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Laf sighed, looking over at John. He was hooked up to who knows what, with bandages wrapped around his eyes.

He looked so helpless... The faint beeping of the heart monitor wasn't helping the situation.

Ever since Martha had called him to say that John and Alex were in the hospital, Laf had been in a freaked out frenzy.
Until he saw how bad John was.

John's arm was broken, shattered completely.. A couple of ribs were fractured, severe whiplash, and a concussion. The docs couldn't tell how bad the concussion was, but the quick brain scans done indicated something about his vision. Which confused everyone, they knew John was blind..

Laf looked up when a doctor walked in. "Bonjour." He murmured.

"Hello. I'm sorry, but visiting hours for the ICU are over." The doctor said, walking over to check John's vitals.

"Merde.. When will he wake up?"

"Hard to say.. He's in a coma right now.. While it is partially medically induced, I think he'd still be in a coma with none of our interference."

Laf nodded slightly, frowning. "merde.. Oh John, mon ami, vous devez vous réveiller bientôt." He murmured, watching John. "Merci docteur. I'm going to go check on L'amour de John, Alexander." He gave the doc a tired smile then went off to find Alex's room. On his way there, he bumped into Hercules.

"Laffy! Babe, hey! Are you okay??" Hercules asked, placing his hands on Laf's shoulders. Laf shook his head slightly.

"Non, Je suis tellement inquiet." He replied. Herc frowned and kissed Laf's cheek.

"I know hon, I am too.. How's Lex?"

"Oh mon Dieu, I don't know.. The Schuylers went to check on him."

"Okay, we should go check on him as well." Laf nodded at the suggestion and the two started walking.

"Mon amour, should we bring mon petite lion his homework while he's here?" Lafayette asked after a moment of silence. Hercules nodded.

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea. I'm sure we can get the professors to agree." He replied. Laf smiled.

Soon, the pair reached Alex's room, only to find him alone. The Schuylers were down the hall a short ways, talking with Martha. When Martha spotted the boys, she nodded, giving them permission to go in and check on Alex.

And so that's what the two did.

Alex was sitting up in bed, hooked up to only a heart monitor and a pain medication giver thingy. The lights were dimmed considerably still, and a thick, translucent curtain was drawn over the window.

The moment Alex noticed the two were there he perked up. He smiled slightly.

"Hey guys. How's John?" He asked. Herc and Laf smiled slightly, knowing how much Alex cared for John, even if they didn't know the two were in a relationship. They both quickly sobered, glancing at one another. This would be a hard thing to break to Alex...

"He's.. Alive. Broken arm fractured ribs, whiplash, and concussion.. That's all I know for sure so far." Herc responded. Lafayette tagged on.

"I know he's in a medically induced coma right now, since the doctors don't want his concussion to mess him up more."

Alex frowned, his thought process clear. John was badly hurt, and he couldn't go see him to be there for him..

Neither Laf nor Herc could imagine that kind of pain.. It must be heartbreaking on so many levels..

"Mon petite lion, if you like I can ask ma mère if you can visit John tomorrow, oui? I know it is very important to you to see John."

Alex kinda gave Laf a weird look. "How did you.. Did you know we were dating??"

At that, both Herc and Laf froze, eyes wide in surprise. Alex bit his lip.

"Fffffuuuuuuccccckkkk.. Don't tell John I told you.. We had something really cute planned."

"Dude don't worry. If it means anything to you, we'll pretend we never heard a word until you're ready to tell everyone." Herc grinned, and Laf nodded in agreement. Alex smiled slightly in relief.

"Thanks guys.. I appreciate it."

"Of course mon ami! Anything for you and Jellybean." Laf grinned.

"Jellybean?" Alex asked in surprise.

"Yeah, jellybeans are John's favorite candy." Herc stated, grinning. "Says they bring a little bit of color to his world."

"Aww.. When he wakes up, I'll have to get him some." Alex smiled. Herc and Laf nodded.

"I'm sure he'll appreciate it." Herc responded.

The three continued talking until the Schuyler sisters joined them, and they all stayed until visiting hours ended.


Heyyy, two chapters in one day!! : D

So now you know what happened to John. AND what his favorite candy is : DD

Seriously tho, this chapter actually has some MAJOR foreshadowing. Take notes, my dears~ This chapter will be important to all your theories, mwahahaa. >; 33

Anyway, I'm gonna go figure out what we're doing about dinner, cause I dunno if we're eating at the hotel or if we're eating whatever snacks we packed. Which, for me, would just be a bagel I toasted this morning --

But enough about that.. I seriously wanna know if any of you have theories about what's happening, or if I need to be adding a little more detail. :" 0
Or if you guys like being totally surprised~

Alright, I hope you liked it, have a great day or night, and stay safe out there. // mwah 

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