Chapter Seven

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She's hurt. She's scared. She's worried. She's broken. He did this to her. Three days. Three days he's had her. I've been without her for four days. I haven't seen her in three days. Three days. He took my angel away. He did this. My phone snapped me out of my thoughts I saw Kate's caller I'd pop up before quickly declining it.

I couldn't process what was happening. I'm laying in my bed three empty bottles of whiskey scattered around me and a bottle of freshly opened bourbon in my hand. I sat up quickly thinking of ideas of where he might've taken her. My brain flooded then emptied. I sat there. Alone. She's helpless. I can't do anything.

I looked out the window from the edge of my bed watching the sun drip liquid gold into the sea. It was the same flecks of gold I would see in her eyes. That fleck of hope, Love, freedom.

My phone shook me from my thoughts. It was Kate's ID again. She's called me probably six times, ugh this girl is relentless.

"What?" I answered sharply.

"Has anyone told you anything?" I felt a sharp ping in my heart as I soaked in the desperation from her voice. She was as clueless as I was. She took my silence as an answer and sobbed into the phone. "Do you think they'll find her?"

"I have to hope so, cause giving up means losing her." I brought the bottle back up to my lips after my sentence. I basked in the feeling as the burning liquid washed down.

"Ok," then the line clicked and all I heard was silence. And it killed me to not hear the soft patter of her small feet against my floor. It damn near killed me to not feel the bed dip down beside me and feel her small frame cuddle into me as we fit together like the perfect puzzle. At this moment, I'm damn near dead without her. I want Olivia. I miss Olivia.


My eyes fluttered as I felt the wind surpass my face. The hair on the base of my neck tickled me slightly as the wind moved them. I heard the crashing of waves and the scent of freedom filled my lungs. I felt the smooth heat of the sunshine on my skin.

"Wake up," the person kicked me in the stomach and all of the peace I felt fled me. He yanked me up by my hair commanding me to stand and my eyes shot open. "Rise and shine little bird," Shawn.

"Will you stop? She's clearly in pain," the voice screamed. It was the guy who drugged me.

Shawn pushed me against something hard giving me something to steady myself as the pain in my leg resurfaced.

"I fixed your leg," I looked up at the man who drugged me. He had a rugged type of look. His eyes were crystal blue.

"Where are we?" I whimpered out. Shawn turned and pushed himself up on me.

"The little one speaks," he bit his lip in a manner to look seductively sexy but he came across as the creep who kidnaped, drugged, abused and just about raped me.

"Get off me," I forced the words out as I clenched my teeth together. His eyes widened and he stepped back with his hands up in the air like I held him at gunpoint. And at this rate, I wish I was holding him at gunpoint.

"Confidence, I like it," he winked at me before walking away.

"Who are you?" I asked the man who sat in the corner of the tent. "Answer me".

"I'm Kai," he looked up at me and his ice blue eyes sent chills through my body. "Here put these on," he stood up and handed me some clothes.

I looked down at myself, I didn't recognize this body. All scratched up, bruises, beaten. I'm weak. I've never been weak. I'm a fighter, or at least I was. My clothes were ripped and my skin underneath it was scratched and reddish. I looked down at my leg, which was wrapped tightly. Underneath it was a broken tibia or fibula. Pain. I hate my life.

"I'm sorry we did this to you," he looked down at the ground while he leaned against the wooden bookshelf.

"You're sorry? Please, do me a favor and don't apologize for some shit you don't mean!" I rolled my eyes. "Where are we?"

"The beach," Shawn said upon reentering the tent. I glanced around until my eyes landed on a baseball bat in the corner. I limped over to it and sat in the chair that was beside it. I looked up to see a plastic widow type thing. I looked out of it to see a large building not too far away that read S.&.C. The words sounded familiar as I repeated them over and over. I took deep breaths while I wrapped my fingers around the baseball bat. I devised a plan in my head.

Step one: grab the bat.
Step two: hit Shawn.
Step three: hit Kai.
Step four: run like hell towards that damn building.

I didn't care if they had guns or could shoot me. But I knew neither one of them was willing to do that in public. I took one last deep breath before wrapping my fingers around the bar swinging it hitting Shawn right in the face.

"Son of a bitch," he yelled while falling to the ground. I swung at Kai who managed to catch the bat from my swing. I dropped the bat and sprinted out.

I was limping but I was making progress. The more I ran, the less pain I felt. I felt freedom the more I ran. That was until I tripped over a sand mound. I quickly popped back up. I glanced behind me. I saw two figures running after me and I didn't give myself enough time before I started sprinting again.

I ran up the stairs. I ran into the building. I ran into the elevator. It closed quickly. I pressed a random button and I allowed my breathing to catch up to me. I started thinking about what I would do now that I got this far. I wasn't expecting for the plan to work. The doors opened and I sprinted right into the first door that was open. I closed the door hard behind me, locked it and slid to the floor. I popped up and ran to the window and looked down to see Shawn and Kai standing in front of the building. I saw Shawn punch Kai before running further down. 

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. The sound of glass hitting the floor snapped me out of my relief state and made me turn around quickly eyeing the floor. It was a bottle of bourbon. The bottle was now scattered about with the liquid by the persons feet.

"Olivia," I heard the voice whimper as my eyes snapped up to their face. Harry.

End of Chapter

[A/N] 23-9-12-12

What'd you think? Huh? Unexpected or predictable?

Okay... so with the numbers, as you know or should know there are 26 letters in the alphabet. Obviously, we're using the American alphabet. But you take the number and you say the alphabet. So for example in the last chapter, it was 8-5. So the 8th letter in the alphabet is H and the 5th letter is E. So He. Do this chapter on your own. Or at least try it if you don't want to the answer is WILL.


Okay, I think I'm done...


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