A forgotten enemy.

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~ Back in the hospital~

"You!!!! Why are you here?!" Sakura exclaimed in horror. 

"Who is she?" Megamo asked but no one spoke, he looked back at the stranger and she only took a quick glance at Ayano before speaking.

"If she can't survive this, then she was nothing more than trash to begin with." She commented plainly, that caused everyone to glare at her enraged.

"How dare you!!! What do YOU know about this young girl?!" Ichirou growled enraged. She replied with a stern look before speaking again.

"Are you sure YOU should be here? I think you have a visitor back home. Should you really let this person wait?"


"I didn't come here to repeat myself over and over. I only came to check and reveal a few... secrets." She stated and the Saikou's left without another word but before that, they gave her a warning glare, whoever she was, she shouldn't try to pick a fight with such a powerfull family.

"Like what?" Kyoko asked.

"Like the fact that I'm the one who told that red headed fool where to find Ayano alone."

"You dare do something like that?! Don't you know the penalty for trechary?!" Saya growled.

"There will be no penalty for me." The female answered with a hellish grin before leaving the hospital. 

Once she got outside though she saw a red headed boy wearing a mask, Info kun.

"You really are as horrible and heartless as you were described in the past."

"You know that many things about my past? How interesting."

"I know a lot more than you might think, I know what you have done, the damage you created and the misery you brought."

"Do you now?" 

"By all means, that is my job, I collect informations and I sell them... for a price."

"So you want to sell me information? For what?"

"For a few things that can cause you great harm."

"And what is it that you want as payment for your services?" She asked coldly.

"I want... a favor."

"Favor? What kind of favor could you possible want from me?"

"I want you to make sure Ayano Aishi lives and continues her path."

"Hmm, well what do you know? How do you know Ayano?"

"Let's just say, she's a very good client, it'd be a shame to lose her."

"You remind me of myself in the past, very well. You've got yourself a deal, here's my email address, sent me this information you've collected. And who knows, maybe I'll end up becoming a good client as well." She agreed with a dark smile before she handed Info kun a card. 

Info kun looked at the piece of papper before he himself left the scene and went back to his room.

~ Meanwhile at the Saikou residence~

Megamo and his father had just arrived when one of the servants came, fear was written all over his face.

"What is going on here?" Ichirou asked and the servant gulped before answering.

"You have a visitor in your office, sir." He reported and Megamo raised an eyebrow as his father left for his office in a hurry, once he opened the door he came across a female, she had the same silver hair as he and Megamo and grey eyes as well, she was looking at him with a gentle and warm smile. 

The person before him was his older sister, Ichiko Saikou, the one who abandoned everything after she was fed up with their father's expectations and insane ideals of a perfect heir. All of them based on the Aishi bloodline's image. 

"Hello brother, it's been a long time."

"What are you doing here? Does father know you're here?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No, I only came to see you and Megamo. How is he doing?" She asked and he left a heavy sigh.

"In health well, however his heart is facing a great trial."

"What happened?"

"The girl he is in love with is being hospitalized after she was brutally attacked."

"Oh my! Who did it? Do you know?"

"Yes but... I'd rather not talk about it."

"Who is this young lady?"

"Her name is Ayano, Ayano Aishi." Ichirou said before his eyes widen, Ichiko's face had turned cold, hatefull.

"Aishi, you said?"

"You know about them?"

"Wasn't one of them the reason our father married our mother? Because she managed to trick him into marrying another woman and then there is..." 

"There is who?"

"Nothing, nothing that I can prove... yet." She replied and he felt that there was something about her that would lead into another huge conflict between the two families. Which was the last thing they needed after what had just happened.

"Sister, please don't get in the way of Megamo's love. He really loves this young girl and I, myself, have grown to care for her as if she was my own daughter." He admitted and she left a heavy sigh.

For her stoic brother who never loved his wife or his own children to be this protective of someone was new and unexpected. Ichirou had been completely molded into an emotionless buisinessman... but now... now he looked more like a human than a machine... and as happy as she was, she couldn't help but worry considering an Aishi was behind this miracle.

"If I did something like that I wouldn't be much different from our father... I never got to apologize to you, by the way."


"For leaving you behind, all alone with our father, for not contacting you for three decades... I'm really sorry, I just-"

"It doesn't matter anymore. A lot of things happened, besides I don't plan to hold it against you, sister. Besides you're not responsible for everything that's wrong with this family." Ichirou interrupted, his voice and expression getting gentler before he gave her a welcoming hug.

"Thank you." She whispered and returned the gesture. Perhaps this change made by the Aishi family was for the best... even if she knew that they'd rather die than assist her or the rest of the Saikou family.

Two days later...

~ At the airport~

Ryoba and her husband had landed and were now leaving the airport in a rush, Ryoba growing more anxious by the minute, her husband shared part of her worry but what he mainly wanted to know was, what made Ryoba rush to find a flight to go back and why was she so scared all of a sudden? This wasn't like her at all.

"Ryoba, who was it that you talked to back then?" He finally asked once they got inside his car.

"The bigger problem isn't her identity, it's what she has done. Because of her the Saikou's got into a conflict, she destroyed a family without any hesitation just to achieve something we all were...only for us to realize we were been played all along."


"She is the one that truly caused damage in the Saikou family, the puppet master in this facade."

"How do you know all that?"

"Because she told me so herself... a long time ago."

And if only that was the only thing that woman had told her... so many years ago. 

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