Showdown of leaders.

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Osano, Hanako and Amao were going up on the rooftop to meet with Ayano and the rest of the boy's squad for lunch. They were hoping for people to convince her not to confess to Taro yet but they were not sure it was working since Ayano made no changes to her original plan. 

When they came up for lunch, they were shocked to see two new additions to the group. 

Kencho and Megamo were also there and were bugging Ayano who seemed ready to either jump off the roof or throw the both of them down and make them shut up for good. 

With her were also her cousines who wouldn't stop glaring at the silver haired males. If looks could kill, these two would have already been dead.

As for the rest of the group... Osoro, Budo and Nemesis were glaring at each other to the point you'd expect them to charge at each other any minute now, Aso was chatting with Oko and Kizano while they were eating and finally Taro was reading a book while having no idea about the world around him, occasionally taking a bite out of his bento.

"I swear, your brother might as well ask the book out instead of Ayano... how can he be so clueless about the whole situation?! Osano exclaimed, Hanako and Amao just smiled at his outburst.

"It can't be helped, we made sure that no matter what Taro wouldn't learn about Ayano's and Megamo's engagement, as well as her romantic feeling towards him thanks to those books. It was for her sake." Amao replied and Hanako nodded.

"Still... doesn't he feel jealous with so many boys around her?" He wondered and Hanako seemed curious too.

"Perhaps Ayano senpai is stuck in the friendzone for good?" He asked and Osano shrugged.

"Then that means that we'll have to deal with a heartbroken, sweet young lady if we don't manage to change her mind." Amao said and looked at Ayano with worry, he really didn't know what she'd do if Taro was going to reject her, they all had seen just how much she loved Taro. It was a strong, blind love that would put most romance novels to shame.

The time they spent spying on these two didn't only increase their fears but also gave them a clear view about how this "relationship" worked, Ayano did all the work and Taro was pretty much out of it most of the time. 

Still, he would, at times, give her a gentle smile or pat her head at times which made Ayano blush and lose her ability to communicate through speaking. Which, was incredibly cute in all honesty. 

"Well, if that happens then we will be there to make sure she gets over it, right?" Hanako asked and the two males nodded as they went ahead and interrupted all of the groups previous actions. 

It was after they arrived that Ayano finally relaxed, Osano began yelling to everyone, Amao gave her something sweet to eat and Hanako was already talking about irrelavant things with those that weren't arguing with Osano at the moment.

~Meanwhile in a coffe shop~

 "Well, well... would you look at that? Reunited after so many years..."

"I am not here for your comments, Yui." A female voice said sternly, grey eyes sparked with a hatred that was new to thr individual herself. 

Her silver hair were tied in a low ponytail and she wore simple clothing to hide from anyone that might recognize her due to her genetics, the balck haired female didn't bother to disguise herself, she was confident that even if someone did recognize either of them, they wouldn't dare to pose a threat.... not if they wanted to live more than a few hours.

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