One, Two, Three, Four (pt. 1)

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Alex was darting down the sidewalks of Kings College campus, trying to hurry to get to his dorm. Not only was it late, but Laf had just called him telling him that Thomas and James had showed up at their dorm with really important information for Alex.

He groaned softly, taking a moment to stop and try to get this terrible vertigo to go the fuck away. He was glad he hadn't eaten much yet today, he seriously felt like he was gonna puke..

A few moments later the nausea subsided and he started off again. 

He made it back to their dorm moments later, and burst the door open, leaning against the door frame for a moment. Dammit, vertigo!!

"L-lafayette! What's going on?" He asked, stumbling inside and kicking the door closed. Laf jumped up and darted over to him.

"Merde, Alexander! What have you done to yourself?? You're white as a ghost!"

"Vertigo, I'm fine.." He muttered, glancing at Thomas and James in surprise. They were sitting on the couch together. And they both looked really worried.

Laf practically dragged Alex over to the chair and sat him down on it, sitting down in the other chair himself.

"Alex, there's a bit of a problem.." James started signing. He looked really worried.

"Yeah.. Some asshole in a trench coat and a fedora is wanting to kill you and John." Thomas tried to explain. 

"That's.... Not helpful, Thomas, but thanks?" Alex murmured. He was more confused now than he was earlier. 

"What Thomas means to say is that there is this man who is wanting to kill you and John, and he has Reynolds and Lee involved. We... Kinda went along with it just to warn you. We're planning on leaving Reynolds and Lee alone after this, and hopefully get them and fedora-man in jail for this." James explained. "Lee and Reynolds are planning on killing you tomorrow, Saturday, while everyone else is gone."

"Why should I believe you?" Alex asked, frowning.

"Why should you not?" Thomas asked in return, becoming super serious.

"Because you've tried to hurt me and John before."

"Because Lafayette is my cousin, Washington is my uncle. If I do anything seriously wrong now and get caught, I'm gonna get kicked out Alex. I'm doing this because you don't need this right now."

"What are you suggesting we do?" Lafayette spoke up.

".. Alex should stay inside, and not go anywhere Saturday. I'd also suggest that someone stays with him, or he actually goes with you guys to... Wherever you're going."

"There is no way I'm going to ride any rollercoasters if that's what you're suggesting. I'm not okay with getting sick." Alex muttered, crossing his arms.

"Alexander, if this is legitimate, don't you think it would be worth it to go?" Lafayette murmured.

"I'll just go hang out with John, that way I'll be off campus but I won't have to go with you guys." Alex shrugged. He didn't seem keen on changing his mind.

Thomas sighed. "Alex, please! Can you at least take some caution tomorrow??" Alex hesitated.

"Please, Alex.." James murmured, startling the others slightly.  Alex sighed, and nodded.

"Alright, I'll be careful. Thanks for letting me know, though." He said, smiling slightly. "If y'all don't mind, I'm gonna go get some rest though."

"Of course, mon ami. You get some rest." Laf smiled as Alex got up and went over to his room, seeming to have a bit more balance than before.

Thomas, Laf, and James all continued talking for a few more hours about what they should do about the situation, but they all agreed that there wasn't much more they could do other than tell Alex to be careful. Without evidence, they couldn't do much at all.

The Next Morning~

Alex was walking down the street the next morning, nomming on a poptart. He was bringing Philip with him, so he could go see John. It was a nice morning, and nothing was going wrong.

Alex needed to make a quick stop at one of the buildings in the back of the campus, and he was heading that direction. Clouds seemed to come out of nowhere, and it randomly got really dark. Alex frowned slightly, and hurried up slightly.

Pip seemed to figure something was wrong, and he kept up with Alex well.

They soon passed by a dark ally. No one seemed to be in it, until..

A hand reached over quickly and slapped itself over Alex's mouth, and another hand grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him into the ally. The hands slammed Alex into the wall behind him, and an evil grin was visible in the low light.

"Alright, little Hamilton...~ Time to have some fun~"


>: ))))

I have nothing to say~

Mwahahaaaaa~ >B^ ))))

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