School conflict.

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Ayano was hiding behind a tree while watching Senpai eat with Osano and Hanako. She felt a spark of jealousy, she wished she could sit next to him and eat... at least there wasn't any girls around here.

 Suddenly she felt someone touching her shoulder, she looked back and saw Amao Odayaka smiling at her gently. Well, that was new. 

"Hello there. You're Ayano Aishi right? I've seen you around and... I couldn't help but come and greet you"  He said, Ayano stared at him blankly wondering if she should reply or just leave.

"Hi, Amao san."  She greeted coldly, not really interested in being friendly to someone who wasn't Taro. Amao was surprised by her cold attitude, it seemed harsh and a bit mean. However when he heard her stomach growling he almost burst into laughter. Ayano cleared her throat and looked at him, it was a silent question which he had to answer.

"Would you like to eat with me? I couldn't help but notice you haven't brought a bento." He asked and Ayano nodded "yes". 

Amao brought a large lunchbox as well as some cookies. They sat a bit further than Taro and his friends.  Ayano stared for a bit wondering if he always made this much. She took one riceball and ate it. She stared at it for a while before mumbling.

"It's good."  Amao smiled and upon seeing her finish the first riceball and then going for a second one, his smile became even wider.

"I'm glad you like it. If you want I can cook for the both of us, I don't mind." He said.

Ayano nodded silently, causing the brunette to sigh in relief before  the two of them kept on eating without realizing Osano's annoyed stare. 

Especially the way he looked at Amao, like he would kill him at any moment. However it wasn't just Osano watching Ayano and Amao interract like this. From a far distance, the leader of the delinquents, Osoro was glaring at them as well. 

As Amao and Ayano were talking a darker skined boy with blonde hair approached them and looked at them  cheerfully. Wether intentional or not... no one could tell.

"Yo! What's up?" He asked and Amao lost his smile for a second, no one noticed it thankfully.

"Aso kun, would you like to join us for lunch?" Ayano asked politely, thinking that this would be the only reason Aso would ever come this way. Amao didn't complain though he felt disturbed by Aso's presence. 

" Yeah, of course. You're Ayano Aishi, right? Pleased to meet you."

"Yes. How do you know my name? If you don't mind me asking." She asked curious. She suspected that the reason Aso decided to hang around her was the reason Amao also did the same.

"You're the girl that gave Mido Rana the cold shoulder. Everyone knows you for that. Some boys even admire you for that one." Aso revealed and Ayano felt her heart skip a bit. She didn't expect to become popular over something like that. It could be a problem though, since students would want to stick around her....then she'd have no way of watching over her precious senpai. 

"Oh no. I never meant to do something to offend a teacher." She muttered, her tone still cold but there were signs of distress in her tone. Ayano had to act like everything was a misunderstanding.

"Nah, you didn't offend him. It's just that... all the girls in school always squeal and blush around him so much that they cant utter a single word. And the dude's a huge pervert too." Aso assured and Amao nodded in agreement.

"It's true, even the girls in my club act like that whenever he's involved." He revealed and Ayano couldn't understand why were these girls like this. Mido Rana wasn't THAT sexy, at least to her. "But then again so long as they stay away from Taro senpai, everything's fine" She thought and soon she realized that with all that she had completely forgotten about him, she took a quick glimpse around only to see Megamo staring at her from afar. 

Ayano's heart began pounding, yet it was differrent from when she saw her senpai. This time she didn't feel relaxed or complete. She felt... scared. She was scared of this man, she was told by her mother that this man would stand in her way, had she made clear she had found her special one.

 And the worst  part was that she couldn't kill him, she had to stay as far as possible. Megamo on the other hand, had no intention of keeping distances any longer. However he couldn't ignore the threatening gazes from every single male that was around her, not to mention Osoro's threatening approach. Megamo glared the blonde delinquent and as Osoro passed by he said in a low tone.

"Back off. She's not yours. And she never will be."

"Not yet." Megamo answered with confidence, making Osoro's glare even more threatening. Osano watched them both and then looked at Hanako who was simply looking at Ayano with admiration. He knew that this was a conflict from which none of them could possibly back off, not when the one they were going to lose was the girl who proved to be more than just a pretty face. 

Worst part was that Mido Rana stared at her from his office... that little girl was different and he liked a challenge, still he wouldn't something too improper to her...yet. After all something so precious had to be savored.

As for Ayano... she had no clue what was about to begin. Her only concerns were her senpai and her family.  If the Saikou family tried to interefere... she had to inform her grandmother at once or she risked losing her beloved Taro forever.

And she would never allow that to happen... even if she had to kill every student in this school, Taro would be hers.

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