Fierce heart

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Akademi High- 10:00 P.M

Ayano was sitting at her desk and was staring at the sky, she was feeling more happy to come to school now, Senpai had been talking to her and the best part, she had a date with him in the library this Friday! 

She intended to change the events a bit though, she wanted to have a bit more fun with him. She knew they had their whole lives to do so but she was so impatient! She had to get some private time with him and enjoy his existence without others for a bit. As she thought that she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, it was Mido Rana.

Her mind went back to Osano's warnings... warnings that everyone, Aso, Amao, Oko... even Nemesis had given her. 

Still, she was not one to back down from a confrontation that easily.  

"The lesson is over Ayano chan. Or do you wish to have me tutor you personally?" He purred, he went to her back and placed his hand on her hips, lips on her left ear.

 Ayano gave him her usual blank experession and said in a flat tone.

"I was just thinking about my date on Friday." 

" Date?" He repeated, his perveted fantasies gone within seconds and a wave of jealousy settling in his heart. She was dating someone?

" Yes, Taro senpai and I are going to have a date." She said and he realized it was the boy most girls thought of as refreshing despite being a big bookworm, he was suprised that Taro Yamada would actually notice a girl that wasn't the character of some novel. 

"Is that so? I admit you caught me off guard, still I wouldn't mind giving you a few lessons, some of them might even come in handy to you when you and Taro get....closer." He said, still smiling, his mind though was thinking of ways to stop her from ever going to this date. 

Too bad for him because Ayano would turn the world upside down if it meant that she could be with Taro even for a minute. She stood up, moving further away and preparing to answer to his proposal.

Suddenly someone knocked the door causing the both of them to turn around, it was Megamo. Ayano felt a shiver down her spine as fear overtook her. She knew this couldn't possibly end well, her expression still cold but her mind was already doing it's best to come up with an excuse to leave.

"Sorry to interrupt. Rana Sensei I would like to have a moment with Miss Aishi." Megamo said strictly, his face was stiff, his eyes demanding and his tone threatening.

" Very well." Mido said but as he went out of the class he gave Megamo a cold glare, still smilling. Suddenly Ayano tried to leave the class too, Megamo grabbed her hand and forced her back in.

" Let me go. I don't have to listen anything you say." She said with anger building up within her heart, her tone was cold, harsh and filled with disgust.

 Megamo thought of it as cute and he couldn't help but smirk at her behaviour. She was like a cat, calm and relaxed but ready to attack when she felt a threat.

" I assure you, you will like it. My father wants to speak to you, for old times sake."

"Mr Saikou? Is that really why you came to talk to me?" She asked him.

"Yes, also, do be carefull around Mido sensei, he can be a bit too daring, especially when it comes to young females with attitude." Megamo said and Ayano felt that there was a small sign of worry in his voice, he sounded... protective, the same way a big brother would act when his little sister was facing a pervert. 

And it made her sick. 

" You don't have to worry about me, I can protect myself. "

" I know. Is that the reason that you killed Sakyu and her sister?" He asked and she felt terror in realization of the situation she had just gotten into.

" S... Sakyu is..."  She said, putting her acting skills to the front... but to no use.

" Don't try to act shocked. I know your family's history.... well, part of it." He admitted and Ayano brought out the knife Kyoko had given her, the knife of the ancestor that began it all.

" If you ever try to tell a soul. I vow to kill you with this knife! You can be sure, I am capable of doing it and getting away with it."

" I wont say a thing, however I need you to do something in exchange for me."

" What could you possibly want from me?"

" I want you to attend the ball at my house as my date during the Akademi High foundation day."

His words made her cold expression melt into that of pure rage. Her eyes became two black fiery pits as she said her next words.

" NO! I am already another person's date. I can't just dumb him, he's my..."

" Your "special" one? That bookworm?"

" Insult him again and you are a goner. He is way better than the likes of you." Ayano said placing the knife in Megamo's throat, her eyes lost all signs of humanity and Megamo realized what his father meant when he said that the Aishi family was consisted of emotionless women. 

They were willing to turn off their emotions for the sake of the man they chose as their future husband even if they knew the risks of doing so. Despite them being a threat to humanity, he couldn't help but feel there was some sort of noble emotion in their madness.

" Very well, then you will accompany me on Sunday at a date. I wont accept no as an answer, I even made sure that Nemesis wont be here for a while. So, there is no reason to worry about Taro's safety." He said and Ayano felt.... relief? 

Nemesis was strong, meaning that she had to become even stronger, she hid the knife in her back and gave Megamo a cold look.

"Fine." She said, her tone as cold as one can possibly imagine.

 Suddenly they heard a gasp. It was Budo Masuta, leader of the Martial arts club, he seemed... furious.

" Oh no you don't! Saikou, keep your hands off of her!" He said and Megamo seemed annoyed.

"Get out, Budo." Megamo replied.

"The hell I am! She's not yours!"

" She's not yours either, Masuta."

" Budo san, please, that's enough."

" But Ayano! He's blackmailing you!!!"

" I said it's fine, besides I always pay my debts. Without any exceptions." Ayano argued and that could easily be taken as a threat, mostly because the way she said it was meant to be like that. 

After that she took Budo and got out of the class, leaving Megamo with his thoughts about what her words meant.

"Ayano, maybe I should come too, this man... he's..."

" I'm happy that you are worried but I will be fine. Also.... there was something I wanted to ask you." She said and Budo seemed curious.


" Can I.... join your club? Just in case, I want to be ready." She said and Budo's face brightened at once.

"Yes! Yes, of course! We can start today if you want."

" That would be great but I haven't told my grandparents, I don't want them to worry. Can we start tomorrow after school?"

" Sure. I promise you, you will not regret it!" Budo said with a wide smile, his cheeks a lovely shade of pink.

Ayano smiled, in her mind, phase one of her plan was already complete.

Now, for phase number two.

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