Chapter Twenty-Two

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A loud thud rang through the house as I engulfed Olivia in my arms. A ding from the elevator and then silence.

"What was that?"Her voice sounded scared as she pulled me closer to her.

"I don't know, should I go look?"

"If you go, I go" she rolled across the bed and grabbed her bat. "Used to be the best player remember" she smiled and cocked her head to the side. I chuckled and reached down under my bed. I grabbed the gun and put it in the band behind my back. "Harry, Why do you..." The sound happened again only louder.

"Let's go" I opened the door and crept out with Olivia short behind me. "Careful" I whispered to her. I reached my hand back and held hers in mine tightly. We got down to the living room and I stopped in my tracks.

Pictures, walls and walls full of taped pictures. Not just any pictures but ones of Olivia and I. In everything we were doing. Shopping, eating, driving, leaving, crying, holding each other. Sex. The tv randomly cut on and a video started playing. A raspy voice spoke up.

"Now you know this was never over" It sounded loud as it echoed throughout the rooms. Then videos of me on top of Olivia showed. Her soft moans. It filled the air. Panic started to rise in me. "I see you" plastered itself on the tv after the short clip showed.

"Oh my god" I whimpered.

"Harry" she whispered. "What is this?" I turned to her and she held a picture of Nadia and I. "This isn't recent?" I instantly shook my head no. I walked over to her and grabbed her face pressing my lips to hers harshly.

"That was months ago" I whispered. "Before I got you back" I kissed her forehead then pressed mine to hers. "I love you to much to ever do that to you" she looked at me with sober eyes before turned back to the madness that surrounded us.

"What are we gonna do about this?" She asked tearing some of the papers off the wall. She continued to do so until there were not many up.

A ding made my heart freeze; I snapped towards the elevator. A man was standing in it waiting for the doors to close. He looked up at me with a shadowed face and pale eyes. He smirked before the doors shut. My mind registered who it was and before the doors she completely I took out the gun and aimed.

"Harry, NO!" She screamed pushing my arm just as I pulled the trigger. The doors shut while Shawn still had a disgusting smirk over his face.

"Why'd you stop me! " The gun was still held firmly in my hand. "Why'd you do that!"

"Why did you want to do it?" She questioned backing from me slightly.

"Do you not remember all the shit he's put you through? All the pain we've suffered at his hands? How much we've cried because he never left us alone? I could've ended this, this could've been over Olivia"

"I'm so-" I cut her off and neared her.

"Get it through your head. He's only gonna keep coming and coming! I have end this! It's fucking stupid, Olivia.This whole thing is fucking stupid!"

"STOP SCREAMING AT ME SHAWN!" She clenched her eyes shut as if a wave of memories crashed into her. A soft tear slipped. Her face paled her eyes shadowed. The lowest I've ever felt in my life was this moment. She called me Shawn. She didn't get all of her memories; only some. The ones of Shawn were blocked out...until now.

"I do everything to please you" her eyes were still shut. "I try and I try. Please Shawn just be happy" tears slipped off her cheeks as she reddened. She got on her knees. Her palms were flat on her thighs and she clenched her eyes tighter. "Do with me as you please"

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