"Say my name," he whispered on the top of my lips while digging his fingers into my hips as he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso.
"Harry," I uttered.
"You and I both know. That. Is. Not. My name," he said between the kisses that he...
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She at her desk cross legged flipping through papers. Her boobs were prominent and clearly visible as she switched stacks.
I moved my chair closer to her desk to hide my sudden hardness.
"Okay, so what did you want?" She asked stopping for a second I look up at me.
"Umm, while you were in the coma I was working to get my businesses back. I managed to snag a few of them, including the now small Styles and Co., but the office and the hotel were taken on by two different people. The CEO of Styles and Co. was more than happy to hand my success back, but the CEO of the hotel won't cave towards me— but if we become business partners my offer will become more persuasive"
"Okay, I trust you with business. So if we become partners, business and relations don't mix. We must keep them as far away from our business as possible" she asked with serious eyes. "Do you understand?" I nodded somberly clutching at my dick.
I've never been so aroused my a woman taking charge. She was utterly beautiful and breathtakingly sexy.
"Okay, now moving onto the next topic" she spoke firmly while putting her papers on the desk. "I've tried to divorce you twice and each were unsuccessful. The first you burned and the second went through but here we are wanting to try again" she huffed in disbelief. "If we do this time, we're gonna date. We're not gonna do this like the first time, we're gonna go slow—one step at a time" she smiled.
"So I guess asking you to move in again is out?" She nodded with a laugh. "Okay, slow" I nodded coolly. "I can do slow"
"Okay" she smiled.
"But I'm paying for anywhere that you stay"
She shook her head standing. She strided slowly over to me. "Sweetie..." she chuckled. "I'm richer than you now, I don't need you to pay for anything" she cocked her head to the side.
"I suppose so" I took her into my lap. "But I'll be up there with you soon" I smirked.
She smiled leaning into me and running her fingers through my fake dyed hair.
"You make a pretty ginger" she whispered.
"I love you" I blurted tightening my arms. "And I'm so sorry for everything, and I know this is my fault and no ones fault but mine but god is my witness..." I took her hand in mine. "I didn't get that woman pregnant"
She looked at me with wide edges before trying to slide out my lap.
"No" I fought against her pulling her back.
"Let me go" she said forcefully and I did as she said. "I wanna believe you, with my whole heart, I wanna believe you, Harry. But your a liar" she accused. "Your deceitful, your dishonest, and most of all..." that pause signifies that she was gonna day something she regretted.
"Don't" I clenched my jaw looking away from her hardened gaze. "I don't wanna lose you, I've done that to many times. Wether you believe me or not, I know what happened and I know that I love you"
She looked at me before sighing. "I'm sorry" she murmured to herself.
"For?" And then my head was snapped to the side painfully, a stinging sensation embedded into my cheek.
"Holy fucking shit, that hurt" she cried clutching her hand. Her eyes filled with tears as she jumped around.
"How do you think I feel?" I remarked touching my cheeks tenderness only to feel like it gets worse every time it's touched. "Let me see"
I managed to grab her arm gently and stop her jumping but that didn't prevent her from moving her legs violently.
"Stop moving"
"It hurts" she cried into my shoulder.
"You shouldn't have slapped the literal fuck outta me"
I looked at her hand realizing that her pinky was dislocated. How'd I manage to piss her off so bad that she slapped me with the force that dislocated her pinky?
"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" She whined.
"Nothing, where does it hurt?" I asked to distract her. She went on for a minute before I popped it back.
"OH MY..." she screamed before quieting.
"Does that feel better? Are you okay?"
"If I could slap you again... I would" she looked back up at me red faced and tear brimmed eyes.
"I have wrap in my bag" I walked over to it and pulled it out.
I slowly wrapped it around her hand. I could feel her eyes on my face as I placed every inch strategically.
She took a deep breath before stilling my heart: "I love you too"