I turn to Harry whose still on the ground. He's gazing up at me with tears in his eyes.
"Don't" he cut me off trying his best to get off the ground.
"Let me help you"
"No, you must have little faith in me. Thinking I would let myself get beaten by that bastard" he touched his lip. He had a small cut in it and the blood was dribbling down his chin. He gave up trying to get up all together and just sat there. The marks on his face started to bruise. He gave me a pained look as I reached for him.
"Harry, let her help you" Bryce urged before turning to go upstairs again.
"Harry, please" I held out my hand and he grabbed it reluctantly. I pulled him up and he stood in front of me looking down.
"Do you have feelings for him?" He looked like he was about to crumble before me.
"See that's the thing" he looked at the floor. "I wanna believe you—I truly do. But you lied to me, so do you even deserve my trust?" The tears were rolling down his cheeks. One of them seeped into his cut. He hissed as he wiped his face.
"Please let me help you" he rolled his eyes and limped over to the couch. I got a bowl of water and a wash cloth and sat in front of him. I dipped the cloth in the water and softly brushed it over his cuts. I cleaned the blood off his face and then took cleaning alcohol and applied it to the cuts.
"Ow" he looked at me as I put the alcohol to one of the cuts. "You could've warned me"
"Sorry" I said softly and continued to do the others. "All done"
"Thank you" he gave a small smile.
"I'm sorry. And you have every single right to be mad at me but please"
"Please what? Please forgive you?" He quipped. "Please give you another chance?" He looked at me dazed. "I love you and I want you to be mine and mine alone. And there's only one way to do that"
"Tell me what to do and I'll do it. Please" I could feel the tears start to flood my eyes as I reached for his hand. He hesitated for a second before grabbing it. A wave of relief washed over me at the sudden contact of his skin.
"Marry me, now" he looked hopeful. As if there was a chance for us to be happy. "No family, no friends, just us. Vows off the top of our heads, messy and bruised. Let's do it. Marry me"
I opened my mouth to say something but no words could come out. He closed his eyes and let a tear slip. I took that moment to put my lips on his. Light and feathered, like a paint brush against a canvas. "Yes" I smiled pulling away.
An hour later we were ready standing in the nearest church. Bare faced, messy dressed, but ready. Harry bruised and beaten but here we stood. About to get married. Hand in hand looking deeply into each other's eyes.
We asked the preacher if we could skip to the vows. Harry tricked me into letting him go first.
"Wow" he exhaled with a laugh. "There's absolutely no one here and I'm still nervous, you look amazing by the way" I thought I looked horrible. Pale faced and bruised. "Olivia Violet Shaw, from the day I seen you in my office you took my breath away. It may sound cliche but every time I look at you I feel that. Even the day you came back to me, all the air in my lungs was taken and replaced with fresher air. My heart began to beat again. I will never be able to explain how happy and loved you make me feel. No matter the, excuse my language, shit we've been through. I promise to love and hold you. To never mistreat you and to always put your happiness and security first. I won't promise to keep you safe at all times because I've already failed that. But I promise you that you will never go through anything alone. I will always be by your side— cheering you on in all things you do. Always standing on team Livy. Because you are my world Olivia. I will love you through rising of the sun to the setting of the same. You are mine and I am yours. Forever and always" he let out shakily. He was on the verge of tears and I was already crying. "Your turn".

Fifty Shades of Styles (3 book series)
Fanfiction"Say my name," he whispered on the top of my lips while digging his fingers into my hips as he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Harry," I uttered. "You and I both know. That. Is. Not. My name," he said between the kisses that he...