Mujo ending.

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Ayano looked at her cousin Haruka, she was looking at her with obvious sorrow and pain.

" Ayano... Taro won't be coming." She announced and Ayano's eyes grew wide.

"Why?! Why won't he come?! What happened?!"

"Taro... Taro met a girl in the bookstore... the one you two usually hang out, from the looks of it while you were busy dealing with our family's issues she managed to get him. The two of them became a couple today..."

" No... no you're lying, it can't be..."

" I tried to stop it but failed, I couldn't do it on my own and in public... I'm sorry..."

"Then... I ended up like Yui." Ayano realized and Haruka tried to hug her cousine but Ayano left in a hurry, she entered the school and began walking when suddenly she accidentally hit someone. 

The voice that whined was familiar and Ayano looked in front of her, Mujo Kina was on the floor with a box filled with medical supplies next to him. He rubbed the back of his head while Ayano was barely registering anything at this point.

"Ow ow... I'm sorry. Ah... Ayano, how are you?" He gently asked and gave her a warm smile. 

Ayano's eyes grew wider as she suddenly felt her heart skip a beat... no that would be impossible, she just had her heart broken there was no way she could get over Taro so quickly... right?

But then.... what was this feeling right now?

"Mujo sensei... I'm okay, are you alright? She asked back in a calm yet confusing tone, it wasn't cold nor was it warm... as if she was trying to understand which was the right way to speak to him.

And in all honesty she couldn't understand why she was acting like this... sure in the past she had seen Taro in Mujo... but this was before... so what changed now?

"Yes... I swear I'm too clumsy for my own good. Oh my, you look so pale... are you feeling okay?" He asked, concern clearly evident in his tone.

 Ayano was about to reply when Haruka came in and decided to take action.

"I think she could use some rest... she hasn't been at her best as of late." She lied after hearing everything, Ayano looked at her annoyed but Haruka just smiled, maybe Ayano could find love after all. And if that way Haruka could atone for not being able to help her cousine before, then that was even better.

 Mujo stood up and picked the box as the he told Ayano to follow him to the nurse's office, Ayano was at first unsure of wether she should go but one small nod from Haruka convinced her to do so.

"You should really take better care of yourself, you're far too young and have so much to look forward to." He gently scolded and Ayano wanted to tell him that the most exciting part of her life would never come true but... for some reason that wasn't how she phrased it. 

"I don't think so... I'm too unlucky for that."

"Eeeh? I don't think so... I mean, look at me. I am clumsy and very easily distracted but I became what I wanted to become." He replied and Ayano had to admit that he had a fair point, she sat on the bed and thought it'd be a good idea to sleep but she found her conversation more interesting.

Certainely more interesting than having unpleasant dreams, at least.

"Why would you want to work as a nurse at a high school?"

"Well, I guess you could say I like to worry about others... I've never really thought about it." He admitted and gave her a shy smile, his cheeks slightly pink. 

Ayano felt her heart pound like crazy and she wanted to scold herself for being charmed by Mujo. 

This wasn't how it was supposed to be!

" I never understood why people laughed or cried... I wasn't exactly normal." She revealed and Mujo looked at her confused.

"Well, I can't really think what to expect when someone says normal. I don't there even is such a thing."

"Normal people laugh, get angry or sad, they yell and cry. I never did any of this... at least in the past."

"So you do now, right?" He asked and Ayano nodded, she had changed a lot since that time. She knew and accepted as much.

She thought that after all that she would go back to her emotionless state and forget all these wonderfull moments she had with everyone else because Taro would reject her.

And yet now that she was talking to this man... she found that she didn't want to go back... she didn't want to be alone. 

She suddenly felt a hand on her head and looked at Mujo, who was patting her head with a warm smile, Ayano became red and looked away... she was feeling embarrassed, so very embarrassed.

" Weirdo." She mumbled and even though Mujo heard it he kept on patting her head.

"You're a really good girl Ayano, I'm suprised that you think so little of yourself." He confessed and suddenly as he tried to move away he slipped and fell on Ayano, the contact only made Ayano turn even more red and Mujo smilled shyly at her.

"Sensei, you're really clumsy... don't you have an assistant at times like this?" She asked and Mujo thought about it while he moved away.

" Come to think of it I don't... it would be nice to have someone help me around here." He blurted out and Ayano looked at him before a thought crossed her mind... maybe it wasn't too late for her after all.


"Mujo sensei... please be a bit quicker." A nurse said in a calm yet gentle tone, she was wrapping the arm of a second year student who thought it'd be a good idea to pick a fight with the delinquents and came here a mess. 

The pink haired male came out and as he did he tripped over his own leg and fell down. Causing the bandages and the rest of his equipment to spill all over the floor.

"Not again! It's the fourth time already!" He whined and Ayano laughed a bit before looking at her white uniform. 

After that day when she spent a small part of her day with Mujo she decided she wanted to try again, this time she would aim for a person similar yet at the same time different from Taro, when Mujo heard that Ayano wanted to become a nurse he was delighted and the two of them began spending a lot of time together, when she graduated and officially became a nurse Mujo had been an excellent senpai. 

Kind and gentle, funny and sweet... the two of them got close and though Ayano hadn't noticed it yet... Mujo too had began saw her in a romantic way, he would always try his best to make her smile. And due to his clumsy nature, Ayano would always be there to assist him and clean up the mess.

Her family weren't sure what to think of it at first but now everyone could see where this was going and they couldn't be happier, Ayano had freed herself from Taro and was now living the way she wanted, this senpai was different not only in appearance but also in the way Ayano approached him, no killing or blackmailing... no psychotic urges and no sign of obsession... that was how she would seek her new life, with a new senpai.

"Mujo sensei, do you also need to rest a bit?"

"Ah! No,no! I'm okay. Thanks Ayano."

He said as he tried to stand up... only to fall on the floor again because he stepped on a bottle of pills.

Ayano chuckled and then... she noticed a small envelop... she was about to open it but Mujo was first to get it. He looked at Ayano with a blush... and then he opened the envelop.

Two tickets for the Aquarium came out and Ayano knew exactly what that meant.

Her happy ending was still waiting for her.

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