Chapter Nine

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*Harry's POV

"He helped him". My world froze. Everything disappeared except Olivia. She was still breathing heavily, but it was different, more demanding, more meaningful, more broken.

"Help me" she cried. "Help me" she yelled reaching out. "Harry!"

"Harry" Olivia's voice was calm and worried. Her voice was real. I opened my eyes to see them looking at me intensely. I nodded not being able to speak.

I looked up at Kai with so much fury in my eyes. If looks could kill, I'd like to think Kai would be dead.

"You promised?" I clenched my fists. "Liv go upstairs"

"What, why?"

"Just Go. Upstairs. Now" I could feel my nails puncture my skin in the palm of my hands as they were tightened . I heard the fast patter of her feet up the stairs. And I lunged after him. "I'm gonna kill you" I yelled. I punched him in the nose and he fell to the floor. I got on top of him and held him up to me by his shirt.

"You lied to me" I screamed. I punched harder and harder. "You hurt her" I punched one last time and drew blood. I dropped him and watched him fall to the floor hardly.

He stood up slowly and ran after me. He punched my in my jaw and in my nose. In both places he drew blood. He pulled away and fell against the wall weakly.

I winced as I touched my cheek. "Harry!" She screeched and ran to my side. "Are you ok?"

I nodded and held my head up. "You're a piece of trash man"

"I'm sorry" he winced.

"Oh, go fück yourself" I walked over to the freezer and grabbed two bags of frozen peas. I threw one at him and kept one for myself. "You're lucky that you're my brother and that murder is illegal" he rolled his eyes and huffed slightly.

"Harry, please listen" he tried to stand but slid back down.

"No you listen. That one there" I turned towards Liv and pointed. "Is mine. She is mine to love, shield, care for, and to protect. You put her through hell"

"I DIDN'T KNOW" he screamed. A vein popped out the side of his neck as tears nicked at the brim of his eyes. "I didn't know you knew her or had any connection at all"

"But you still lied you douche. You told me you would never get back in that business yet here we are"

Seconds later, my entire life changed.

*Olivia's POV

He barged through the door abruptly. The stillness in the air entered me causing me to stiffen. Shawn.

He ran over to Harry and punched with so much force. I didn't have enough time to react before Shawn threw me to the floor hovering over me.

"You thought you could get away from me?" He grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me towards the door. I screamed at the pulling that seemed like it would never end. He gripped tighter and I felt the stitches on my side open. "I told you not to run" he yanked harder. "But you did, do you know what we do to naughty girls that run?" He pulled me up and threw me on the couch.

"I hate you" I spat between me teeth.

"Just you wait, you say you like Harry but that'll soon change" Harry groaned from the floor. I tried to go after him but Shawn restrained me. He forced his lips on mine. He pulled away and dug into his pocket pulling out a long tie. He tied my hands together and stuck them to a pole.

"Harry?" I called out. He was mumbling words, fumbling them out one after another. All I could make out was "I'm sorry" I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Harry baby please get up" he looked up at me. His eye was swollen and purplish. He was bruising. "Baby, please get up" he turned over to his stomach and slowly pushed himself up.

He tried to take a step and just about fell. He steadied himself before starting again.

"I'm fine, let me untie you" he limped closer to me.

"No" He looked at me for a moment and let a tear slip. "Go get Lisa she's still upstairs, Go Now!" I could see the heartbreak in his eyes. I made him choose another life over mine, because either way, I knew what my fate was. But Lisa did not deserve this she was a housekeeper and one with a family. His eyes widened but he knew that once he went up those steps he wouldn't see me again. We were over, I was gone. He backed up slowly before looking at me one last time.

"Go Harry, please"

"I love you" he choked back a sob. I nodded and let my tears fall. He turned and limped up the steps. "I honestly do., so I'm gonna run like hell to get Lisa. So I can come back"

"I love you too" I whispered back. But before he heard me he sprinted up the stairs and disappeared behind a wall.

"You'll never choose your own well being will you" Kai was still against the wall siting quietly. I had forgotten he was even there. "You'll always choose to keep him safe. You'll never be selfish"

"I'm not you, I wouldn't trade an opportunity of love for money" I rolled my eyes and fiddled with the tie. It was tied tightly and refused to budge.

"I sure as hell would" Shawn entered again speaking loudly. "Time to take you to the red room Darling. I'm sure that memory hasn't been burned yet" his smile was giddy and wicked. Something is truly wrong with this man. What's a red room?

He untied the tie and threw me over his shoulder. He raised his hand and hit my butt hardly. I winced at the stinging feeling that was growing.

"Nice tush" he giggled walking back out of the loft and to the stairwell. Before we walked in he turned harshly and let my head hit the wall. Everything blurred and went black.

Three Days Later...

I opened my eyes to red walls. I scanned the room quickly. I saw things I never thought I would see in person. I tired to move but something held me down. I thanked the heavens that my clothes were still in my body. I looked up to see Shawn.

He was shirtless. He had many scars covering his defined chest. Despite all the pain he put me through. He was attractive and sexy.

"Are you gonna kill me?" I spoke softly as I realized it was only me and him in the room.

"No" he chuckled. "I would never do that but I love taking things from Harry" he grabbed something off of the wall and walked back to me. "So" he paused right above my I'm just gonna have a bit of fun"

End of Chapter
Authors Note


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