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"Jellybean... I hope you don't mind the nickname John." An echoy voice murmured. John almost couldn't make it out. But he smiled. Jellybean. It was a cute nickname. He didn't mind it at all.

"It's adorable, I love it!" John said happily, glancing to his side. Mocha eyes. He looked sad.. He was wearing some kind of white gown like thing. He had a few large bandaids here and there, though John had no idea why. His face, too, was obscured. It was fuzzy, and the only thing that John could see clearly was his mouth, tucked into a frown.

"I'm so sorry.. I should have been there to protect you.." Mocha eyes murmured. John frowned slightly.

"Protect me? Protect me from what?"

Mocha eyes faded away before he could get an answer. John screamed for him to come back, but the vision never returned. Mocha eyes's voice came and went various times, but never stayed for long. Always apologizing, always sad..

John eventually gave up, and just sat down in the void and cried. Nothing else seemed more appropriate at the moment than crying.

That is.. Until the world started fading to black, and a constant, faint steady beep was made clear in the silence.


Next few chapters should be rather short. Not sure if I said that already past few chapters or not, I'm tired. :" D But they're all important.

We're actually nearing the end of this story : 00 It's surprising to me honestly. I never thought I'd get to the end of writing any story XD

Alrighty. I hope you liked it, have a good day or night, and stay safe out there. //mwah

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