Budo ending

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Ayano was frozen in place as she looked at the male before her. The leader of the Martial arts club was looking at Ayano with a small blush and a weak smile. 

Ayano had to do a double take before she spoke.

"B...Budo... why are you here?"

"I just thought that... now would be the best moment." He mumbled though Ayano heard him clearly. 

"The best moment for what? What happened?" Ayano asked and Budo brushed his hair awkardly.

"I-I... I am in love with you... Ayano... I've been in love with you from the moment you first entered Akademi High school. When you joined the Martial Arts club... I really wanted to confess... but I feared you'd say no and when you quit the club... I was even more terrified to confess. So here am I now, I really can't stand the idea of not saying anything anymore. If you're going to reject me then... now it's the time." Budo confessed and Ayano only stared at him in shock. 

This was the first time she heard Budo speak like that, she began thinking back at her time in the Martial arts club... Budo was always willing to stay more and help her with her balance and reflexes. 

He also made sure she wasn't bullied by any member who felt insulted by her sudden intrusion or because she was a newbie in general. There was also times where he made sure Nemesis was in line and didn't cause her trouble and the same happened when Osano's temper was reaching some dangerous levels.

 Even when Ayano left the club he was still willing to help and even defend her when someone tried to tease her like the members of the Acting club... Taro never did that, her senpai DIDN'T defend her... ever.

At that moment... something snapped in her. Like a thread stretched to it's limit, her previous conviction turned to uncertainty.

She gulped, slowly approached Budo and took a good look at him, she took another deep breath and touched his hand. 

Budo's eyes were locked on hers, the two of them gazed at each other before sharing a hug that said it all.

She had accepted his confession, she had accepted him, over Taro.

Budo smiled gently and brought his lips on her forehead in a loving kiss, this was the first time he was so gentle... it was as if she was made of glass. 

"Thank you... Ayano." Budo whispered as the two of them left the cherry tree, holding their hands and Ayano having a calm and relaxed smile, eyes looking at Budo with the love and adoration only an Aishi could ever master.


Ayano was looking at the young male that was trying to attack his teacher. Which in all honestly, wasn't going all that well.

On her side, there was a small girl who was cheering for them both while Ayano held a newborn baby. The younger male tried to punch his teacher but missed leading to him getting pinned down and kept there firmly by his teacher.

"You need to work on your aim Takumi, you wont be able to protect your sister and your brother otherwise." 

The young male stood up and looked at the little girl that was cheering, Kiyo, and then at his mother, Ayano who held his younger brother, Ren. 

"Budo, don't you think he's had enough? You've been training for six hours now." Ayano scolded as she stood up and approached her husband and her thirteen year old son. 

Takumi looked a lot like his mother both outside and inside... there was also something that scared Ayano to no end, it was the yandere side he was already showing with his overwhelming protectiveness of his younger sister and brother. Never before had been such a quick awakening in the Aishi family's long and bloody history.

Budo was teaching him ever since Kiyo was born, as it had been Takumi's request... and now with Ren his desire to protect and monopolize seemed to be getting greater. 

But Ayano didn't worry, not yet. 

Takumi had showed his yandere side since his was eleven and he did occasionally gave people the deadliest glares he could master... but that didn't mean that she wouldn't be able to contain it for now. Besides with him knowing that his siblings were still too young for anything bad to happen was keeping him calm and satisfied.  

" Oh my god!!!" A voice loudly screeched and everyone looked back. 

Haruka was walking towards them holding her son Kaito, he was one year older than Takumi but the two males were on friendly terms despite Takumi's wish to keep his younger siblings to himself. 

Kaito on the other hand seemed awfully attached to Takumi... and that adoring look he always had towards him was alerting and interesting at the same time.

" Haruka!!!" Ayano greeted with a smile, Haruka was now pregnant on her second child but that didn't stop her from being adventurous.

" Why is my nefew covered in bruises AGAIN?! What's the deal here?!" She demanded as she inspected Takumi.

" It's nothing aunt Haruka, if I can't endure that much I will never be able to protect my siblings." He said and Haruka sighed. 

She too, was aware of  his yandere side that was already out but she wasn't worried, even less so about the way her own son looked at his cousin. 

Takumi and Kaito left with Kiyo in order to play while Budo decided to shower before going to the annual council meeting of the Aishi family. 

"Well, what are you planning, leader?" Haruka said with a smirk, Ayano sighed. She received the title of leader after her wedding with Budo. Yui and Info kun were staying at the main mansion and were quite the fearsome duo, he was still as secretive as before but thanks to Yui's strong affection for Ayano things were peacefull and he seemed content with his current life. 

"Nothing really, I just want a family reunion, ever since we graduated we have been a bit distant, especially with aunt Sakura and the twins."

"That's because they're all travelling the world. And you, you have your own dojo with your husband and three wonderfull children." 

"I really can't believe that I was able to reject Taro so easily."

"Love doesn't exactly ask permission, she comes whenever she feels like it and acts on her own."

" You're right." A third voice said, the two females looked back and saw Budo walking up to them.

"Well, I can't say I'm not happy with the life I have now." Ayano admitted while looking at Ren who was sleeping peacefully in her arms.

"Neither can I." Budo agreed and pecked her lips, Ayano smiled and looked at her two children who were singing a tune along with their cousin.

"Okay lovebirds, save the syrup for later." Haruka teased with a wide grin before leaving the room. Ayano rolled her eyes and looked at Budo.

"Ready honey?"

"Yep, let's go and have a blast. Oh! I also invited our friends from high school, Taro too."

"I see, I didn't expect Osano to come back after he left Japan."

"Well, he really wants to meet Ren and Kiyo... also he said he needs to check up on you."

"Check up on me?" Ayano asked and raised an eyebrow confused.

"It's Osano's way of seeing he missed you... I think."

"Oh well, I guess this reunion is going to be noisy." She commented and Budo chuckled.

"I'm going to get the kids. See you in a few minutes."

"You better not start practicing again or I'll beat the both of you." She teased and slowly left, a smile on her face as her husband laughed loudly at her words.

 Life was only beginning for this couple and their children.

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