Mystery is in the air.

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~ At a cafe near Akademi high school~

Three hours and twenty minutes, that's how long the boys squad had been watching quietly as Ayano talked, smiled and even laughed with Taro. 

All of them were currently sitting on a table in the far corner of the cafe and were watching these two being lovey-dovey with a jealousy that could be sensed meters away, surprisingly enough neither Taro nor Ayano sensed it at all.

"So you really think they are officially a couple?" Hanako asked and Osano growled.

" If I knew, we wouldn't have to do this." He said annoyed and Hanako looked at the rest of the team.

" How about we just ask them?" Oko said and Amao nodded.

"I think that's the best thing to do."

" I have a better idea." Nemesis said and everyone's attention was directed to him.

" What?" Aso asked curious, Nemesis looked at Osano and smiled.

"Me and Osano will ask Ayano, we've known each other longer and we are closer to her as the only friends she had in grade school." He said and Osano nodded as he thought back the emotionless little girl that was always spacing off or simply ignored everything in existence around her.

"Seriously?" Aso asked and Osano nodded.

"She used to be a real pain in the neck." Osano said and Nemesis glared at him.

" You were more of a pain than her, you obnoxious sissy." He said and Osano snapped at him.

" And you still look like a something out of a horror novel, talk about creepy. No wonder she wants nothing to do with you."

" Says the person who looks like a unicorn vomited on them." Nemesis hissed back, the two of them glared at each other trying to intimidate each other, only to receive a good punch on the head by someone. 

When they both raised their gaze they saw the Osoro glaring at them. He was intimidating enough to make them stop arguing for the moment.

" Shut up, you're going to ruin everything." He said and Osano glared at him.

"What the hell are YOU doing here? Don't you have to fight another brain damaged idiot like you?" He spat and Amao smiled nervously.

" Come now, let's not forget why we're here."

" We can ask Mido sensei, he isn't any different, he likes her more than a normal teacher should." Aso said and Osano raised an eyebrow.

He wanted the pedo to help? How was that a good idea? 

" Was Rana sensei ever normal?" He finally said and Oko nodded in agreement.

"Ayano would be in great danger if that incubus were to come near her."

" Guys, what about Ayano? We can ask her now!" Aso said with a large grin. 

" Too late, they're gone." Budo said as he looked at the table Ayano and Taro were sitting a few minutes ago. 

Truth be told he had seen them leave a while ago but he really didn't know how to get the rest to listen.

" Oh great!!! Now what?" Osano asked annoyed.

"Will you shut up? You've been going on and on like that for the past three weeks. You uncultured peasant." Kizano said with a deep frown as he moved so that Osoro could sit with them.

"And I have every right to act this way, what happens if they go too far?" Osano said with a small blush, everyone understood except for sweet, little Hanako.

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