The water stung as it cleaned the wounds of earlier. The scars on my stomach, the gash in my head. The blood dripping down my neck. All washed away. I hurt Olivia, I put her in this position, her baby's dead because of me. Both of my brothers. Despite the fact that I took one out but still. They were family. All because I was hell bent on ruining Harry's life. He demoted me; replaced me with the one man I hated; ruined my mother's life; destroyed my dads career. So I was set out to ruin his life. Take out the one thing he wanted the most. And that...that was Olivia.
I tried to be heartless. But the more I watched her, the more I felt my start to beat again. The more I felt that revenge slip out of my veins. I'll never forget that look in her face when I told her I would never hurt her again. That look of trust. That look of relaxation. The way she let me hold her. I will never forget.
I need her to accept me. I need her to trust me. I need her to love me. I need to change myself. Completely. Not just for her but for myself. That old me was happy. That old me wasn't devoured by revenge and enclosed in solitude. I was social not brooding. My eyes were filled with the light of goodness—not the shadow of hate. I need to change.
"Sh-she's what?"
"She was pregnant" he repeated. Was?
"Was? What do you mean was Bryce?"
"There is no longer a human growing inside of her!" He raised his voice a little louder.
"Is she gonna live?" Tears nicked at the brim of my eyes and my chest tightened.
"She will. But my worry is her reaction when she wakes up" he paused taking her hand. "She always wanted to be a mother, she was just afraid she wouldn't be a good one. So what will she do when she finds out her biggest dream is dead" he looked at her frightened. Even I felt a twinge I'd fear in my heart.
I have never seen Olivia truly angry; I don't think anyone has. A week ago wasn't anger, that was hurt. But this, who ever did this, is about to experience true rage.
Her finger twitched and I jumped slightly as I seen the reaction. She face scrunched up and the she coughed. It sounded deep and painful. And no matter the pain she was in. I was happy she was still breathing. Her eyes fluttered open just as Shawn entered the room.
She tried to sit up but the pain was to much.
"You need to rest" I urged her going to the floor.
"I need to" she paused and her hand went down to her stomach. "Bryce can I speak"
He quickly cut her off. "We already know. You were pregnant" she nodded then something hit her. That were.
"No, no, no, no" he face scrunched up again as she sobbed. "My baby" she sobbed again. She covered her face with her hands which made her sob muffled.
"It's gonna be okay" I whispered to her as I let a tear slip.
"Bryce" she spoke softly. "I need you to get this bullet out of me" she gripped his arm firmly and spoke strict. "Now"
"This is gonna hurt" and as he dug the clamp into her she screamed between gritted teeth. As it was the bullet were out she let a loud sigh. "Better?"
"Better" Her eyes slowly started to flutter close.
"Is she okay?" Shawn asked from the furthest wall in the room.
"She's fine. Heart broken; but fine. For now at least" I quickly responded then kissed Olivia's forehead.
"I know you have something to do with this young man" Derek spoke up. "Tell me what the hell happened?" He demanded.
"I-i" he looked down and cleared his throat.
"Derek I'll have him explain to me later. But right now you need to leave. Go take care of Shannon" I urged him. He gave Shawn one last look before collecting his jacket and keys and going out the door.
"Thank you" Shawn breathed returning to Olivia's side.
"Did you know she was pregnant?" I asked abruptly dying to know the answer.
"No, not until I saw how worried she was about her stomach. Even that day at the café: she was worried about you, holding you, caring for you. But that whole time her hand remained on her stomach"
"That's why you couldn't move. That's why you we're staring" I tired to put the pieces together but some of them just wouldn't fit. Something didn't make since.
"I can't hurt a pregnant woman, I promised my mother that before she died. I would never hurt a pregnant woman" he was looking down at the wound that penetrated Olivia's stomach. "I promised"
"Then who did this?" Bryce demanded.
"My sister, Kate Mendes. She killed my brother; Kai. Granted I killed Aaron but he was irrelevant to this situation. Kai was only eighteen he didn't deserve to die" his face was completely saddened and I could see a glimpse of that shatteredness that made him the frightful creature he was. And that...that hurt. "I failed at being the brother I told Kai I would always be. I failed to protect him against to one thing that I could've stopped" tears we rolling down his face. One of them dropped down and landed on Olivia's shoulder. She stirred a bit before going back to her peaceful state.
"You may have let your brother down—but today you made Olivia proud" I offered. "Today you saved her life. There wasn't anything you could do to save that baby; my baby. There was nothing..." I stared off as memories began to collect and come to mind. The questions she asked the way she acted. "There was nothing you could do" my eyes stung. My whole body tensed. I let my kid die. This signs were right in front of my face; everything was right there in my face. And I couldn't even see it.
"Harry it wasn't your fault" Bryce put a firm hand to my shoulder. Trying to comfort me; to console me.
"I-I didn't see it. I told her I knew her better than anyone—bu-but I didn't see it. I wanted to marry her cause she was my other half, but I couldn't see it. She asked me if I wanted kids, I told her no. She asked if I cared about family, I told her I love what I have now, nothing more and nothing less"
"That wasn't your fault" Bryce paused. By this time all of us were seated around Olivia. "Even if you didn't say all that. Even if you did tell her you wanted kids, you couldn't have stopped Kate. It was not your fault Harry. It was not our fault" he said like he was not only trying to convince me but himself as well. "It was never our fault, well maybe yours a little" he joked. "But just a tad".
The thick air around us being to thin out. We all relaxed against the couch as the sounds of the tv replaced our voices. I held Olivia's hand in mine tightly. Bryce caressed her arm and Shawn rubbed her hair gently. All of us being careful of our movements making sure not to wake her.
"We love you" I whispered pressing a small kiss to her head. "We always will"
End of Chapter

Fifty Shades of Styles (3 book series)
Fanfiction"Say my name," he whispered on the top of my lips while digging his fingers into my hips as he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Harry," I uttered. "You and I both know. That. Is. Not. My name," he said between the kisses that he...