He's... Blind??

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John looked over in the direction of the voice. He couldn't tell if the person was talking to him or not. Philip sat up, looking over at the person as well. The person spoke again.

"Um, sir.. Can I, uh.. Ask you a question?" They repeated. Now John was sure they were talking to him.

"You.. Already did." He responded, smiling slightly.

"ah, Yes, um.. T-true." They stuttered. John just chuckled slightly.

"Sit down. What do you wanna ask?" He said, placing his hands in his lap. Philip watched the newcomer nervously.

"I wanted to ask.. Do you have permission to have your dog in the library? Or on campus for that matter? I remember seeing a sign about not having pets on campus." They said. They sounded a little nervous, as if afraid of starting a conflict. 

"Oh, Philip? He's my service dog." John stated, looking over at the person's direction. He felt a small twinge of guilt at being unable to meet their eyes, they seemed like a really cool person already.

"Your service dog?" They asked again, clearly confused. "I.. I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"I'm blind." 


Alex sat there, blinking when the person said they were blind. Then like the winds of the hurricane it hit him; The service dog, the person's not meeting his eyes, the huge book with no text.. It all made sense.

He then felt extremely guilty for bothering the boy. He probably upset him by asking, how was he so stupid? Why didn't he notice before?!

"um.. A-are you.. Okay..?" That cute southern voice cut through his thoughts. Wait, 'cute'? Stop that Alex.. He's probably straight anyway. He scolded himself.

"oh.. Y-yeah, sorry. Sorry for bugging you, I didn't realize." He stuttered, realizing after the words left his mouth just how dumb that sounded. 

The person chuckled in an overly adorable fashion. Alex took a moment to study the boy's face. It had a slight hint of chub to it, but not extremely noticeable. Though what was noticeable were the millions of adorable freckles littered across his face like stars. And those eyes.. They may not be able to see, but they were a gorgeous green color, and they sparkled with a heavenly shine.

Alex found himself blushing slightly, and he cleared his throat awkwardly, thankful the boy couldn't see actually.

"So, what's your name? I'm John. John Laurens. And this is my service dog, Philip." The boy, John, introduced himself and his dog. Alex smiled.

"Alexander Hamilton, but please, call me Alex. It's nice to meet you John." He smiled. John smiled as well.

"Nice to meet you too."

"What are you majoring in?"

"Marine biology."

"Wow, this college really does have just about every major out there.." Alex muttered to himself, though John caught it, and laughed slightly.

"Yeah, it does huh? What about you?"

"Oh, I'm majoring in Law. Minoring in US History. I'm hoping to become a defense attorney, but if that fails I've got a backup plan of becoming the coolest history teacher ever." He grinned. John laughed slightly. Gosh that laugh was aDORABLE-

"I'd come to your class." He grinned. Alex chuckled a little as well.

"Well, I suppose I'll let you get back to what you were doing." Alex stated after a moment of slightly awkward silence.

"Yeah, okay. Catch you around I suppose?" John asked, smiling slightly. Alex nodded, forgetting that John couldn't see.

"Of course. I'd love to get to know you better John."

"Oh, do you know Lafayette?" John asked, slightly out of the blue.

"Yeah, he's my roommate." Alex replied, now confused.

"Ah, okay. Laf may be able to arrange a get together or something, he's one of my best friends." John stated, smiling. Alex smiled as well.

"Ah, noted then. I'll keep that in mind. Catch you late--" Alex was cut off by the sound of thunder. John frowned, his gaze still straight forward.

"Oh dear, I think that's a storm comin'.. I dunno if I'll be able to make it back to my dorm before it starts." He muttered to himself. He didn't notice Alex's breathing starting to quicken, and there was no way he could see the Caribbean man's skin pale and his eyes widen.

The only thing that came to Alex's mind in that one moment when the thunder sounded; 



Sorry this chapter is significantly shorter than the last chapter, I just really wanted to write this but didn't have a heck ton of motivation like last night. :" ) 
And yes, next chapter will be a storm chapter. But it won't be just Alex and John for very long ; )

As always, you get five awesome points for each typo or grammar mistake politely pointed out. And you get extra credit points if you can make me laugh while doing it, lol.

Anyways, hope you like!~
Have a good day/night, wear your seatbelts, and stay safe <33

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