There is just news, it is not good or bad.

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Slight trigger warning??? - eXTREMELY Vague mention of self harm. 

And then PSA - If you are goin' through a rough patch and life and feel like the only thing to do is to self harm or commit suicide, honey I want you to go talk to someone irl. A friend, a teacher, a parent, or a family member.. Someone. Speak up, tell them what's wrong, and make sure they know so they can help you.
I know it's hard, but things will get better. It's always darkest before the dawn.

And don't be afraid of negative emotions! It's perfectly normal to have them. You just have to learn how to healthily deal with them. Which yeah, is a struggle at times, but it's completely and totally worth it in the end because you will feel so much better about your life and yourself. uwu <3

Just keep on keeping on, do your best, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. God bless you and your path through life. <33


"I.. Have some news.. May I come in?" Eliza's voice rang out clearly, and the hesitance and nervousness in her voice were clear enough. Laf stood up and went to the door, allowing Alex a moment to compose himself before greeting the middle Schuyler.

Laf opened the door, and was met by Eliza's nervous expression, which instantly made him nervous as well. "Mon ami, what is the matter? Is it John?" He asked the second part much quieter so only Eliza could hear. She shook her head.

"No, it's not John.. It's Jefferson and Madison. And it's confusing to me." She replied. "They were acting oddly nice to me, it wasn't like them. That is until Reynolds and Lee showed up.."

"Oh, that is not unlike Thomas." Laf replied, seeming unsurprised. "How is this news?"

"It's news to me. You know how he used to pick on me and Pegs when we were in grade school." 

"You do not know what Thomas went through at home during grade school."

"And I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, because you're right, I don't know what he went through at home. But, that doesn't change the fact that he did those things and drove the both of us near crazy with it. Heck, you know how Peggy took those times.." Eliza murmured, and Laf nodded.

"Oui, I know.. Peggy never deserved that treatment, and neither did you. But what Thomas did then is not who he is now. He's changed."

"Apparently! I've never seen Jefferson act nice to anyone except in a 'fake' way." She replied, clearly quite surprised over the situation.

"H-he and Madison were nice to me earlier.." Alex stated softly. He had walked up moments earlier and had been standing beside Laf for a minute or so before speaking.

"He was??" Eliza asked in surprise, sighing softly. "Damn, this is.. This is new."

"Oui, to you apparently." Laf chuckled. "If it helps anything though mon ami, I can talk to him Wednesday at our Youth meeting, see what's up. I'm sure he wouldn't mind becoming friends with you guys, he's always told me he's wanted to."

"Really?? News to me." Eliza replied, clearly just trying to wrap her head around this information. "Alright, well.. I'm gonna go hang with Pegs and Angie. Peggy said she's been lonely with just her and Pip. Catch y'all later!" She waved, and left. Laf closed the door, and turned to Alex.

"Well, that was news. Just news, neither good nor bad, oui?"

"Yeah, just news.." Alex murmured, mulling over the information as well. What could this mean? Thomas had never been the nicest of folks to him, but suddenly, he and Madison were acting all.. Nice to him and his friends. It was.. Odd.

"C'mon, let's get back to.. Trying to study." Alex said, walking back over to the couch. Laf nodded and followed them.

They actually didn't get much work done, the storm kept messing Alex up until he passed out and Laf just let him sleep.


hEYYYYY Super short chapter for y'all :' D

I've got an idea as to where I wanna go after this because the next chapter is gonna be dedicated to a very special someone because I know she's going through a real rough patch rn and I wanna do everything I can to help lift her up.
And maybe the next chapter will help any of you struggling through the same or similar things. <3

Hope you liked it, wear your seatbelts, have a great day/night, and stay safe out there. //mwah

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