Silver vs Black Pt.2

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Ayano was still fuming, her anger was so big that even the other students could feel it and they were staying as far away from her as possible. 

Suddenly she saw Akane in front of her, she had that stupid silly face and was pretending to be an airhead yet again. And just like always, her acting was truly pathetic. 

" The president wants to speak with you." She said gently but Ayano could tell that she was anything but happy. 

" I'm not going anywhere, especially with you." She replied sternly and Akane's left eye twitched slightly, fortunately for her no one noticed. Well, no one but Ayano.

" If you don't, then he's going to tell everyone that you are his-"

" Don't... say it. For your own safety." Ayano hissed with a warning glare. 

Akane simply smiled and moved away as Ayano finally stood up. She went to the student council room with Akane and Kuroko whom they met halfway. 

Despite her stiff behaviour Kuroko was being more open with Ayano now. She gave Akane the cold shoulder because she clearly despised the idea of mixing duty and emotions together. As for Ayano... well, she was being polite and cold, something Kuroko herself was.

" We will be going now." Kuroko announced once they were in front of the student council meeting room. Akane gave Ayano one last look before Kuroko cleared her throat, a clear warning to watch how she was acting.

Ayano sighed as she stared at the door, she knocked gently as the other two females left and had to force herself not to turn around and search for something to set the whole school ablaze.

" Come in." Megamo ordered sternly from inside. 

Ayano opened the door and entered, her face had her usual cold expression and her typical coldness. But if one took a closer look at her eyes, the could detect the disgust she was feeling as she looked at the student council president.

" What did you call me here for, Student Council President?" She asked coldly and Megamo sighed, he stood up and slowly came closer to her.

" Call me Megamo. We're to be married due to our families keen agreement." He reminded her, still in a stern tone... though in truth he wanted to be kinder, gentler and loving... but as anyone could guess Ayano wasn't going to give him the chance.

" I have little interest in getting along. As for the engagement I plan to end it, one way or another." She answered and Megamo frowned.

" Why?"

" Because I already have my Senpai and I will have him. He is mine and I will marry him alone and him alone." She explained, yet this time her gaze was that of a doll, her voice deep and filled with pure obsession.

 Megamo was left speechless for a while as he witnessed part of the Aishi madness right now. A part of him saw Ayano as a hideous monster but another, larger part of him wished to become the object of this obsession. 

This love and devotion was something he never expected in his life but he found himself liking the idea of having a yandere wife, one reason would be that she'd never look another man and she would love and adore him as if he was the only man in existence... and the second reason was that he too wanted to feel that same affection Taro Yamada had received from Ayano.

How would it be like to have a woman love you so strongly? He really... really wanted to know.

" I don't ask you to instantly accept me, that is impossible to happen. But try to at least see me as a friend."

"You? A friend? Why would I even bother trying?"

" There are many males that you've befriended and some of them don't exactly have the best kind of reputation."

" You're refering to Osoro, aren't you?"

" Not only him, Nemesis too. These two are on the dangerous side... yet you are still friendly and even kind with them."

" Because they're not a threat to me. I can protect myself from them."

" But you can't from me?"

" My entire life I was taught that your family is a danger to mine, you're not someone I'd trust even if my life depended on it."

" But what about the time you came to my house or all the times you spoke with my father?"

" That was a completely different matter. That was before Akane tried to kill me because of you and before I was told that I'd lose the boy that makes me feel human, forever." She argued coldly and Megamo wanted to find something to give as an answer yet he couldn't. 

He came closer and touched her right cheek. Thoughts flooding his mind before he spoke again.

" Maybe what I have to do is what you did." He muttered and her eyes widen. She had a bad feeling about this.

" What do you mean?"

" You killed for Yamanda, I don't have to kill but I can use my position and power to isolate you. Either you choose to open up willingly... or I make sure you have no one else but me to talk to."

" You snake!!! You dare to threaten me?!" She screeched in clear disbelief and Megamo smirked at that.

" I'm not threatening you, I'm warning you. It's best for you to be with me, Ayano."

" Why?" Ayano asked coldly, Megamo's eyes became genlte as his face came closer to deliver one gentle kiss before he moved to see Ayano's frozen expression.

" Because I already see you the same way you see Yamada." He confessed and without another word Ayano left. She couldn't stand this guy!!!!

" Ayano!" A male voice called out from behind, Ayano turned around and saw Osoro who was looking at her suprised. She gave him a small smile before leaving. 

Osoro looked at the door of the room she came out from and saw Megamo smilling in triumpth.

" Seems to me that you lost." He said to the delinquent who only growled.

" What the hell did you do to her?"

" That's none of your business."

" To hell if that's my business or not!!! Ayano is my friend and you've hurt her, whaterver you're trying to do it wont succeed!!!" He roared before leaving, he followed Ayano while Megamo glared at the spot where the leader of the delinquents was. 

~At the rooftop~

Ayano was looking at the sky and was feeling miserble, how was she going to face Senpai after that? That disgusting Saikou had kissed her... and she allowed it!!! Her mother and grandmother would be so dissapointed if they were to find out!

" Yo!" Osoro called out as he came closer to her. She looked up to him and gave a slight nod.

" Hi." She answered weakly and Osoro sat down beside her.

" What's gotten you so down?"

" My family and Megamo." She mumbled and Osoro nodded.

"I know about it, I heard that Akane speak with a girl named Kuroko. Everyone else knows it too." He admitted and Ayano's eyes widen in horror.

" You mean... that Taro..."

" No, no one told him. Me, Amao and Oko made sure they all stay quiet about it. So far he has no idea about it, still I don't for how long things will remain like that." He explained and Ayano smiled at him. 

Osoro's heartbeat increased as she placed her head on his shoulder and relaxed. Having friends was something she never asked for but... it was nice having someone to assist her without the use of weapons all the time. Not to mention to lift her spirits when her senpai wasn't around.

" Thank you." She replied and at some point, she felt that she had won this battle.

Taro knew nothing and that meant she had time to fix the problem with Yui... she couldn't just give up like this.... 

Leader or not, no one would stop her from getting the man she loved like no one else in this world.

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