A beloved yandere.

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~ 8:30 Α

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~ 8:30 Α.M Akademi High School.~

Ayano was sitting in her desk and was watching picture No103 of Senpai in her cellphone. She began wondering if picture 264 was not as good as the other and wether she had to take it again.

 She left a sigh of longing and hid the phone once she saw the rest of the students taking their seats. She still couldn't help feeling that someone was watching her from afar. 

Could it be Info kun? 

No, the way she felt this presence was of someone who was an amatuer. She took a look around but saw no signs of suspicious behaviour. She looked outside the window into the clear sky. She began thinking about the recent events in her life. 

She had met her special someone, Taro Yamada, her mother had left with her father under no specific reason and now her grandparents had appeared suddenly, filling up this missing gap. She wondered what could have driven her mother and grandmother to come to such an agreement. 

 "Could it be that the Aishi family in general is facing a great threat"?  She thought, that could only explain the current situation.

Maybe so but still there was no evidence of such a thing. Suddenly she heard a voice, something between a purr and a command. She looked in front of her and saw a tall male with brown hair and eyes in the same color with an eccentric style, perhaps a bit unfitting for a teacher but it still made him what others would call "sexy".  His face seemed like that of a pervert and really... he just looked shady all together.

Ayano felt nothing though, not even disgust. She just thought of him as a weirdo, he wasn't her Senpai so there was no reason to care. So she decided to write down how much she loved her senpai in her notebook. 

"Who is going to answer this?" He asked as he pointed a math problem in the blackboard. The girls were squealing, the boys were silent and Ayano didn't care at all, something that the teacher noticed instantly. He pointed at her, calling her on the board and she stared at him blankly. 

"You want me to solve it, sensei?" She asked coldly, she felt that every girl in the class was throwing fire with their glares but Ayano ignored them and stood up anyway. She made her way through and solved the problem silently. Once she was done, she sat back without a word and copied it in her notebook, the rest of the students were in utter shock towards her.

Some looked at her with admiration, some with envy and some with plain curiousity. Ayano decided not to bother with any of them. That was their problem, not hers.

"What is your name, young lady?" He asked her amazed. 

"Ayano Aishi, sir." She said and everyone made sure to remember the name of this emotionless girl. Mostly because she showed just how little she thought of the weirdo who was teaching them.

"Well, Miss Aishi, you've answered correctly, I would like to talk to you after school if you don't mind." He said and Ayano nodded. She tried to remeber his name, Mido Rana? 

"Yes Rana sensei."  She said with a tone of absolute coldness. Mido felt a shiver, he liked how this girl was acting so cold, unlike the other girls in class she didn't seem enchanted by him. 

She had picked his interest and he was planning on making her his. 

Once class ended Ayano walked out of class, forgeting everything Mido had said. She was going to the plaza to stalk Senpai when she got a glimpse of a man with silver hair and grey eyes that didn't show the slightest bit of weakness.

 She recognized him at once, he was Saikou Megamo, the school's council president and a the next heir of the Saiko family buisness. 

She had seen his father once before.


 Ayano was eleven years old, her mother had taken her to the playground to play with the other children (though she usually ended in the swings on her own), at that moment she heard her mothers displeased voice and turned to see what was going on. She remebers seeing a man with silver hair, grey eyes that had a sign of hidden lust and longing... he was wearing a black suit which made her wonder if he was someone important. He was holding her mothers arm and was pulling her closer, her mother was resisting and so Ayano decided to approach before her mother brought out the kitche knife she was keeping under her clothes. When the man noticed her he seemed terrified, he looked at her mother, then her and back to her mother again.

"Is she...?"

"MY daughter. She is MINE and HIS." Ryoba said  and looked at him with clear disgust. The man let go of her and Ryoba grabbed Ayano, both of them left in a hurry, Ayano was puzzled  by her mother's reaction and so she decided to ask.

"Who was he, Mom?"

"He is an enemy for us. His name is Saikou, you must stay away from him and everyone else who have the same name as him, okay sweetie?" Ryoba said gently, her eyes though showed a clear hatred and... fear? Was he really that dangerous?

"Why is he dangerous?" Ayano asked without realizing what she was getting into.

"Because he and his family make our lives difficult for us, when you meet The One, a Saikou might stand on your way."

"Then will I do what you do when someone is in your way?" 

 "No, no matter what you must stay away from a Saikou. Make sure you give your best perfomance to fool them, okay?"

"Yes Mom."

"That's my little devil. Come on, let's go have some ice cream." 

(End of Flashback) 

Ayano, remembered clearly her mother's words and so she moved silently, she made sure to avoid eye contact and when she felt his gaze upon her she ignored him completely. 

She wanted to see Senpai, she didn't have time to play fangirl with him.  What she didn't notice was Megamo's blushing expression as he watched her pass by. His eyes were sad and at the same time determent. 

He was going to win her over.

At the same time in the Aishi household.

"Are you sure, Ryoba? Do you really think the Saikou's know?" Kyoko asked with anxienty.

"I'm sure, mother. You must make sure that the son of that man will not come close to Ayano, or my little girl might never get her one true love."

"That's impossible and you know it. Every Aishi got the man she wanted one way or another. Ayano will be the same. As for the Saikou brat, leave it to me." Kyoko said and closed the phone. She remembered when she was a student, the Saikou's had tried to enter the Aishi family's buisness back then too. 

This time however they were more powerfull, they were also more carefull and more cautious.  This time, they actually had a chance of winning over her beloved grandaughter.

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