Words can build you up

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Words can break you down
Start a fire in your heart 
Or put it out..

Thomas Jefferson was one of those people who would flirt with everyone and anyone who caught his eye. No cares if he was flirting with a boy or a girl. Most girls swooned for him, and most boys just shrugged it off as how Thomas acted. Everyone knew this fact about Thomas, but no one knew it better than the selective mute, James Madison.

James was often at the receiving end of these random flirts. Not that he minded, it always sent a flurry of emotions through the mute boy. And he loved it. He loved it more than anything, and every flirt from Thomas just increased his ever growing crush on the taller man by thirty. Maybe more.

But it was those flirts.. Those little words like "Hey baby, you look good today!" or "Is it just me, or is it warm in here?~". Those little phrases, even if they were never really, truly meant for him, always seemed to come at just the right time. Saving him from another panic attack, or another breakdown. 

And yet again, James found himself saved from a mental breakdown during lunch by Thomas's flirtatious actions.

"Jemmy James, you are absolutely gorgeous today, darling!~ How do you do your hair? It looks absolutely divine!" Thomas grinned, playing with a small curl of James's hair. James blushed, and smiled, the majority of his fears suddenly fading away. They always did that when Thomas was around.

Same as yesterday. He signed. Thomas was one of the few who could actually understand him when he signed. I just brushed it out, and it did the rest of the work.

"Well, James, honey, you keep at it~ Soon enough I'm sure someone special will come for you darling." Thomas smiled sweetly, giving James a quick little kiss on the cheek, as was normal between the two. Little did either of them know that the other secretly adored that little gesture. It was always something that seemed to brighten either of their days.

Thank you Thomas. James replied, using the sign-name Thomas had been given by a deaf lady a few years earlier. Thomas loved it when James used the sign-name, it was adorable. He was told it meant fluffy-hair. Not that he minded, he loved his afro and ain't nobody stoppin' him.

Anyhow, James and Thomas talked for a while longer, swapping news and catching up on different drama. A guilty pleasure for the both of them was watching various drama from the sidelines. Never participating, and yet knowing all.
It was great.

The both of them looked up when a very tired looking Alexander Hamilton walked into the cafeteria. Thomas had never really liked Alex. He was always too loud, and his biggest debating rival. But he knew how James would act. Polite, if not somewhat concerned.

Which is exactly what James did.

That's.. Alexander right? James asked, fingerspelling Alex's name. Thomas nodded. I wonder what's wrong with him. I've never seen him this tired. He signed, worry showing on his face. Being very expressionistic was very important to signing. Thomas just shrugged in response to James's concerns.

"I honestly don't know. Hamilton's been a little out of it these past few days." Thomas replied, watching Alex fumble with the coffee machine. "Wanna go talk to him, Jemmy James?" He asked, glancing at the smaller man, who nodded. The both of them stood and walked over to Alex.

"Hey Hamilton, you doing okay?" Thomas asked once the two reached Alex, who had finally gotten the coffee machine to work. Alex looked up at Thomas in surprise. Thomas had never shown him concern before..

"yeah, I'm fine.." Alex mumbled, getting his cup of coffee. Thomas noticed it was black, strongly caffeinated, and with nothing added to it.

"Dude, you're drinking straight up black coffee and look like shit. You sure you're okay?" Thomas was actually getting concerned now. This didn't seem healthy..

James was getting more concerned as well. Would you like to join us Wednesday night for a Bible study or something? He signed, forgetting that most folks couldn't understand him. Turns out, Alex could understand sign language, and he just shrugged.

"I guess.. It's better than sitting around trying to feel okay.." He stated, just turning to walk off. Thomas and James exchanged a glance. 

"Alright, well if you wanna come.. It's at the chapel, 6:30 PM sharp. We meet every Wednesday night." Thomas said. Alex paused a moment, then smiled.

"I'll think about it.. Thanks." He waved slightly, then walked off. 

Moments later, James Reynolds and Charles Lee walked in, and Alex practically booked it out of there. As did a few other folks. Most everyone knew that Reynolds and Lee were to be avoided at all costs. No one wanted to be at the receiving end of their insults.. Verbal and Physical.

James made a soft whimper like noise, and scooted closer to Thomas, who kind of stood in front of James protectively. He did hang out with Reynolds and Lee a lot, and they usually left James alone at his request, but there was still always that possibility..

Reynolds walked over to Thomas, and while he was maybe five inches shorter, he was almost twice as buff as Thomas and could easily take the taller man down. 

"Who were you talking to just now Jefferson?" Reynolds growled, glaring at Thomas as if he wanted to kill him. Thomas frowned slightly.

"Hamilton, why?" Thomas replied, matching Reynolds's stance.

"What did you say to him?"

"Just asking him about his day, what's it to you?"

"You fucking-- Hamilton is one of the worst people out there!! I don't want you hanging out with his type again, do you understand me?!" Without even going above normal indoor voice it sounded as if Reynolds had just yelled at Thomas.

Thomas winced internally though. Normally, it wasn't a problem who he talked to. Normally Reynolds could care less about what Thomas did in his free time. But it seemed Reynolds had it out for Alexander, and that made Thomas the tiniest bit worried. Hamilton had never done anything truly wrong. Sure he cheesed Thomas off quite a bit, but he'd never harmed the taller man. Heck, Hamilton seemed like a pretty chill guy once you got to know him.

So Thomas made a choice, right then at there, that he would get to know Alexander. No longer would he stand on the sidelines of the drama.

He'd help with it.

James made a similar promise to himself - To understand Alexander. To try to help.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Now Reynolds was yelling. Just about everyone in the room flinched slightly, and Thomas nodded quickly. Anything to get Reynolds to leave him alone.

"Good.. Come on, asshole. We need your help." And with that, Reynolds turned and stalked off. Lee smirked at Thomas like "UH OHHH, Someone's in troubleee!~" before turning and following Reynolds.

Thomas sighed, and glanced at James who was clinging to him and shaking slightly. Thomas just took James's hand gently, and started off. This would be a long day...





Anyway, so ye we get a look at Thomas and James's relationship, and what assholes Lee and Reynolds are because we need more of them. >: 33

Don't worry, Thomas and James will get a redemption ark and Lee and Reynolds will be brought to justice.

And the mysterious man wanting to kill Alex and/or John, but we'll talk about him at a later date--

But anyway, I hope you like it. :' D
Don't expect this much writing for a while. I just lowkey have a hella lot of inspiration and motivation and I'm just trying to feed off of it as much as possible before I lose it again :"" D

Anyway, hope you liked it, have a great day/night, and stay safe out there. //mwah

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