B2: Chapter Twenty

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I've tried to ignore the growing pain in my heart. Oh, how devastated I was when I clicked on the news and saw the flames engulfing the abandoned warehouse. My mind instantly went to Harry, thinking that maybe he was inside the flames. But even if he was it was too late for him. The fire could show that with ease. There was no more Harry Styles, the only place where he now existed was in our minds.

I placed my feet in the cold pool water and continued taking large steps, dropping further and further. I ignore the cold shock to my body from the water willing myself to forget the flames I saw. Willing myself further and further into the water. I dropped down letting the water devour me like a sinking ship in the iciest of waters.

"I love you... Forever and always, Olivia"

I'm tired. I'm tired of trying not to see the flames; I'm tired of trying not to imagine his screams and the flames devour him; I'm tired of trying not to cry. I'm tired.

I want my husband back. I want Harry back in my arms. I want my children to have their father again. I want us to be a family again.

I allowed my body to float back up to the surface finally letting air have its way in my lungs. My hair cling to my face, I lazily swiped at it but it did nothing. So I sat there—hair over my closed eyes, ears filled with water.

Soon my mind was empty. All thoughts had scattered from my like fish. It was peaceful. Probably the most peace I've had in weeks, months even.

"Mommy?" I heard his small voice and opened my eyes to see Wes standing in his blue and gray swim trunks holding a towel. "Grandpa said it would be okay if I went swimming with you"

I smiled at him and gestures for him to put down his towel. He smiled, threw it to the side, and jumped in hastily. He swam quickly into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you mommy."

"I missed you too, my little lion," I laughed dunking him in the water carefully.

It's in these moments that I feel Harry with us. It is in these moments that I see Harry in Wes so strongly. It makes me want to fight another day. For some odd reason this was the comfort I never knew I needed.

Soon Nat and Jenna ran out in their bathing suits and jumped in. When their heads popped out of the water they whined about the coolness.

I smiled as they chased each other playing the games that Ian and I would as children. I reminisced on those simple days as the kids laughter grew louder and louder until it was echoing inside my head.

"Close your eyes and count to ten" I smiled as I blindfolded Ian. I remember this day perfectly. I was seven and Ian had just turned ten. We decided to celebrate in our giant pool in the backyard. Mom was away doing God knows what. Looking back now, dad probably sent her away that day. She probably got shitfaced and dad didn't want her toxicity to be around us in Ian's special day.

"...eight, nine, ten! Ready or not here I come," I heard his scream and knew that he was gonna be coming around that corner any second.

As soon as he did, everyone yelled out happy birthday. I'll never forget the happiness that spread over his face as he took in what was before him. Dad and I had invited all of his close friends from his summer camp and from school.

He had been so sad that year. With his gold fish dying, and mom always drinking. I felt like he needed a pick-me-up.

Those were better times. When nothing else mattered but my brother and dad. But now I've grown up. I've fallen in love. I can't worry about my brother anymore, instead I now worry about my children, my husband, my sanity. For the sake of God, he knows I lose more and more of my sanity each day that I'm without Harry. He was my rock, my strength—without him I am nothing. I don't need a man to survive, I know that; but I need Harry to survive. I need my husband.

My eyes started to water again so I dunked myself back under the cold water. Water is the key to everyone's problems. Because in the hardest time, the troubled waters are not to drown us, but to cleanse us.


"We have a thirty-one year old male. Obvious abrasions on the body in numerous spots. Also the scans shows the he has an aggressive form of cancer, the same kind that you did on your clinical trial"

"I'm not doing that trial," she complained. "It's already ended enough lives as it is"

"If we don't do anything this man will die regardless. He has damage to his lungs, a knife puncturing his left ventricular aorta, and severe brain damage. Unless we act now this man will die from these and unless you do the procedure this man will die later on today. Doctor Lanning, you can save this mans life, it's your choice"

"I said, I'm not doing the damn procedure"

I grabbed his wallet frustrated with the woman in front of me. I opened it to see a beautiful picture. "Do you see this woman? That is his wife. Do you see these children? Those are his children. If you do not act now those kids will grow up the way you did, fatherless. If you do now act now, this woman will become a widow, she will probably lose one of the most important things to her. And she will forever hate this day" I sighed. "Please, Doctor Lanning, just do the procedure"

"You know he signed a dnr, right?"

"Yes ma'am I do. And if he dies I will be the one to break the news to his wife"

"No" the man spoke up groggily. He voice was raspy and his eyes were still closed.

"Excuse me?"

"Please, don't call my wife. Don't call any of my family"

"But sir-"

"I said don't"

End of Chapter

[A/N] I want to apologize for how awful this chapter is and for how long I've been away. I've been really busy. And lately I've had a death in the family. It's hit all of us hard but I promise I will get back on my game and give y'all the book y'all deserve <3.

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