Mido ending.

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Ayano looked at her mother standing before her, eyes cast down as if trying to find the right words to express what she wanted to say. 

Ayano saw that her mother was covered in blood... but whose blood was this?

"Mum... what did you do?" She asked and Ryoba looked away, she then brought out her kitchen knife and a small amount of red hair, the color matched Akane Toriyasu and Ayano understood that she was dead. 

" We killed her... but not before she... she..."

"What did she do?! Answer me!!!" Ayano demanded, fearing for the worst.

"Ayano... I'm sorry... he's dead." Ryoba announced and Ayano's world was destroyed the second she heard the last words, she looked at her mother and then the knife... Ryoba saw that and moved away, looking at her daughter with teary eyes. 

She knew that Ayano felt that this was the only option for her now but she didn't want to lose her daughter, no mother would ever wish for that.

" Mum... if he's gone... what am I supposed to do?" Ayano asked as she fell on the ground, hands covering her face... Ryoba was about to answer when she heard someone's voice. She instantly hid herself behind the cherry tree since she couldn't allow herself to be seen with blood all over her and a knife. 

"Ayano?" A deep male voice said, Ryoba took a quick look and was shocked to see a familiar face... Mido Rana. 

She had heard about his attempts to take Ayano's virginity and she felt the need to skin him for daring to do something like that to her daughter. 

Ayano kept on crying ignoring her teacher, when he touched her head, she looked up for a moment, Mido smiled at her thinking that she had been rejected by Taro... he had no idea what had really happened. 

He offered to take Ayano home since she seemed sick and despite her condition Ayano was able to accept while still keeping her usual cool and polite tone. 

As soon as they left Ryoba sneaked inside the school where she found the twins, they handed her a pair of clean clothes and after changing in the girls bathroom they burned the blood stained clothes, cleaned the knife and left undetected.

Needless to say that when Mido appeared before Ryoba, she showed that she was not happy with him being so close to her daughter.

The next day when it was revealed that Taro and Akane were dead everyone was shocked, Megamo had no choice but to install security cameras, metal detectors and many more things. 

Because of Yui it seemed that the one behind that was a drunk male that had stumbled upon Taro and attacked him, Akane tried to help but they were both unlucky. 

Despite the knowledge that the girl had pepper spray Yui was able to pull enough strings to send the man in jail and save Ryoba and the twins. 

Ayano however was a whole different story, she was a mess... she spoke to no one and hardly paid any attention to the world around her, the boys squad proved unable to help her and Mujo's kindness reminded her of her senpai more. 

Mido however had been surprisingly attached to Ayano as he kept a close eye on her, he would try to flirt with her but she would push him away as soon as he went too far. She was a student after all and he was her teacher.

One day when Ayano didn't come to school due to an illness, Mido came to her house and kept her company despite the death glares and warning smiles Ryoba gave him every ten minutes she came inside Ayano's room. 

" Sensei... why are you still here?" Ayano asked after she realized it had been nine hours since he came.

" Is it bad for me to worry about a student of mine?"

"You're my teacher not my father." She reminded sternly and he chuckled.

"Do I really look that old?"

"My dad isn't old."

"Okay, okay, still... ever since that day you had not been yourself my dear. Your icy gaze and emotionless state aren't normally like this." He commented and Ayano was confused. 

"How is that even possible? Emotionless people such as myself don't change."

"Oh, I beg to differ." He purred and came closer, his hands touched Ayano's sides but stopped when someone cleared their throat, Mido stopped and saw Ryoba giving him the deadliest glare he had ever seen.

"Ayano, should I call the police?" Ryoba asked.

"No, mother... it's fine. He's joking, he's not that stupid." Ayano replied and Ryoba noticed a change in Ayano's tone, cold it may have been but she saw a spark of the passion that had existed only for Taro. 

Could it be?

With one look at Mido she knew what was happening. Her daughter was finally getting over that horrible tragedy.

And as much as she hated to admit it... Mido was the one responsible for that. Maybe there was hope for Ayano after all.


" No." Ayano said firmly as Mido brought his face closer.

"Why not?"

" You're a teacher, I am the head of the Aishi family."

" But you are also my girlfriend."

"Mido sensei... I am not going to live with you." Ayano said and Mido smirked.

" You will, if I can help it." He said as kissed the black haired female passionately, Ayano pinched his arm and managed to get away. 

She and Mido had a complicated relationship, she wanted to currently rival the Saikou corporation, to ensure a better future for everybody by creating a travelling agency that had been successfull so far. And that would assist in the future of the Aishi bloodline.

Mido on the other hand wanted to move to the next level of this relationship.

During her highschool time, the two of them had developed feeling for each other, Ayano contained them under an icy mask at first since she was a high school girl and he was her teacher... should authorities every suspect something it wouldn't end well.

After she turned eighteen she and Mido became a couple, it was both shocking and hillarious... especially when Ryoba heard about it. 

She had vowed to herself that should Mido and Ayano ever marry, she would become the typical wicked mother in law and torture him with both kindness and nasty remarks alike. 

Surprisingly the one to defend the two was Yui who had no intentions of allowing Ayano to experience the same type of despair ever again. And with Info kun by her side, this was much easier than ever before. 

" I said no and I mean no."

" We're engaged."

"No we're not." Ayano stated clearly unhappy with his lie. 

Mido suddenly brought out a small box and once he opened it, Ayano was dumpfounded to see a small ring.

" We are now... right?" He asked and Ayano blinked a few times before looking at him, she nodded reluctantly and Mido placed the ring on her finger. 

That was weird... right?

At the same time Ryoba, Yui and Kyoko were looking at this with the same expression as Ayano had a few minutes ago. 

Ryoba and Yui came back to their senses first and finally spoke up.

" Did he just..."

" Uh huh." 

"To my daughter..."

" Yep. Looks like you'll play the wicked mother in law after all." Yui said with a smirk and Ryoba rolled her eyes, despite her dislike of Mido, she was a bit happy that he had been able to help Ayano and successfully become... her new senpai.

But that didn't mean she was going to let him go that easily.

This story was not over yet.

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