Calls from the past.

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Aishi residence~ Thursday evening

Ayano was sitting on her desk looking at her phone, she had taken a picture with her cousines and was wondering how did Haruka get her Senpai so quickly and without any real elimination. 

She was still in the friendzone and didn't know how to get away, with Nemesis and the Saikou's out to get her she was afraid about what could happen to Taro if she confessed, if that wasn't bad enough, the Newspaper club was on the hunt for the one who killed all those girls on the school, they had been asking everyone about everything and were getting more annoying everyday. 

Ayano knew that during her mother's time in highschool the Newspaper club was one of her main enemies who threatened to destroy her. She also remembered that Mr Ichirou Saikou was a member of the student council back then. 

This stage was the same as back then. She wondered about her mother's talks regarding how she kept Ichirou away. 

Ryoba in the past had claimed that he was forced to obey Ryoba's commands because she threatened to harm him and the girl he was in love with. 

But something was SO wrong here... 

"How could he had been in love with my mother and with another girl at the same time?" She murmured and then she recalled a scene from the past.


Ayano had just started kindergarden and was already bullied for her cold and emotionless attitude by a bunch of girls who were of no interest in her mind. 

She had return with a few light bruises on her arms but otherwise unharmed, she tended to her wounds and waited patiently for her mother, drinking some juice while waiting. 

Ryoba had recently been stalking her husband because she was afraid that he would cheat on her with a pretty new coworker of his, the female was obviously interested and Ryoba was going to have none of it. 

When Ryoba returned she held a large bag, she looked at her daughter and smiled gently before going to the basement. 

Looks like she was going to have another lesson today or tomorrow. 

These lessons didn't seem odd to her but she couldn't understand what was the point since they didn't seem all that interesting or helpfull at that time. For example she had been taught the difference between various sleeping pills, how to use knifes to stab or slice flesh... and various  methods to torture someone.

Ryoba returned shortly afterwards and once she saw Ayano's bandaged arms she asked her what happen and Ayano answered truthfully.

"I see, don't worry sweetie. I'm sure they'll stop... eventually." Ryoba replied... and three days later they did, although everytime they would see Ayano they would glare and insult her, calling her the daughter of a monster and a freak. But they never tried to hit here or bodily harm her in any way again.

Ayano never cared to ask what that meant but she knew that her mother had something to do with it.

 Her questions were answered during a parents-childs meeting a week later when she saw the mothers of these three kids badly injured, one of them had a broken arm and when they saw Ayano and Ryoba they freaked out and pulled their children together while Ryoba smiled coldly at them. 

That only isolated Ayano from the other children even more, she didn't mind but she did wish to see what and why she was so her different from other children... she couldn't understand what that something was that seperated her from everyone else.

"It's okay to be different from others, sweetie. Being different is good." Ryoba replied warmly as she touched her daughter's hand with a gentle smile. 

"Mom, why did the doctors say I'll never be normal?" She asked emotionlessly.

"The doctors were wrong dear, nothing is wrong with you. I was just like you when I was a kid... and look at me now. I am a happy woman married with the most perfect man ever and have you, a lovely and beautifull daughter. And one day you'll be the same." She explained and hugged her.

 Ayano hugged Ryoba back but wasn't sure what that meant. Her heart was empty like before... but somehow she knew that her mother meant those words.


"Yes dear?"

"Are we going to have another lesson today?" She asked and Ryoba smiled.

"Yes dear, today you'll learn about tranqulizers. Isn't that exciting?" Ryoba replied and Ayano nodded still with a blank stare.


 "Maybe it's because Haruka received a different form of training?" Ayano pondered before going to bed, she didn't understand what was holding her back... and then there were these weird sparks of emotion that happened recently with Mujo and Amao... something was definetely not right here.

Meanwhile, in the living room Ryoba was looking at the clock, her husband had already gone to bed and she was now sitting on the couch, thinking about the past. 

What she had told Ayano was true, the current head of the Saikou corporation did say these words but she knew they were fake, the girl he was supposed to marry held a great economical strength. 

His father had stated clear that he had to get along with that girl for the sake of the Saikou corporation and the continuation of their legacy, if he clearly couldn't get an Aishi... which he clearly wasn't able to do. 

Suddenly the phone rang, Ryoba answered it and almost burst out laughing when she heard the voice from the other line.

"Hello Ryoba..." 

"Honestly your timing seems to be too good to be true, Ichirou. What is it that you want?"

 "I wanted to tell you... that I'm getting a divorce." He announced and Ryoba's eyes wide for a few seconds before she spoke in her usual cheery tone.

"And how does this concern me?" She asked but she was honestly suspecting why he was saying that to her.

"Of course it does! I can finally make things right."

" Nothing was wrong and nothing is wrong. I don't care about you but I care about my husband and daughter. And you are NOT taking this from me, do you understand?"

"Ryoba, please listen to me. He's not the man for you. I am."

"Nonsense, you know nothing about me and my family. The likes of you can never understand how much we suffer just to gain the love of the man we crave. The war we must win to get the happy ending we've dreamt all along." She stated coldly, no longer pretending to be the happy go lucky woman she used as a facade, before Ichirou could answer her, she closed the phone and blocked his number. 

She then went upstairs to her daughter's room where she found her sleeping under the covers, she gently patted Ayano's head and placed a kiss on it.

Her precious little Ayano. 

Her daughter had been bullied and mistreated many times just like Ryoba had when she was a kid but unlike Ayano, she never received help from anyone, Kyoko was always with her husband and most of the time she would act completely different from what she looked like now. 

Back then she herself would bully her daughters and made things so very painfull for them, to "teach" them how to fit in with society. 

Ryoba had swore never to allow this to happen to her daughter, her husband would always be her number one priority but the second person Ryoba loved the most was Ayano and she was going to redo everything she did in the past to protect the both of them.

Her husband was hers, her daughter was hers... and they sea of corpses she was willing to create would also be her responsibility.

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