Childhood friends.

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Akademi High 7:30 A.M.

Ayano was going straight to Mido's office so she could apologize properly and ask for the reasons he wanted to meet with her, not aware that her teacher was more interested in making things... intimate with her. 

When she was right in front of the door, she gently knocked and upon receiving an answer, she opened up lightly.

"Excuse me, is Mido Rana sensei here?" She asked and one of the teachers approached her and said gently.

"No, he is in classroom 2-2. You should go there." 

"Okay, thank you." She said and bowed before leaving, closing the door behind her. She then went to class 2-2 where she found him looking at the window with a wide smile. It took him a while to notice her but once he did he seemed very happy.

"Miss Aishi, what are you doing here? It's a bit early isn't it?" He asked and Ayano approached, her cold gaze and emotionless expression sending shivers down his spine, it was so early and he was already getting horny.

"I came to apologize for not appearing yesterday. I'm sorry, a family matter occured and I forgot about it."  She said, since she couldn't really say that she didn't go because she wanted to make sure her senpai was safe. To her that was normal but she had a feeling that others wouldn't understand her. 

No one ever did.

"I see. It's okay then, though I hope you will stay after school today to hear me out."

 "Actually that's the second reason I am here. I wont be able to so I came early to hear what problem there was with me. If there is any, I mean."

" Problem? Oh no, that wasn't my intention. I actually wanted to know how come such a cute young girl like you is acting so cold. You are so very different from the other students. I saw how the other students looked at you and I felt you might want to talk about it."

" No, not really. That's exactly what I want anyway. I don't really want to make a difference. I just want to be average." She said since she knew that if her reputation was very bad then senpai would avoid her and if it was too high then maybe he would feel uncomfortable with her around due to popularity difference.

"I find that hard to believe." He said and approached at her, he lifted her chin making her look straight into his eyes. Her black emotionless gaze seemed like a mirror where you could see your reflection in... yet something screamed that there was a lot of love one could earn from her. He brought his face closer ready to deliver a kiss when suddenly someone pulled Ayano back. Both of them turned to see and they felt shock to see Osano glaring Mido.

"I'm sorry, SENSEI. I was looking for this idiot since I wanted to talk to her. Please excuse us." He said and dragged Ayano out of the classroom with Mido smiling in a devilish manner. 

This wasn't over.

" Hey! Stop."  Ayano said and pulled her hand away, Osano looked at her with a scolding look.

"You dummy! What were you doing with this perverted teacher? Don't you know how dangerous he is?"

"I just apologized for not showing up yesterday, he wanted to talk to me and I didn't show up. Besides how is this your concern?" She asked coldly. Osano seemed shocked from her reaction.

"You forgot about me! We've known each other from elementary school!" He said and Ayano tried to remember. She was certain that she would recall such an obnoxious person. Strangely enough, she didn't.

Then again there were a lot of things she did not remember until recently.

"Sorry, no. Doesn't ring any bells." She said and Osano facepalmed himself, unable to believe that a person could have such a bad memory.

Or that he was in love with that person.

"You really don't remember me or Nemesis kun?"

"Nemesis kun?" She repeated and then she suddenly remembered.


 It was summer break, Ayano had gone for a walk in the playground on her own after getting the okay from her mother.  There she came across a boy with orange hair and a colorful style, the moment he saw her he began tormenting her, he pulled her hair and called her names, Ayano being an emotionless person didn't set a single tear. That made him pull her hair more. Then all of a sudden another boy came, he had black hair just like her and was dressed in black and white. The two boys fought for a while and when they fell on the ground exhausted, Ayano tended to their wounds.

"So who are you?" She asked the black haired guy.

"You can call me Nemesis." He said blankly.

"What a stupid name! " The orange haired boy said pouting.

"So yours is better?" Nemesis asked annoyed.

"Mine is Osano! And yes it is baka!" He replied angrily and after a short glare competition they looked at Ayanos direction and asked her what her name was.

" I am Ayano." She said blankly.

"What a dull name!" Osano said blushing. Nemesis hit him in the head once again making him scream loudly.

"Don't insult her. I'll kill you." He said and Osano looked at him angry.

"Why not?" 

"Because she is going to be my wife." Nemesis said proudly. Ayano looked at him for a moment and then asked blankly.

"When did I say  that?"

"You didn't. I decided it." Nemesis replied.

"What on earth is that supposed to mean?! If that's how it goes then she's going to be my wife too!" Osano protested.

"Really? You want to marry me?" Ayano asked thinking he had to be bluffing.

"I-I.... Shut up! I never said  that!"

"But I must get married to become a wife." She said and Nemesis blushed as he imagined Ayano as a bride. Osano realized it and punched his face.

"You better keep your hands off." Osano said furious and then the boys started fighting again.             

From that point on Osano, Nemesis and Ayano became friends until they entered middle school. There Nemesis had to move to Nagoya and Osano went to a different middle school than her. 

That's when Ayano thought that there was no reason for her to remember them any more.

And her mother didn't seem to care enough to remind her that she once had friends so... she decided to just let it go.

(End of Flashback)

" I remember now. You, Nemesis kun and I used to hang out. Then Nemesis moved... you went to a different middle school... " 

And you forgot all about us. Geez, you're still hopeless! By the way, how come you never realized it was me." He said and Ayano looked outside for a moment.

"Perhaps because I thought that I would never see you or Nemesis kun again. Hanging to those memories seemed pointless to me." She said and Osano thought of this as a good excuse.

"I see. A-Anyway you better not forget again, baka!" He said blushing and Ayano cracked up a small smile.

"I won't. So you better not forget either." She said and Osano's face became a bright red.

"B-B-Baka! Don't act all cute with me! It won't work!!!" He said and the two of them went to class after having a small catching up in the past few years they had been apart.  

At the same time the president of the martial arts club had been staring from afar... he HAD to find a way to talk to Ayano alone... and her childhood friend clearly wouldn't allow it.

"This... is going to be difficult."

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