Midterm Troubles (pt. 1)

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By now it was about midterm at Kings College. Alex, John, Lafayette, and Hercules along with the Schuylers had decided on a group nickname; The Revolutionary Set. They had set up a group text a while back and needed a name for it since it couldn't fit all their names. And even though John couldn't see he could still text pretty well, even if he didn't know what his caps were..

Everyone but Alex were hanging out in Angelica's dorm, along with her roommate Maria. As Angelica had testified previously, Maria was a sweet girl. Maybe too sweet? No one could tell for sure. She certainly gave off an overly innocent vibe.. Philip knew he didn't like her because she hadn't even asked to pet him before putting her hand on his head.. A personal pet peeve of his (yes, dogs can have pet peeves).

Regardless, things were going fairly smoothly, and everyone was having a good time with their weekend study session. Until...

[Alexander Ham and swiss] 6:13 PM
     Hey guys, I won't be able to make it to our session today, got held back by Washington for something.
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[Large Baguette] 6:13 PM
     Oi, why does Washington need you mon ami?
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[Charity~ (Liza)] 6:14 PM
     You're not in trouble, are you Lex?
Seen by A. Ham, Laf, Herc, A. Schuyler, P. Schuyler

[Alexander Ham and swiss] 6:16 PM
     Not in trouble really? He just wanted to talk to me about something that happened between me and Jefferson.. Oh Jefferson's here too btw, he and Washington are talking.
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[Hercules Muscle Man] 6:17 PM
     Yeesh, good luck dude.
Seen by A. Ham, A. Schuyler, E. Schuyler, P. Schuyler

[Alexander Ham and swiss] 6:18 PM
     Crap, gotta go. Washington's needing to talk to me now.. Y'all have fun in study session, I'll catch up later : )
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[Innocent boi] 6:20 PM
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[Large Baguette] 6:21 PM
     John, mon ami, you are shouting again.
Seen by J. Laurens, Hercules, A. Schuyler, E. Schuyler, P. Schuyler

[Innocent boi] 6:22 PM

     oh, sorry. this better.
Seen by Lafayette, A. Schuyler, E. Schuyler, P. Schuyler

     Yes, John, thank you. <3
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[Innocent boi] 6:23 PM
     yup. :)
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Alex sighed, pocketing his phone again. He'd just turned it off vibrate because it was starting to get annoying. He looked up at Washington, who towered over the Caribbean man.

"Well, son?" Washington asked, in a calm voice. Alex scowled slightly, he hated it when people called him 'son'.

"Don't call me son." He hissed, glaring off to the side. Washington sighed.

"fine.. Hamilton, what do you have to say for your outburst in class today?" Washington questioned again. This time he got some kind of answer.

"It wasn't entirely my fault! Jefferson was messing with me!"

"Ohhh, so that's your tactic, eh Hamilton?" Jefferson sneered, grinning. "Pin the blame on someone else and act like the teacher's pet~"

"We're not in fucking grade school Jefferson, stop using grade school insults."

"Really?~ I'm the one with the grade school insults?~ If the shoe fits, wear it Hamilton. I'm not the one who muttered about how stupid southern grammar is."

"Oh gee, what do you want from me, an apology?"

"Yes, that'd be nice. Insultin' a southerner's language is nothin' to just brush off."

"wELL CONGRATULATIONS JEFFERSON, You're not getting shit!"

"Look, there is an entire culture built around the southern grammar and accent! That's NOTHING to insult! You practically insulted a whole race!!"

Alex growled, then grinned, getting an idea. "Thomas, that was a real nice declaration! Welcome to the present, we're livin' in a real nation! Would you like to join us? Or stay mellow doin' whatever the hell it is you do in Monticello?!"

"wHAT?!" Jefferson gasped, taken aback.

"Sittin' there useless as two shits, hey turn around! Bend over! I'll show you where my show fits!" Alex spat, turning away after he finished. Washington spoke up before either one could continue further, rubbing his temple.

"EXCUSE ME." He practically bellowed, his booming voice echoing around the lecture hall. To say the least it hella startled Alex and Jefferson. "Jefferson, take a walk. Hamilton, take a walk. We'll continue this discussion tomorrow after morning classes." He explained. Jefferson nodded and was instantly off, not in the mood to tick Washington off even further.

"Hamilton." Washington stated simply.

"S-sir?" Alex asked nervously, suddenly unsure as to whether he'd made the best decision with his yelling at Jefferson..

"A word.." 



It's nothing amazing, just something to keep me goin'. I'm kinda stuck with nothing to do rn anyways since my homework site is down rn (I think the servers are down or something which suckss)

Anyway, hope y'all like it :" D

Stay safe, wear your seatbelts, and make sure you get to bed at a decent time 


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