Yui vs Ayano.

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Ayano was spending time with the boy squad and was relaxing, the only exception was when Nemesis gave her warning glares which happened every twenty minutes or so. 

She was completely unaware of what the rest members of her family were doing right about now.

However she wasn't really allowed to relax either. Much to their surprise Megamo appeared on the cafe their were chilling out and he seemed ready to cause trouble. Ayano's blood boiled but she kept her usual cold attitude, suddenly Megamo asked to speak with her in private.

 As much as she hated to accept she knew that it was either that or he would do something to her friends and considering how much she had grown to care about them, she wasn't willing to risk it. So she slowly stood up and followed him outside, he looked at her with a deep frown before finally speaking.

" Can you explain to me why all the gifts I send you were returned to me today?" He asked and Ayano's eyes widen. 

This must have been Sakura's work, she was the straightforward one and she was also the only one who got rid of some of them and Ayano was seriously greatfull for that. She reminded herself to give her a big hug.

" Could be that someone from my house got fed up with all this nonsense." She said and hinted her view of the whole situation, Megamo noticed and looked at her eyes with clear frustration.

" What's so wrong with giving a few gifts?"

" These weren't just "a few gifts", I'd be suprised if you hadn't closed a jewelry shop or a clothing store because of this idiocy. Besides at this point I won't be able to live in my own bedroom because of your silly idea."

" Silly idea?"

" Don't tell me you're seriously thinking this is going to happen? If I had to bet this whole facade would be over withing a month or so." Ayano lied but in all honesty, she hoped that this would be the case.

" I don't plan on letting this happen." Megamo said, coming closer to her, suddenly someone interuppted them with a low chuckle, that someone was Yui Aishi. Both teenagers turned to look at her and she slowly came closer.

" Wether this wedding happens or not isn't really something you can decide, Megamo. The one that has the final say in this is me." She said with wicked grin, although Ayano knew that there was no way Yui would just back down, yet she somehow felt that there might be a chance to win. 

Megamo gave Ayano one final look before leaving the two yandere's one their own, Yui however gave him one cold glare as he passed by her and Megamo could have sworn that her eyes turned red at that moment. 

" What do you want?" Ayano asked coldly and Yui patted her head. A small smile on her face, even as Ayano pushed her away.

" I just came to check up on you. There's nothing wrong with that."

" And I am not so naive as to believe such an obvious excuse." Ayano replied coldly and Yui smiled.

" We really are one and the same, it's so incredible that I might even consider it cute." 

" There's nothing cute about this. You have sentenced me to a fate worse than death!" Ayano accused and Yui rolled her eyes.

" I'm sure it's not as bad as it may seem. Beside, I never said you can't have your senpai, feel free to marry Taro and live your little dream life but you might also remember that one day you'll have to lose it." She said and Ayano's cold gaze changed into an enraged one.

" Why should I obey you? I have no interest in this family and if I need to be kicked out to be with my precious senpai then I don't mind it one bit!" Ayano said and Yui's eyes widen.

 "Is that how far you're willing to go for a mere boy?"

" You don't understand because you never fell in love."

" This... is true but not the main reason I am so against this little teenage romance."

" Then what exactly is it?"

" The fact that Taro Yamada has nothing to offer to you, I had made clear that just as he made you feel, you make me feel. I suppose... you can say that I am jealous of this boy."

" Why?"

" Look at you, you're head over hills for him and willing to throw away everything for him. I have never experienced that kind of affection but now I get to feel the same feelings a sister has."

" You mean an obsessed and insane sister. A normal sister wouldn't act like that... wether she would have been blood related to me or not."

" I don't know if this sounds insultive but our family can be considered anything but normal."

" I agree, still that doesn't mean we are all completely insane, taken that some of us managed to get their senpais without keeping them locked up for a ridiculous amount of time... I say there is an ounch of logic in us."

" You sound just like my mother. She always said things like that too." Yui replied and Ayano huffed.

" I've heard about how she fell in love with a Saikou... and that same man was in love with my grandmother." 

" It sounds like a comedy, really. My mother was stupid not to break that man until he accepted her love... instead she acted all goody goody and lost." Yui said emotionlessly, Ayano agreed on that but didn't plan on saying it out loud.

" I wonder how the rest of the family would react to this." Ayano suddenly said with a wicked grin, Yui smiled and decided to play along.

" They wouldn't be able to do much. Even if the did, there wouldn't be a leader to guide them and support them."

" Actually, that would be where I get in. Being the head of the family doesn't mean I can't have a normal life with Taro, it means that I'll have the entire Aishi family by my side to support and obey me." Ayano stated and Yui was thinking about how amusing it was to finally see a member resist her will so much.

" And you forget that only I can give you that title, besides I never said that Megamo Saikou has anything to do with the past."

" So what you're saying is that you have no motive for arranging something so big."

" I just want the Saikou family to stop interefering with our lives, unless one of us is sacrificed then there is no way we can get them to stop."

" And so I must play the role of a sacrifice? I refuse to become bait to keep them calm and satisfied."

" Then the next person to take your place is your mother!" Yui said with a victorious grin, Ayano's eyes widen as she realised that this could lead to the destraction of her mother's life... her mother had fought for a long period of time and had done a lot of things in order to finally reach her happiness. 

And now Yui was threatening to destroy it all within seconds. This was indeed a battle of wills, one that was between the current head of the yandere family... with the one who would eventually have to take on the title. 

" This war is far from over." Ayano said and left, refusing to allow Yui to win this game of power.

"Ah, I almost forgot to tell you. The dinner with the Saikou's is cancelled."

Ayano halted and looked back at Yui but did not speak, instead she kept on walking towards the table her friends were and then sat down.

Yui smiled and wondered.... how far was Ayano was willing to go?

That would be very entertaining and she couldn't wait to see what Ayano would do next. 

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