Roommates and Laptops

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Alexander Hamilton. Those were the words printed at the top of the application acceptance paper to King's College. Dorm #: 1776. That was the number written on a ugly yellow sticky note stuck to the application paper.

Alex sighed happily, holding the application acceptance paper and his key close in hand. The few belongings he had were in the backpack he had on his back. Alex readjusted his glasses, smiling brightly.

"This is it, I'm finally at King's College! I can't believe it!" He said softly to himself, looking around in awe. It was a huge campus, and most kids were going around on either bikes, scooters, roller skates, or skateboards. Very few were walking. There were some scattered around under the trees, either chatting with friends or working on homework due first day of class.

Alex looked over towards a large map, looking over it for the dorms. He found them on the map pretty quick, and started over for the large building, which thankfully wasn't that far from here.

A few minutes later, Alex finally found his dorm. He tried to use the key, and was surprised to find the door already unlocked. That caused him to be a little nervous, but this was his dorm.. He opened the door slowly, and poked his head inside. He was once again surprised to see two people sitting on the couch. One was clearly taller than the other, and kept his very curly hair in a ponytail. The other was wearing a grey beanie over his hair. Both men were wearing t-shirts. The taller had "Le French Baguette" written on his grey t-shirt, and the other's shirt was a burnt-orange color, with random patriotic patches ironed on it here and there. The two new people looked up at him as he entered, both seeming slightly surprised themselves.

"O-oh, s-sorry. I, I must be at the wrong place." Alex stuttered. The taller one just smiled brightly.

"No worries mon ami! I do believe you are, how you say, my 'roomie'?" He said, smiling at the other man as he snickered. "What is your name, mon petite lion?"

"M-me? Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton.. But please call me Alex. And you are...?"

"Hercules Mulligan! Up in it, lovin' it." Orange-shirt grinned, leaning back in his seat.

"Je m'appelle Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de Lafayette~ But please, call me Lafayette or Laf." Baguette replied with a proud flourish. Alex gave him a slightly blank look for a moment, surprised at the long name, before responding.

"Ah, ravi de vous rencontrer tous les deux alors." Alex responded, assuming Hercules could speak French (Spoiler; Herc is still learning and literally can only count to ten).

"Beg pardon?" Herc asked, a look of amusement on his face. Lafayette however was all starry eyed over the fact that his roommate knew French.

"Tu connais le français???" Laf asked, walking over to Alex and pulling him inside. Alex nodded.

"Oui. Ma mère m'a appris."

"Yo, Bilingual folk, you got a southern single-language-speakin' folk in the room. Mind translating to American, please?" Hercules asked, laughing as Lafayette just answered him in quick French that Alex couldn't make out.

"So, are you both my roommates?" Alex asked after a moment. Hercules shook his head.

"Naw dude. I'm going to a college across town. It had better courses for what I wanted. Laf's my boyfriend, so I came to visit." He said, smiling slightly.

"You are okay with, how you say, 'the gays'?" Laf asked, sitting down. Alex chuckled slightly.

"Well I mean, I'm bi so it's not a huge deal to me." He responded. The other two smiled.

"So, where are you from Alex?" Hercules asked, motioning for Alex to sit down in the only free chair. Alex did so, clearing his throat nervously.

"Ah, I'd rather not talk about that... What about you?"

"I was born in Tennessee, but my family moved up here to New York in my Freshman year of highschool."

"I was born in France, but after a, ah, rather tragic accident, I was adopted by a lovely couple here in the States. The Washingtons. George is our English professor." Laf explained.

"Laffy taffy and I met in freshman year, and quickly became great friends. We kinda developed feelings for each other, and decided we wanted to go to college together. Or at least go to college in the same town so we could see each other often enough." Herc continued explaining, smiling.

"Ooh, gotcha. That's really neat though you guys." Alex replied, smiling at the lovebirds.

"Oh! Your room is the first door on the left Alex." Lafayette said, pointing to a hall to the right. "If you want to put your stuff down, Herc and I can show you around town before it gets too late."

"Oh, okay. That sounds great, thank you." Alex smiled gratefully, and stood, heading off to his room.

"He's neat." Herc remarked after Alex had left. Lafayette nodded in agreement.

"Mhm. I think he'll get along well with all of us."

"Say, shall we invite the sisters to coffee with us? We can introduce Alex to them while we're there."

"Great idea mon ami!" Lafayette smiled brightly. "Yes, yes, do that. He'll love them!"

"Yeah. I think he'll get along with them well." Hercules agreed, as he took out his phone to text the Schuyler sisters to ask them to join the boys.

Alex returned a few minutes later, holding an off white laptop. "I didn't know that they gave us laptops!" He exclaimed, starry eyed over this fact. Lafayette chuckled.

"Ah, yes mon petite lion. The laptops are for school work and whatnot. There are certain sites you'll not be allowed on though." Laf explained.

"Who cares?? I get my own laptop! I could care less if they block certain websites." Alex replied, laughing slightly. Herc chuckled along.

"Oh, the girls said they'll meet up at the cafe with us by the way." Hercules spoke up after a moment.

"Ah, brilliant!" Laf replied. He turned to Alex. "Alex, put the laptop away, and we'll get started with that tour."

Alex nodded, and went back to his room, putting the laptop away. He returned moments later, slipping on a worn grey sweater. The sweater was practically falling apart, and Lafayette and Hercules noticed this.

"Dude, that thing's ancient.. Is that the newest sweater you have?" Herc asked, concern clear on his face. Alex nodded slightly, confused.

"Y-yeah.. Why?"

"Well, mon ami, that sweater is falling apart.. Say, tomorrow is the last free day before classes start. How's about we go, how you say.. Clothes shopping? Just to get you some essentials." Laf suggested. Alex seemed hesitant, but finally nodded.

"Yeah, okay. That's fine." He replied. Laf grinned brightly, standing.

"Wonderful! Now, let us get on with that tour mon ami!"

Sorry lmao. But in all seriousness, welcome to the first chapter of my Lams story : ) I won't have a strict updating schedule with this, as I do have other things I'd rather work on, but I hope you like it nonetheless uwu
Also feedback is greatly appreciated. And if you happen to notice grammar mistakes (in any language-) Feel free to correct me! For languages besides English, I just use Google Translate because I know about as much as Hercules on the note of French and other foreign languages- :"" ) So apologies for horrible grammar in other languages u0u
Anyway I gotta upload my Daily Drawing for the day and get to bed before I get fussed at- Bye : 3

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