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 Saikou residence 9:00 P.M.

Megamo was walking through the halls, his nerves were about to snap. 

Somehow there were problems with the engagement from the Aishi side. They wanted to end it all right now... and he was sure that it had to do with Ayano and that mysterious student, Info kun. 

He didn't know what they did but it worked perfectly on their favor. As he passed by he heard a low chuckle, he looked to his left and saw the room of his brother, he wondered what could possibly be going on... whatever it was it had nothing to do with him, besides Kencho was anything but friendly whenever Megamo tried to get him to talk so he just moved ahead, unaware of his younger brother's plans. 

Meanwhile at the Aishi household.

Ayano's grandparents had already left for their own home since Ryoba and her husband were already back. 

Saya, Haruka and Sakura would leave in two weeks and Ayano wasn't happy about it. She had grown accustomed to her siblings and their rowdy but lively behavior. 

She went up to her room and went to bed without eating anything. She didn't feel like it and so she decided to just try and forget all about it, she focused her mind on Taro... he hadn't come to school all week and he hadn't called her either. 

Was something troubling him? 

Or was it someone?

At the later Ayano knew that if that was the case, she would kill that troublesome person and release her beloved senpai from this torment.

She decided to take it upon herself and call him in order to find out. She took out her phone and went to her contacts, as she stared at his name she was hesitant at first, she really didn't want to disturb him... even if she did know that he slept way later than that. 

She finally found the courage and called him, hoping for the best possible outcome.

" Hello?"

"Taro senpai, good evening, it's Ayano." She replied gently as her heart began pounding. She had to remain calm, she had to be normal around Senpai. 

"Ah Ayano! Good evening, how are you?"

" I-I'm fine thank you! How about you, you've been absent from school all week, are you feeling well?" She asked, obviously worried.

"I just have a cold, though my fever doesn't go down very much. Thanks for asking, you're so thoughtfull." He commented and Ayano was about to explode, it's only been a week and yet her heart couldn't bear to be apart from this boy.

And he complimented her!!! Oh he was so sweet!!!

" Ah! That's what everyone would do I'm sure of it. Anyway, since tommorow is Saturday I was thinking that I could come over and bring you some of my special soup. I'm sure it'll make you feel better." She proposed and prayed for him to accept her offer.

"Eeh? Ayano you can cook, you're really skilled." He said and her whole face brightened up as she received a second compliment.

"I-I-It's no biggie... besides if you compare me to Amao senpai I'm a novice." She admitted and Taro laughed.

"Amao is a skilled cook indeed, maybe he's a bit too obsessed with his cooking but I think it's cool that he's pursuing something he loves." Taro noted and Ayano couldn't agree more... Taro and she were indeed perfect for each other, even their opinions matched!

" Indeed, I'm glad I made a friend like him." 

"Me too, by the way, is what I heard true?" He asked and Ayano froze... what rumour and about who?! She covered her mouth as she took a deep breath before she spoke again.

"Hm? What do you mean senpai?" She asked, thanking Kizano for those acting lessons he gave her in hopes of her entering the drama club.

"I heard that Megamo's Saikou's younger brother, Kencho Saikou will be attending Akademi Highschool." He answered and Ayano's blood went cold... another Saikou?! She decided that she had to investigate this Kencho... but for now, Senpai was her top priority.

"I haven't really heard anything... I guess I'll learn if it's true on Monday. Ah! I almost forgot, I'll come by at 10 o'clock tommorow morning, is that okay? Or would you rather to be alone?" She asked and Taro chuckled.

"It's perfect, thanks again Ayano. Bye bye."

" Bye bye, sweet dreams." She repliedd and then Taro ended the call. 

And then she squeeled happily. She was going to Senpais house! She was going to cook for him!!! This was the best day ever!!!

After she regained her composure, she began wondering about how to get information regarding Kencho Saikou.

 For a minute she didn't know if it'd be a good idea but... she could ask Info kun...he was bound to give her some information about Megamo's younger brother. For a price that is.

She decided to give it a try and so she texted him.

" I need your help"

"What can I do for you Yan chan?"

" For starters, quit calling me Yan chan"

" No can do, what else can I help you with?"

" I want information about Megamo's younger brother, Kencho Saikou"

" Why the sudden interest?"

" I just don't want to deal with another Saikou, if I can avoid him, I will. Now tell me what  you know about him"

" It's going to cost you a lot, more than the usual stuff."

Ayano raised an eyebrow, she knew he'd ask for panty shots but why was he raising the price? There had to be a reason.

"Huh? Why?"

" Because I will also have to keep it a secret from Kencho that you're asking for him, just as he is asking about you"

At that she had to do a double take. Kencho Saikou was asking about her? Why?

" What?! Why would he be asking about me?"

" Apparently he's interested on the girl that gave his perfect older brother the cold shoulder and dumped him like yesterday's trash"

" Are these two one friendly terms?"

" The exact opposite dear, Kencho hates Megamo to no end. That's why he's so interested in you, he might even fall for you"

" I don't need another Saikou after me". 

" Too bad for you, from what I collected he's not going to just give up"

" What else can you tell me?"

" He has an inferiority complex, their father clearly prefers Megamo over him and he can't stand it"

" That might be usefull, anything else?"

" For now nothing... I'll text you once I get my hands on something you... don't forget about my payment, dear."

" I never do"

" Good to see you keep your word Yan chan"

After that Ayano sent him a variety of panty shots and closed her phone before going straight to bed. 

She closed her eyes and decided to investigate a bit on her own as well. Kencho Saikou could be the key to destroy his older brother and free herself from his firm grasp. 

And if Kencho wasn't going to be helpfull at all... she was going to destroy him first and then his brother.

" I won't lose to these guys... I won't lose to any of them." She murmured before she fell asleep under the warm covers of her bed. 

Unknown to her, Ryoba had overheard those last words and was smilling happily, her daughter was becoming more like her with every passing day... and that was pleasing her to no end.

She would surely get a happy ending, and Ryoba would be there supporting her all the way.

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