A dark secret.

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Saikou residence 10:30 P.M.

It was late at night, Megamo was preparing to go to bed when he received a visit from his father. He was curious about the reason, his father rarely came to visit him. 

"Megamo, I have something very important to tell you." He said sternly and Megamo prepared himself fot the worst possible outcome.

" What is it father?"

"I received information that you have been watching a girl, Ayano Aishi. Is it true?" 

At the words of his father Megamo's face paled. 

" H-How?"

" Does it really matter son? Is is true that you have been following this young girl around?" His father repeated.

" It's true. In fact I wish to date this young lady, she's... special." He said and blushed slightly in the memory of a young girl walking around the plaza.

 Her eyes cold yet clear, her face was emotionless yet something about her revealed a tremendous amount of love and passion. Megamo felt his heart pound for the very first time and he realized he was in love with this cold loner. 

He also remembered the anger and rage he felt when he learnt she was in love with the schools biggest bookworm, Taro Yamada. This guy was pretty average, no clubs, no interests besides reading books, he rarely paid attention to anything around him.

And yet somehow, he was the one who caught her attention. 

"And so was her mother, Ryoba Aishi." ichirou revealed and Megamo snapped back to reality.

"You knew her mother?"

" Yes, we were classmates, she was a quiet girl, she was always alone, she never showed any kind of emotion despite always keeping a big smile on her face, well, simply because she didn't have any emotions to begin with. "

" She didn't have emotions? How is that even possible?"

" I don't know Megamo, she was propably born this way. However, one day, I saw her smile... truly smile, with love written all over her face. She was so... enchanting, I swear that at that moment I couldn't stop gazing at her." He explained and Megamo couldn't ignore the adoration and the love his father's voice had. 

He was obviously still in love with that woman. 

For a brief moment he remembered his mother, she was a dull figure throughout his life, a woman who was always angry and very distant from both him and his father, sometimes because of her work and other times because of her mental state.

 He had experienced the scene of a family fight over and over again. Especially when his mother became enraged with his father for not properly being a good husband and for always being away from home. 

Even though she was just as guilty.

"Father... does mother know? About your past with Ryoba Aishi?"

"She does... and she tried to fight the Aishi family. She failed miserably, had it not been for our family she'd be dead by now."

" Father... you loved her, didn't you? You loved Ryoba Aishi."

" I did and truth be told I still do, though it's far too late. She's already married and she has her daughter Ayano chan."

" So what happened back then anyway?"

" She was charged with the crime of murder."  He replied and Megamo was taken by suprise.

"She... what? "

" If you check the newspapers from when I was in high school you will see that many of them refer to a young girl being brought to the court by a journalist. That girl was Ryoba Aishi."

" Was she guilty?"

" She was, she had killed students from our school and she had made sure that no one would be able to connect her directly. It was then that I realized what an excellent actress she was. Despite being emotionless, she pretended to be a normal young lady and cried desperately at the court, accusing this journalist of being a sick pervert and a man who wished to obtain fame and money by coming up with such accusations. The court believed her and declared that she was innocent. "

" But why didn't YOU say anything father? How could you let her kill these students and get away with it?"

"Because these students were females that targeted the only person that gave her the ability to feel. He was an ordinary man, nothing special really, yet he was able to charm her heart and make sure she went mad, she had a dangerous obsession with him and he only put oil in the fire. He ignored her, he talked to other girls and never even noticed her stalking him." Mr Saikou explained and Megamo saw the rage in his eyes. He was jealous of Ryoba's husband, Megamo understood the feeling since he felt the same towards Yamada.

"That still doesn't explain much, father. Why didn't you stop her? What if she continued?"

" Megamo, if you ever search the Aishi family tree you will realize three things. First of all that all of the members are females, the second of all is that they are all born emotionless and the third is, that every single one of them got the man they targeted." He said and Megamo froze in this revelation.

"They... always... succeed?"

" Yes, it doesn't matter what or who you try to put in their way, they will crush it and eliminate it, they will make sure it will never interefere again with them or their beloved ones. They will work with each other and use any means to achieve their goal, no moral limitations exist in their game of love." 

"So... that means?"

" That just as an Aishi's dark secret is her killing abilities, our dark secret is the knoweledge that despite all the power and all the money we have, we can easily lose to them. Especially when we fall in love with one of them."

"Then I guess that's why you kept her secret. Your reason for being quiet, is the same for her being a murderer. Because you both fell in love." 

"Indeed Megamo.  That is true."  Ichirou confirmed and stared at the pitch black night sky wondering for the future.

Yet another Saikou had fallen for an Aishi... the reason was unknown, maybe because they were polar opposites. Where the Saikou family lived with very strict rules and always tried to please the society they lived in, the Aishi family, didn't care as long as they had the people they wanted to have amongst them.

"Then... will Ayano do the same?"

"Maybe... maybe not. I talked to her... she only promised to try, that is as far as her own moral code goes."

"I will stop it... I will not let her harm herself and others like that."

"The Aishi family will fight you... and if you are not careful, they will kill you."

Megamo gritted his teeth... so he was just going to stand there, lose the girl he loved and allow murder in his school? Was there really no way to stop all that?

In a hotel room ~ Unknown location~ 

"Hehehe... I found you... Mr Journalist...."

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