Puzzle pieces.

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Akademi Highschool~ Monday morning.

The boys squad were all talking about a very strange event that happened yesterday while walking past the entrace of the school.

All of them received an invitation from Yui Aishi to visit the main house today after school, along with the invitation there was a letter that asked them to keep it a secret from Ayano and her cousines. 

Shizuko and Suzuna however were already on the move and had informed Ayano and Haruka, it was a good thing that Osano rarely keeps his voice down, otherwise they wouldn't have known about it.

"So what do we do?" Haruka asked, Ayano looked ahead as they neared the school's entrance. 

"Perhaps we should ask assistance from my so called "fiancee", I'm sure he can keep them busy IF I give him something in return."  She suggested and the three girls had a bad feeling about this.

"Like what?" Shizuko asked cautiously, asking help from Megamo wasn't going to be easy, especially since he could ask for the most outrageous thing imaginable, at least from their point of view.

"What if you don't need him to keep your friends busy?" A male voice interrupted from behind, Ayano looked back and saw a young boy, he was thin with silver hair and a matching pair of eyes, his mischevious smile hinted that he had something more to say to this.

And Ayano knew who he was and why he was willing to approach her.

"Let me guess, you're Kencho Saikou." Ayano replied sternly and the girls became stiff.

"Indeed, pleased to meet you Yan chan." He said and Ayano's glare turned deadly within seconds.

" Don't call me that if you want to continue your journey in life." She hissed and Kencho laughed.

"Oh, don't get it personally! I am here because I can help you with your little problem and I assure you what I ask in return isn't nearly as awful as the things my brother would have you do in exchange for his help." Kencho stated in a reasonable tone as he came closer, all five of them began walking as Kencho explained how he was going to hold the boys back, Ayano's face didn't change at all even as relief expanded through her body and soul.  

And she had a good reason to remain stoic too.

" And what do you want in return?" She asked and Kencho smiled happily.

"There is a party that will be held in our house this Wednesday. I want you to be my date, it'll cause great displeasure to my brother and it will show him your preferences in males. Plus my father and grandfather won't push a relationship between you two as much if they think you favor me more than Megamo." He explained and Ayano saw that this benefited her a lot... but she was still a bit anxious about what this boy had in mind.

Still, she didn't have the time to think about it, every passing minute was an opportunity for Yui and a blow to the happy ending Ayano wished to have with Taro. 

There was only one answer that could be given here, really.

" You have a deal." She answered coldly and Kencho's smile widen before he offered his hand to Ayano, she reluctantly gave it to him thinking he wanted a handshake but the moment she placed it on top of his, he brought it to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss. 

This caught her by suprise but she only widen her eyes.

"I'll see you then, my dear partner." He replied as he moved ahead, leaving the four yandere girls in a state of shock as none of them had seen that coming.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" A voice shouted and everyone turned to see Osano looking at them pissed. 

The rest of the boy's squad were shocked and kept staring at Kencho's back as he slowly went out of sight.

" Well, we introduced ourselves and thought he wanted to shake hands but... I never thought he would actually try the whole prince charming thing." Ayano answered in defense of herself, most of the members calmed down, except for three of them.

"This is simply outrageous, only I can kiss my Juliet's hand!" Kizano stated and Osano glared at him.

"Go eat a few more roses you arrogant eggplant coloured freak!!!!" Osano shouted causing Kizano to return the glare.

"How dare you!!! You should take a look at a mirror first, you look like something unspeakable vomitted and decided it was acceptable to be shown publicly. I am the prince of Akademi High and I most certainly look the part!" He exclaimed as he threw his cape for emphasis.

Nemesis was only glaring at Kencho and was already arranging his death. He would also speak with Megamo about this as well... and of course he would give Ayano her punishment for being so stupid as to trust a male that wasn't him. 

Ayano saw Oko coming closer and he looked at her for a bit. He placed his hand on her cheek and made her look up.

"You... haven't been sleeping well lately, have you?" He asked as he saw black circles slowly forming under her eyes.

"I have some trouble sleeping." She confessed, the past few days she had spent time with Amao, Mujo, Budo and Hanako had helped her calm down but Yui was a thought that kept her up all night. And then there were those emotions that would pop up when she was with people who weren't Taro.

For this reason she now felt weird being around them now, when she cooked with Amao her heart pounded because he scooted of some cream that was on her nose. His smile had actually managed to make her blush!

 And everytime she went to the nurse's office and Mujo was present he would always create a weird situation due to his carelessness, there was even a time where the almost kissed!

As for Budo.... he went with her at a caffe and she chatted with him and had a great time until she slipped on a wet spot on the floor, Budo had caught her mid air and had pulled her closer to him, she felt embarrassed about her clumsiness... although that was, in truth, Osano's attempt to ruin their happy mood without either of them knowing. 

And lastly, there was Hanako who went with her to the amusement park since Taro was still recovering from his cold. 

Hanako wasn't really the leading type but the way he would cling on her was adorable, he was like a kitten asking it's owner for attention and that activated some protective instincts in her. She didn't even know she had those instincts until that day!

"Maybe you should skip school for a short while Ayano. I would hate for you to collapse because you don't get enough sleep."  Amao suggested with a worried expression and Oko nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps there are some evil spirits who wish to harm you... I'll ask the other club members to help me do a ritual to help you." He added with a small blush, Ayano felt her heart pound again... 

Oko was indeed a very sweet person once you got to know him... almost as sweet as Taro....

"T-Thanks. Anyway, we should go or we will be late." Ayano noted and they all moved ahead with Kizano and Osano still arguing and insulting each other. 

  ~Meanwhile inside a very speciffic room~

"Oh dear, I thought I told you to wait a bit longer, otherwise the game would be too boring." Info kun said as he looked next to him. 

Yui was staring at a camera that showed Ayano and her friends entering the school. She was outraged to see those boys charm HER Ayano.

"I waited long enough. Now I'll collect the puzzle pieces and strike while the iron's hot... I will make sure that history will repeat itself again. And gain what I've always wanted."

"Yes but... let's not forget our agreement, okay?"

"You'll have what you asked for... I promise you that."

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