She sat in front of my desk eating peacefully without a care in the world. I couldn't help but admire everything about her again: the way her lips curve into that goofily seductive smile, the way her hair is swooped back perfectly into ponytail, the way she effortlessly shines while simply sitting away from the sun. She's perfect. I cocked my head to the side while a small smile played on my face. She looked so innocent, untouched. But what I've grown addicted to is far to much for her.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked with an authoritative voice after putting her burger down. "Is there something on my face?"
I furrowed my eyebrows with parted lips. "Yes" I smiled.
"Did I get it?" She asked after wiping her face numerous times.
"Now?" She asked again after repeating the motions.
"Jeez Harry, get it off then" I reached across the desk slowly keep eye contact with her. I caressed her cheek smoothly and smirked. Her luscious lips parted as she licked her lips.
"Got it" He leaned in a little further till his breath fanned my face. I closed my eyes and sniffed softly.
"What?" He backed away.
"Are you drunk?" I pulled away completely. He looked at me flabbergasted
"I asked, are you drunk?" I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up. "I honestly hate when people get drunk" I stood and took slow strides towards him. "It's unsettling" I stopped directly in front of him. "Why were you drinking?"
"Because I-I" he cleared his throat and loosened his tie. "I do it to cope, or was doing it to cope"
I rolled my eyes and grabbed his tie pulling him to me gently. "If we're to be something, drinking to 'cope' is going to stop. Got it?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Good" I released his tie and walked back to my seat and sat down finishing my burger.
Hours later he finished his paper work and called his driver. It was astounding how much power he had. All the buildings, the money, the people; all under his control.
"Ugh, god" he groaned from the seat beside me in the car. "I completely forgot"
"Forgot what?"
"My family's in town" he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Do I need to go home?"
"No, if anyone's leaving it's them. Right now the most important thing on my agenda is making you remember me and what we had"
"Let them stay then, I'd love to meet them" I batted my lashes and smiled.
"Alright that's fine by me" he shrugged and put his hand on my thigh letting it rest there. His index finger traced tiny designs on my skin. The sensation sent a familiar shock of waves through me. One that I both have and haven't felt before. Strange.
Not to long after we arrived in front of a building with a beach behind it.
"Styles and Co" I read aloud. "I've been here before"
"You have, twice. Once with me and the other by accident" he chuckled. "That was a long week"
"Huh, cool" he led me inside and I was instantly shook by the interior. My eyes widened and lips gaped in awe of the grey, black, and gold colors that were scattered about. It was utterly beautiful.
He took inside an elevator that played upbeat music and as soon as the doors closed he let out a loud sigh and began to tap his foot.
"What's wrong? Nervous about me meeting your parents?" I questioned with a smile.
"That and something else" he smirked.
"Right now I'd be kissing you or better" his face reddened in embarrassment. He shook it off and ran his fingers through his hair.
My chest heaved as I thought about how to respond. "Who said you couldn't?"
He paused for a moment and looked at the buttons. And in one swift movement he picked me up and pushed me against the wall. He attacked my lips with such a passion and longing. I wrapped my legs around his torso and placed my hands on the base of his neck playing with the tiny curls that rested there.
Heat radiated through our bodies as our lips moved in sync. He slowly slid down the zipped that was on the front of my shirt. One of his hands rested on my hip while he moved the other to my butt. And in this moment with Harry, I truly felt normal.
But I released my hands from his neck as a small ding rang through the air. He dropped my softly and stepped in front of me. I zipped my shirt with haste and start and straightened my pants.
"Harry Edward Styles, where in the literal heck have you been?" A woman asked. She looked not to older than Harry but a lot smaller.
"I've been out" he responded with sass. He slipped his hand in mine and walked out slowly. I grabbed his arm with my free hand and followed shortly after.
"Harry, who is she?" An older woman with dark hair asked as she eyed me from the corner.
"Omg, OLIVIA" the other girl screamed as she ran towards me. I let go of Harry's hand and stumbled back in panic.
"Who are you? Have we met before?"
"I'm Harry's sister, Gemma. And yes we've met, Do you not remember me?"
"No..." I whispered.
"Well I remember you, because it's all that drunken Harry could talk about for months and that's when he accidentally told me you were dead"
"Oh yeah, she was just in a coma, she woke up with amnesia I guess" Harry spoke up nonchalantly and put some distance between Gemma and I. He grabbed my hand again. "Mom, dad, this is Olivia. She's my...uhh"
"Girlfriend, I'm his girlfriend" I smiled to them sweetly. I held my hand for his mom to shake, she grabbed it and pulled me into her. She welcomed me with a huge bear hug.
"Ohhh, it's nice to meet you Olivia. It's been so long since Harry brought a women to meet us"
"Not for me, one of his booty calls were just here last night" Gemma remarked. But quickly her eyes widened and lips shut. "Oops"
"Yeah, oops" he rolled his eyes.
"Are you cheating? You better not be!" His dad protested.
"It's an honor to meet you mister and misses styles" I spoke swiftly changing the subject.
"Twist" Gemma coughed.
"I mean mister and misses twist" I corrected while fixing my posture. Harry walked over it me and placed a small kiss on my head and whispered.
"You're a lifesaver and that's my stepdad" I nodded at his words.
"No sweetheart the pleasure is all ours, call me Anne and him Robin" they stepped towards each other and Harry's stepdad wrapped his arm around her.
"Okay, so now that Hazza is here. What's for dinner?"
End of chapter

Fifty Shades of Styles (3 book series)
Fanfiction"Say my name," he whispered on the top of my lips while digging his fingers into my hips as he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Harry," I uttered. "You and I both know. That. Is. Not. My name," he said between the kisses that he...