Laurens I like you a lot.

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Alex sighed, looking at the card in his hand. It was a birthday card for the one and only John Laurens.. It was in braille (which Alex was surprisingly able to pick up at the local pharmacy). Alex had been studying braille in his free time, so he was able to figure out what the card said.

"Happy Birthday to the most amazing person in the universe".

If that wasn't an amazing way to admit one's love to someone else, Alex didn't know what would be.

Alex took a deep breath, and knocked on the door to John and Peggy's dorm. He dearly hoped this wouldn't be a bad idea.

Inside was the sound of a few things falling, and a muffled "Hang on!". John opened the door, and uncannily stared Alex straight in the eyes. "Hello?"

"Hey, John. It's Alex."

"Alex!" John absolutely beamed. Damn, he was fucking adorable with that smile, and those dimples.. You chose a wonderful man to fall for.. A voice murmured in the back of Alex's head. John moved aside so Alex could come in. "Come on in! What brings you here?"

"Well, I came to wish a certain someone a happy birthday." Alex grinned slightly, walking in. John closed the door and turned to the shorter man.

"Oh gee, I wonder who." They laughed, and Alex held out the card to John, making sure to brush it up against him so he'd notice.

"Happy Birthday John. I know it's nothing amazing, but it's something." Alex said, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice. John took the card, and opened it. His shock when he realized it was braille was priceless, and just pure excitement painted his face so clearly it was contagious. Alex found himself smiling just from John's smiling.

After John had 'read' the card, he looked over in Alex's direction. "Why do I get the feeling there's something more to this.." He murmured, in a confused yet adorable way. Alex cleared his throat.

"John Laurens.. You are one of the bravest people I know. You are willing to come here, to Kings College, and not worry about what other people think. You are willing to stay with me when I freak out over every little thing. You are willing to be yourself, even if yourself is wearing a purple t-shirt and orange shorts, and you don't give two shits about what folks think because you are you!" He pauses, taking a moment to remember the rest of his speech. "I guess what I mean to say is.. John Laurens, you are the most wonderful person in the universe.. And.. L-Laurens, I like you a lot." Alex sputtered out, watching John for any reaction. The only one he got was a gaping and blushing John Laurens.

"i.." John cleared his throat before speaking. "Well, you uh.. Beat me to it, heh.. A-alexander Hamilton.. You are one of the smartest people I know. You know so much about American History it constantly amazes me. You always know the answer to the problem, and are always willing to help me when I get stuck. You are always willing to stand up for what's right, and.. I admire you for that. Alexander Hamilton, you are my most wonderful person in the universe." He replied, grinning. Alex blushed all throughout and smiled brightly.

"Can I ask you a question..?"

"You already have.."

"John Laurens.."


"Will you be my boyfriend..?" Alex asked nervously, tilting his head to the side slightly. John absolutely beamed, and nodded quickly.

"Yes!!" John practically screeched, rather spooking Philip, who'd been sitting next to the couch, asleep, the whole time. Alex beamed as well, and darted over to John, pulling him into a huge hug, which the taller, freckled man quickly returned.

"I promise I'll do everything in my power to be the best boyfriend ever." Alex murmured, burying his face into the crook of John's neck. John smiled, and buried his face into Alex's hair.

"And I promise I'll do everything in my power to be the most amazing boyfriend there ever was." He murmured in reply, squeezing Alex slightly. It honestly felt.. So nice, to have this kind of 'safe' feeling, being in Alex's arms.. Something about this just felt right.

It was wonderful.


John gasped, and sat up quickly, looking around. He quickly spotted Mocha eyes, standing a little ways away, his arms outstretched, as if asking for a hug. John hesitated a moment before getting up and running over, hugging Mocha eyes tightly. It was a weird deja vu moment, but it felt.. Right.

"I promise.." Was all Mocha eyes murmured. It sounded so much like Alex it was uncanny..

"I promise..." John murmured in reply, though he wasn't sure what he was promising.. Something told him he just should promise, and everything would turn out right in the end.

That's how these things worked..




Eyy now we's getting some Lams up in here-

Toldja we would,, Eventually. ouo""

The plot should start moving along quite quickly at this point, believe me. I'm honestly hella excited to show you all what all this is leading up to. It's gonna be so great aa!

Anyhow, now to go binge read Dezzy's stuff because I know she updated some of her books recently whee--
(If y'all didn't know, my little soul sister, @determinelydepressed ,
 has some aMAZING books! All of them are amazing and wonderful in every way and she is a hella big inspiration for me and is honestly the reason why I haven't dropped this book entirely- :' D
You guys hAVE to check her out--
She's such a sweetie aaa-)

Anyhow, have a great day/night, wear your seatbelts, and stay safe out there. //mwah

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