The return

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Ayano was sitting on her computer and was checking the latest updates on the school's website. And she was not exactly pleased.

 Everyone was talking about the disappearances and the murders that had taken place. Speculating, accusing and questioning everyone.

 There was even a rumour that placed even the heasmaster as a supporter of this lunatic that was going on a killing spree.

 Ayano chuckled, they had no idea what was really going on. Sakura had striked on a different school to make sure the journalists wouldn't focus ONLY in that school.

 Saya had also discovered young girls that had showed interest in Taro Yamada during the dates Ayano had managed to arrange with him, their fate was pretty obvious.

As for Ayano she had been using  libraries and bookstores as well as books of different categories during school breaks, she had managed to charm Taro. 

That made the rest of the males anxious, Megamo had noticed this sudden bonding between Ayano and Taro and was trying to come up with a plan to break them up, without Ayano getting hurt and without being discovered. 

As for Nemesis he had come into contact with Info kun and had discovered everything as well. Needless to say he was outraged, Ayano had stopped his execution from Sakura's hand but now he felt that she just wanted to execute him herself in the most painfull way she knew, by breaking his heart. He wished he could do something but in his current condition he was useless. And that was not all, he was aware that the Aishi's were keeping an eye on him. 

They hadn't forgotten him and they were ready to strike if he tried anything, so for now, he was cornered. 

" Soon they're going to close for spring break, right?" Sakura asked and Kyoko nodded.

" Meaning that we need to be even more carefull." 

" I don't see why, Ayano has made a huge step into getting her beloved. I think we can relax a bit." Saya said but Kyoko shook her head in denial.

" Not until I see her inside a church, as a bride, with Yamada as her groom. We cannot risk it. By the way Sakura, what about your daughters? How are they doing?"

" They've been successfull into gaining their senpais, they are currently enjoying their dates with them and are going very smoothly." She said with a large grin.

" I also heard your husband has also changed a lot. He hasn't run away this month and the two of you even had a proper coversation, he's never been this open to you, Sakura." Kyoko noted and Sakura nodded happily.

" True, I believe all I needed to do, was showing him my human side and not that of a psychopath. I wanted him to see Sakura Aishi, the woman he married, not the monster that forced him to do what she wanted, I even offered him a divorce."

" YOU WHAT?!" Kyoko and Saya said together.

"I wouldn't really do it but I want to see if he hated me that much. Turns out he doesn't see me as a monster, maybe a bit of a tyrant but I'll work on that." She said with a wide smile and a blush made it's way on her face. Kyoko smiled and patted her daughter's head.

" I am really proud of you, Sakura. If only Ryoba was here to see how you've changed." Kyoko said and at that moment the phone rang. Sakura went ahead and answered, wondering who could possibly be calling them.

" Hello?"

" Sakura? You're still there? That's a surprise." A familiar voice said.

" Speak of the devil, yes Ryoba I'm still here. And I plan to stay here until Ayano becomes a bride. Something you might miss if you don't come back here any time soon." Sakura said sternly and Ryoba chuckled.

"I've heard of her recent success and I admit I am truly proud of her. Also, I have a suprise for you all."

" And what would that be?" Sakura asked.

"I finally found that Journalist! Now all I have to do, is finish what I should have finished back in the 80's!" Ryoba said with a dark chuckle and Sakura froze.

" Is that true? You really found him?"

" It was easier than I thought. That man is in a nearby house, apparently he wanted to keep a close eye on me. But I need something from you, little sister."

"Me? Ha! And what would that be?" Sakura asked. amused at Ryoba's sudden change in attitude.

" I want you to hack his computer and find what he has on me. I want every file about me and our family erased, that way the police wont get to us." Ryoba said and Sakura knew this was for the good of the entire family.

" Leave this to us, you focus on how to kill that man unoticed. Okay?" Sakura said and Ryoba laughed.

" I knew I could count on you, little sister. We finally work together, I never thought this day would actually come. Tell the rest of the family that I'll be back within the next week, right after I kill him."

" Don't get cocky, this is for our family's good, I am not doing it for you." Sakura stated sternly. Ryoba giggled and ended the call.

" What did Ryoba tell you?" Saya asked and Sakura sat back down with them.

" For starters, she found the Journalist she was hunting down and she's already thinking how to kill him, once he's dead she'll come back, within the next week probably. Also that man might have dirt on us. We must erase everything that can lead the police to us. Saya, can you handle this?" Sakura asked.

"Of course. I'll erase anything that this man has about us. But tell Ryoba to check out for any video tapes or anything that isn't a computer file. He must have documents and lists with items we bought for the sole purpose of achieve our ultimate goal, to gain the love of the man each of us chose. I bet he has something like that." Saya said.

For the rest of the day the four females were on the move, planning and plotting their escape and their total dissapearance from that man's files.

 Ayano discovered everything when she went downstairs for dinner. The thought of her mother back home wasn't exactly pleasant nor unpleasant. Maybe she should talk to Osano about his view of her mother, maybe.

But for now, she had to focus on her senpai, she had noticed Megamo's pathetic little tricks but thanks to all the training she was still getting from her grandmother and aunts. 

Her mother was coming back but this time, she'd prove her worth to her and the entire family!

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