A friend and an enemy.

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Ayano was currently in her class trying her best to ignore the glares she was receiving from every female in the class. She was sitting and was gazing blankly at the sky.

 It was a dull grey and in all honesty, it fitted her mood perfectly.

Taro was sick with a cold and wouldn't attend classes for a while. Ayano was bored and knew not what to do. Maybe she should skip school and pay Taro a visit. Or maybe she should call him first and speak to him that way. She knew not what to do, she didn't want her senpai to think of her as a bother but she was worried about him. 

Suddenly she felt a light tap on the shoulder, she looked up and saw Hanako, he had a smile on his face and a small blush appeared on his cheeks. Ayano remained stoic, though whatever irritance she might had felt before was now gone.

 "Good morning, Ayano senpai!" He said cheerfully. 

Ayano gave him a weak nod, her attention quickly then went to Hanako's arms, he was holding a book of some sort. 

Ayano looked at it with curiousity. Hanako wasn't that much into books last time she checked... so what was it about?

" Hanako, may I ask if you're interested in reading?" She asked and Hanako shook his head in denial.

"Oh! No,no,no! This isn't mine. Actually it's for you, my big brother wanted to give this book to you, since you seemed interested in reading. He said it's a token of his gratitude for all the great times you two had up until now." He replied and truth be told, he was a bit envious when he saw Ayano's eyes sparkle with love and happiness.

"R-Really?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yep, here you go." He confirmed and handed the book to her. She gazed at it and upon seeing the title, her happiness expanded even more. 

"Much Ado About Nothing", written by Shakespeare. Ayano smiled and thanked Hanako, she gave him a warm smile as she thought that her brother in law was a very sweet person. 

Too bad Hanako didn't share the thoughts as he was seriously thinking of telling Osano about this.

~ Meanwhile at the Student Council room~

"President Megamo, I've finished my patrol for the time being. Nothing out of the ordinary." Κuroko reported and Megamo nodded. She left, her face remaining stern and cold as usual. 

Suddenly, Megamo's attention was focused on another figure entering the room gracefully, her smilling face had a soft and somehow naive expression. But he knew better.

" Hello Akane, how can I help you?" Megamo asked in a more guarded tone.

 Akane smiled, happy that Megamo was showing clear preference between her and Kuroko. She always felt that she was above her fellow student... at least when it came down to Megamo's eyes. 

" I just wanted to say that everything is fine from my patrol as well." 

" I see, thank you Akane." He responded and suddenly Nemesis barged in, his eyes burning with clear rage.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He hissed, his red eyes showing true, untamed bloodlust.

"Pipe down."  Megamo muttered coldly as Akane looked at the Studen Council President confused.

"Care to explain why everyone is talking about you and Ayano?" Nemesis hissed and Akane's eyes widen with shock written all over her face.

" This is none of your business. Considering what you tried to do to her." Megamo replied sharply.

" The hell it is! She's mine! You're nothing more than a pest that thinks he's got a chance with her!!!" He shouted, then with one last warning glare he left the room, closing the door with a loud "bang".

 Akane was more interested in learning about Megamo's relationship with this Ayano. So far there had been no rivals to her desire in becoming Megamo's lover and future wife. She was sure that she was the only one who had what it takes for the position.

" President, may I ask what your relationship with this young lady is?" She asked and she saw something she never saw before when it came down to Megamo. 

She saw him blush.

 Her heart was filled with hatred towards the female that had charmed the same man she had feelings for. She soon understood why she hadn't managed to attract Megamo as much as she wanted since the very beginning.

 His heart didn't belong to her.

" She is a very close friend of mine, nothing out of the ordinary." He said, clearly lying about his feelings. 

That crushed Akane's last hope that maybe Megamo could love her back.

 She didn't show it though.

 She smiled at him and nodded before she left the room... and once she reached a dark corner her sweet expression turned into a twisted, wicked grin, her eyes were filled with hatred and her wounded heart was screaming at her to find her rival and make her understand who was superior between them. 

Little did she know, she was being watched by a black haired female with black curly long hair and empty choroal eyes. The girl was wearing the schools uniform, still it was obvious that she was different from other students. 

She left without making a sound and went to Ayano's class. She came in and saw the girl in question reading the book she received from Taro with a delight.

" Are you Ayano Aishi?" The girl asked and Ayano's attention turned to newcomer.

" Yes, who are you?"

"Haruka Aishi. I am the daughter of Saya Aishi. We've met once before when we were eleven." She introduced herself and Ayano's eyes widen.

" Haruka... Aishi... yes, now I remember. You once threw a knife at a thief and stopped him from harming your father."

"I came here to warn you, a girl named Akane is coming for you. She is a member of the student council and apparently her crush is in love with you."

" What? How does that even make sense?"

"Her crush is Megamo Saikou"


" I'm here to help, if you need my help, that is." The girl added blankly and Ayano nodded.

" Thank you, Haruka. I will be asking for your assistance"

~Meanwhile at the schools rooftop~ 

Osoro was looking at the sky as he felt the cool breeze on his hair. 

He recalled his last meeting with Ayano and how she expressed her gratitude by handing him a lunch box. 

She told him that he didn't need to bring it back but he did anyway. He liked how she didn't seem to be scared of him or that she treated him like a good friend, no one but the other delinquents acted that way and even they sometimes treated him more like a leader than a friend. 

Suddenly he heard a loud bang and looked at his left side. Nemesis was looking at the ground, his rage was obvious and his bloodlust was reaching its peak.

" I'll kill him, I'll kill them all!!!! And she... she will learn not to reject my affection. Even if I must kill her, SHE-WILL-BE-MINE." He roared and Osoro frowned, he didn't have to think about the female he was talking about. 

He already knew it was Ayano.

" You can try to kill her, but I'll be there to stop you. You're not hurting my friend." He whispered as he looked at the sky again. He vowed to keep her safe from Nemesis at all costs.

 Because that was what a good friend should do for the person he cared most.

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