True Ending.

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Ayano gazed at Yui, feeling confused as to why she would make an appearance.

An idea popped out and she glared at the Aishi leader who simply shook her head. 

"Ayano... I have something I wish to discuss with you... do not worry, Taro is on his way. There are no problems with this matter."

" What do you want then?"

"I have a very special question for you."

"What is it?"

" I want you to tell me... why do you seek this boy out? You claim that you no longer have need of your yandere side, that you can control it and even discard it... if so why are you still so determined to be with this boy?"

" Because... I got to know him... we went on dates and I was able to learn things about him without stalking or threatening... just by talking to him. Having the courage to ask him such questions wasn't easy and... and I suppose in the end I fell in love with him as an idividual, not as an object that would give me what I thought I lacked for so long." 

" You have indeed discovered things about him by simply talking to him... still, what truly charmed you about Taro? And do not tell me that it's his passion for books because I will not believe it."

"That's not all there is to him!!! Why do people always think of him only as a bookworm?! Taro could have expressed his desire not to be with certain people such as Osoro, Nemesis or even Oko... many students do not really like these three due to reputations, especially Osoro and Oko, however Taro gave them a chance... he gave me a chance to get closer, when I led him to cafe's or other places he could have insisted we first see the library if that was all he cared about... but he never did."

" He could have simply been polite or too naive."

"Even so... I began as a yandere and even though I somehow freed myself from this whole madness... I want to at least give it a try, it's okay if he says no. I will at least know that I tried, I will have done my part." Ayano stated with determination and Yui's gaze became unbelievably gentle. 

She touched Ayano's cheek before placing a single kiss on her forehead, Ayano didn't know why but hugged Yui tightly and relaxed when Yui hugged her back.

"Maybe I was wrong. You aren't like me... you're something far better than I could ever hope to be." She whispered, her voice cracking.

"Did you love him... your dad?" Ayano asked and Yui nodded.

" Yeah... and surprisingly enough, I feel like I can finally... meet a person like him, maybe not the same exactly but at least similar."

"That's good to know."

" Thanks." Yui mumbled, she suddenly heard footsteps and so she let go of Ayano and hid behind the three, sitting down and looking at the sky.

" T-Taro Senpai..."

" Hi... Ayano." Taro greeted, Ayano's heart began pounding and her face became slightly pink. 

She brought a small letter from her skirt's pocket and offered it to him while bowing.

" Taro Senpai, I would like you to read this letter." Ayano requested, fearing that she'd faint due to her embarrassment. 

Taro was looking at her shocked, he slowly took the letter and opened it his eyes widen as he read it slowly.

 My beloved senpai.

I know that I may seem plain or even creepy... I may not be a very interesting person but I am sincere about my feelings.

 I have been in love with you for a very long time, I was too scared to express these feelings for a very long time as well. Getting to know you was a dream come true, being by your side made me happy even when you didn't know my feelings for you. I will never be able to thank you enough for all the happy memories you gave to me, for all the encouragement I received from you. I can only offer you my love and pray that you accept those feelings of mine.


Ayano Aishi.

 Once Taro stopped reading he looked at Ayano, she was looking down... her face completely red and one of her hands rubbing the other. Taro suddenly bowed and offered her a letter as well, cathcing Ayano completely by surprise.

" I would like you to read this, Ayano." He said and Ayano gulped not knowing what to expect from this. 

That was until she read it.

Dear Ayano.

I know that if I asked you to describe me, the words you'd use would be plain, boring and a bookworm. I have been made fun of many times for my love of books... but I am thankfull that no one ever made fun of my love for you. 

Meeting you and learning things about you made me feel weird, reading romance novels made me realize that I had a person more wonderfull than that of any book I could have read. Perhaps you only see me as a very good friend... although in all honestly, I wish to be more than that.

Yours truly

Taro Yamada.

 The two of them stood awkardly, looking at each other eyes. Ayano eyes soon were filled with tears of relief, she embraced Taro and the two of them shared their very first kiss under the full blooms of the cherry tree. 

Yui smilling as she peaked over to see what was going on. Upon seeing the two teenagers kissing, she moved away silently and left the school grounds.

This... was not the end.


 Ayano was looking at the cherry tree where she confessed, her gaze slowly moving down to her growing tummy, she was expecting her third child already... and she couldn't be happier. 

She and Taro had been together during highschool, each following their dreams and having their love for each other grow day by day. 

When he proposed to her in front of the entire Aishi family Ayano swore to love him and to always place her trust on him. And now proof of that oath where the two children behind her. Her first born, Yuta who held the same love for books as his father and Azuna, a daughter who looked exactly like her but had thankfully inherited none of Ayano's yandere traits so far.

" Come on everyone, let's go back home... your father is waiting for us." She called out, reminding herself to call Yui who had been away travelling the world with her mother in search of a better future for her and her family.

" Mother... don't you think you should write a book about how you met father?" Yuta asked and Ayano chuckled.

" No... memories like that are special. You'll learn that moments like these are special because they are usually between two who share the same feelings. And a book cannot contain them, no matter how good it may be." 

" If you say so... by the way, I'll go meet uncle Osano and uncle Nemesis today."

" Do make sure they don't argue again in public."

" Mommy, will uncle Amao and uncle Aso visit us today?" Azuna asked and Ayano chuckled.

" Yes, dear." Ayano answered, she was thankfull her friends didn't change even after she confessed to Taro, it seems that finally she got what she wanted even though she no longer had the curse of the yandere on her anymore, she had finally gotten her own happy ending.

And now she could finally tell that she got the happy ending she had always dreamed of.

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