Midterm troubles (pt. 2)

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(T/W; Bullying, homophobia, and much more swearing than normal. If you are not comfortable with it, here is a really quick summary;

Lee needs to punch someone, he finds a certain blind someone with the help of Jefferson, Reynolds, and Madison. Reynolds and Lee proceed to beat up this someone, and they know this someone is gay so they're being all hella homophobic and shit and Jefferson's like "yeah no i don't like this actually-" and he gets Madison to take this someone somewhere safe where the Schuylers find this someone and everyone freaks out.)

Thomas sighed, walking along a random path. He didn't know where to head off to next. After Washington had finished lecturing him and Alex, he was done with classes for the day, and he knew he could do homework later. He had long since perfected the art of getting homework done quickly and correctly in the form of multitasking. Regardless, he kind of had nothing to do right now.

"Jefferson!" A voice hollered out, causing the Virginian to stop, and turn towards the owner of the voice. It was none other than James Reynolds. "Hey man, where you headed?"

"No where in particular Reynolds, just taking the long route home.. Stopping every once in a while to smell the roses~" Thomas grinned. The rest of his group, consisting of James Madison, and Charles Lee, the former looking like he was getting over a cold and the latter looking like he was ready to beat someone up.

"Ah. If you've got nothing to do right now Jefferson, would you mind helping Lee here get his anger out on someone?" Reynolds grinned, wrapping an arm around Thomas's shoulders. Thomas just barely heard Madison sigh, which turned into a soft coughing fit.

"Sure, who you got in mind?" Thomas asked, turning to Lee. The shorter man was absolutely fuming.

"Just any lowdown prick, it doesn't matter. I just need to punch sOMEONE-" Lee growled in reply, clenching and unclenching his fists. Thomas nodded, and started towards the C Building.

"Alright, follow me. The nerdy ones are always gathered in the C Building, and that's where the least amount of staff are. We should be able to find someone, easy." Thomas replied. The other three nodded slightly, and followed after him.

Once the group reached the C Building, they walked inside and looked around. After wandering down the halls for a few minutes, they spot a particular someone, walking down the hall towards them being led by a golden retriever with a 'Service dog' coat on.. It was none other than John Laurens and Philip. Lee grinned, and walked over to the two, quickly pinning John to the wall. John squeaked, and dropped his books while Philip growled and barked at Lee.

"Ah shut up ya stupid mutt." Lee growled, kicking Philip away. Philip shrunk back, unsure as to what to do. Lee turned his attentions to the panicked Laurens still pinned to the wall. "Hey there you gay little bitch. Where do you think you're goin'?" John just whimpered softly, trying to shrink away. Reynolds walked up.

"Is that any way to respond? Answer the question! Where are you goin', bastard?"

"m-My dorm-?" John squeaked. It sounded more like a question than a statement, and for some odd reason it struck a chord in Thomas's heart.. Something that said 'Yo, this is wrong. You're better than this shit Jefferson.'

"Is that a question, bitch?" Reynolds growled.

"N-no sir-!"

"Sounded like one to me.. What doya think, Lee?"

"I think this little prick needs to be taught a lesson.." Lee grinned. Reynolds nodded, and moved to make sure Laurens couldn't escape while Lee punched him in the stomach. "That's what you deserve, you gay shit." Another punch. "Just kill yourself." Another punch. "You're worthless, all gay people are worthless.." Lee growled. He stepped back. "That should do for now.. I feel better now anyways."

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