I have so much work to do...

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Alex froze when he heard someone shout.

"LOOK OUT!!" They screamed. John froze as well.

He knew what was coming, he could hear the truck.
And it wasn't stopping.

Alex looked to the side just in time to see the truck barreling towards them before he got shoved out of the way.
The last thing he saw before his head hit the corner of the sidewalk was John staring right at the truck.

Then blackness overtook him before he could see anything else...

Time skip brought to you by someone who should be asleep rn

Alex slowly awoke to the sound of obnoxiously loud ringing. He groaned softly, and the ringing subsided and was replaced by the steady beep of the heart monitor.

Soon, muffled, echoy voices cut through the semisilence.

"Alex?" Peggy.

"Is Mr. Hamilton awake?" Probably some doctor.

"I don't know, I saw him move."

"What are you talking about, Peggy?" Eliza.

"I saw him move, Lizzie!"

Alex groaned slightly and tried to move, starting with opening his eyes.

F u c k that hurt.

The bright lights burned his eyes. The doctor must have noticed, because he dimmed the lights considerably.

Alex opened his eyes again, slowly, and glanced around at the four faces surrounding him.

Three Schuylers, one doctor.

"Well, good morning Mr. Hamilton. I'm doctor Martha Washington, Lafayette's mother. You know Lafayette, right?"

Alex nodded slightly. "Yeah.. where is he..?"

"He's with John right now." Angelica responded.

"John... JOHN!! WHERE IS HE?!" Alex practically screeched, sitting up quickly. A throbbing pain in his head stopped him, as Ms. Washington gently pushed him back down.

"Easy dear, easy.. John's gonna be fine, don't you worry."

Alex groaned, putting his arm over his eyes. "Wh.. what happened?"

"You and John were about to be hit by a truck and John shoved you out of the way and you hit your head on the corner of the sidewalk and John.." Peggy trailed off, glancing at the others. Alex frowned.

"And John...?"

"John.. John was hit by the truck, Lex.. He's alive, don't worry, but we can't yet tell the extent of the damage until he wakes up." Eliza replied, trying to give Alex the news as gently as possible.

The only thing Alex could think about was John got hurt, and it's my fault..

"Alexander are you alright?" Eliza murmured.

"... I have so much work to do..."


Hey hey hey!! Look who's back with anther feelsy chapter. >: D

The next few chapters will pro'lly be short but feelsy, so just a heads up.

I'll try to update again later today, I mean.. I've got five hours in the car ahead of me. :" D

So, how many of you saw something like this coming? What do you think happened to John? What about Philip??

You'll have to wait till next chapter to see, but I'd love to hear any theories or anything y'all got. ^^

Hope you liked it, have a great day or night, and stay safe out there. UwU

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