shut at the pain.

"One" again. "Two" again. "Three" I could feel the pain intensify while I counted. Tears slipped from my eyes as I tried to contain my sobs. "Seven" I Let a sob escape. And he stopped.

"Does this hurt?" I stayed quiet trying to control my cries. "Answer me!" He raised his voice slapping the leather in my skin again.

"Yes" I sobbed. I let them escape me and echo in the darkness that surrounded us.

He released me with out a word. I scurried about collecting my clothes with tears still dripping from my eyes. I sniffles as I cowered out of the room   Leaving him and I all alone. With out each other. All alone.

End of Chapter

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