Mother knows best Pt 2

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7:00 A

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7:00 A.M. Aishi household.

Ayano woke up feeling as emotionless as ever. She dressed up in her usual sailor uniform of Akademi High School and went down to make breakfast. To her surprise though her grandmother, Kyoko, had already prepared a variety of food and drinks. Milk, orange juice, coffee, croisants, toast, cereals and many more, to the point where there was the little space for a plate and a glass. Ayano wondered if they were going to feed an army. 

"Good morning, Ayano dear. How are you today?" Kyoko asked with a warm smile.

"I'm fine. Grandma, who is going to eat all this?" She asked and Kyoko laughed with delight.

"Me, you and your grandfather, of course." She answered, Ayano looked at the clock and then she realized she had to be quick if she wanted to see senpai before the lessons began. 

"Itadakimasu." Ayano said and began to eat a little bit of everything on the table, she spent a maximum of ten minutes eating before wearing her shoes ready to leave.

"Be carefull out there. If anything happens, call me immediately." Kyoko said and kissed Ayano on the forhead. Ayano felt strange, no one, not even her mother ever did that. Maybe that's what happens when you live long enough to see your grandchildren in her family? Would her mother do the same?

"Bye, grandma."  She said and left for school, already looking forward to seeing her beloved senpai.                

At the same time Kyoko contacted Ryoba, asking her if her own mission was going well and wether she needed some assistance. Ryoba assured her that everything was alright and asked if Ayano was doing well. The two had a short chat but the information they exchanged were crucial to each others plan.

After they ended their conversation, Kyoko cleaned the house as quickly as possible. She had a mission to complete, as well as keep an eye on the only thing that could ruin everything for her dear grandaughter.

~Back to Ayano~                                                                                         

The road was clear and with exception of a few cheery blossom petals falling here and there the scenary was clean, she noticed as she slowly approached the gate. 

Suddenly Ayano heard a voice from behind. She glanced behind and saw Senpai, Osano and Hanako walking to school together. 

She instantly hid herself somewhere she was sure no one would notice and watched Senpai approach as her heart began pounding in her chest and her pale cheeks became a strong shade of pink.  Oh, this feeling had always been so overwhelming!

"He's so dreamy!" She thought with a smile. She couldn't help but imagine her future with him... it seemed so perfect...and she was determined to make it work.

Her thoughts though were interrupted as she began hearing their conversation.

"Why do you always have to wake up late? Is it your mission in life to make us all late?" Osano said annoyed. The three of them passing by Ayano's hiding spot.

"But I didn't! You just didn't arrive in time, that's all!" Taro protested.

"Don't bother big brother. Osano wont stop until he says his usual speech. You know that." Hanako said and Osano glared at him.

"What's that suppose to mean?!"

"Never mind, it's not the time to argue. Let's just go, okay?" Taro said trying to stop the fight. 

Ayano kept on staring at Taro with absoloute adoration, how could a boy be so perfect?

 Suddenly she felt someone coming behind her, she glanced back for an instance but saw no one. Was it her imagination? No, she knew all too well that when an Aishi had this kind of feeling, something was wrong.

 She decided to ignor the feeling of being watched for now though and continued following Senpai and the other two boys. Not noticing a figure hiding further behind her.

 At the same time Kyoko smirked, her eyes filled with menace and her tone being so cold and emotionless, she sounded like a demon finally escaping hell.

"It appears that one of the effects this family has is still on. Unfortunately." She said in a low tone, enough however for her husband to hear. As the two returned from their grocery shopping, he couldn't help but notice how dangerous his wife's behaviour was.

"What do you mean, Kyoko?"

"Nothing, sweetie. Let me worry about this. After all it IS a matter only a yandere can handle. She replied." She knew what was going on, after all it happened to her and her daughter in the past.  It was something that every Aishi had to deal with over and over again.

 And in this case, mother really does know best.

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