The Colors of Life

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In which a miracle happens~

Today was the day. The day when John would FINALLY get these pesky bandages off. The doctors had been so nervous about doing so before because of what all the brain scans showed - Something medically impossible is what they said. But they finally decided it was now or never.. Whatever was going to happen, they'd have to face it now.

John smiled as Alex took his hand. Not everyone was able to make it today, just Alex and John's father were able to be there to support him. And it was nice, having the two most important people in his life there for him.

It was kind of funny, actually, Mr. Laurens showed up at the hospital last night having heard John was finally probably getting discharged in a few days if everything went well, and he had walked in on John and Alex being all flirty. To say the least it was an interesting experience. John was just glad his dad was hella chill and didn't mind John being gay or having a boyfriend. It was nice.

But still.. Today was an exciting day.

The doctor walked in a few minutes later, and placed a hand on John's shoulder. "Alright Mr. Laurens, we're going to go ahead and take those bandages off your eyes, okay?" It was Mrs. Washington. That was good, John felt better knowing the doctor was someone he trusted. He nodded.

"Alright, let's do this." He smiled. He could finally give his face a good scratch!

"Alright, I want you to make sure you have your eyes closed, and don't open them until I say so." Mrs. Washington said as she started unwrapping the bandages. John held perfectly still, listening to the slightly anxious breathing of everyone in the room. He tightened his grip on Alex's hand, and felt Alex do the same.

Soon, all the bandages were off, and Mrs. Washington stepped back. "Alright John, open your eyes."

John did so, and was absolutely shocked at what he saw.

It wasn't the usual blackness he was used to.

His jaw fell open and he looked around in complete shock. Alex and Mr. Laurens frowned.

"Jack? You okay bud?" Mr. Laurens asked, stepping forward. John just gave him this starry eyed look.

"i.." John murmured softly, before looking around again, the scratching problem forgotten.

Alex stood up from the stool he'd been sitting on. "John Laurens you are seriously concerning me, what's going on??" He asked, putting his hands on John's shoulder's and making the freckled boy look at him.

"Alex... Your eyes.. They're beautiful.." He murmured. Now it was Alex's turn to be shocked.


"HE CAN WHAT?!" Mr. Laurens practically screeched, just as surprised himself.

Mrs. Washington sighed. "Well, at least that's what the brain scans were showing." She murmured.

"YOU KNEW?!" Alex and Mr. Laurens practically shouted in unison. Mrs. Washington chuckled nervously.

"We suspected, but we couldn't be for sure. It's a medical miracle, honestly." She explained.

"Wait wait, so you're telling me.. When John was hit by the car, it didn't cripple him, it didn't kill him, but it.. Healed him??" Alex asked, trying to wrap his head around the situation. Mrs. Washington nodded.

John was still just looking around in awe. He looked down at the white bed sheets, fingering the pattern on them. "Alex, what color is this?" He asked. Oh gosh that innocence in his voice! It was almost too much for poor Alex, who still couldn't understand this turn of events. He must be dreaming!

"I-it's white, John.." Alex murmured, sitting back down on the stool. Mr. Laurens and Mrs. Washington were already talking about the medical statistics of this. John looked over at Alex.

"What color is your shirt?" He asked. Alex blinked, and glanced at the shirt he was wearing. It was one he'd been given by his brother when they were still on Nevis, and it was the one he'd been wearing in the hurricane.. The only reason he still wore it was because it reminded him of his brother.

"It's dark green, with white and black."

"What color are your eyes?"

"Mocha brown."

John stared into Alex's eyes. He felt like the sky was the limit when he looked into those beautiful sparkling eyes. He felt.. Helpless, but in a good way. mocha brown... Mocha eyes!! The boy I've seen in my dreams was Alex all along!!

"What color are my eyes?" John asked softly. Alex looked up at him and looked him in the eyes. This was a new feeling..

"Beautiful, love." Alex murmured, smiling and placing a hand on John's cheek. "They're a beautiful green, hon." He leaned in and pecked John on the lips. John blushed and smiled brightly, as he returned the gesture.

If this was how the world looked, beautiful and sparkling, then John never wanted to give it up!


Alright, show of hands, who saw this coming? ; ))))

I promise it is NOT a dream sequence, this is legit~

We're almost to the end of the book!! I'm so excited! BUT that also means.. I need to know something! Do you guys want to see a sequel to this story? It would follow John and Alex as they continue life, adjusting to their new situation of John being able to see, and Alex still dealing with Post-Concussion Syndrome. And maybe even starting a lil' family of their own~

Y'all let me know if you want to see that, or if you'd rather not and are happy with just Venus for the time being. ^^

Which leads me to another announcement! I'm planning an ORIGINAL STORY!! It's about one of my OCs, Caramel Kavthur, and follows his life as a fashion model in a world BUILT on fashion. It's titled "Dresses". I've yet to post a chapter, but it's in the works!~ So if you want to see that, keep an eye out!! Hopefully I can get it posted here soon.

Alright, hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night, and stay safe out there!~ ^^

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