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John looked around, blinking slightly in the bright light. Around him was a beautiful grassy field, flowers of all hues scattered around. It smelled so beautiful, so fresh.. Like it had just rained. A brook babbled nearby, and bees were buzzing about. The warm sun shone down on the field, surrounded by woods, casting everything in a beautiful glow.

And beside him... The most beautiful man John had ever seen.

He was a little shorter than John, and had his gorgeous brown hair pulled back into a low pony tail. The peach fuzz on his chin was adorable, and his eyes..

Oh gosh those eyes..

They sent a flurry of feelings soaring through John all at once. Those beautiful, mocha brown eyes.. They just seemed to be a window of opportunity to John.. Opportunity to explore, to love, to be loved.. 

It was something he'd never fathomed feeling.

Mocha eyes laughed, and it was then John realized he was blushing.

"You okay, Jellybean?" Mocha eyes asked. Why was that voice so familiar? It sounded like it belonged to... Alex?

John hesitated slightly, then laughed and nodded. "Yeah, just lost in thought I guess.." He replied. Mocha eyes smiled, and leaned against John. Almost on instinct, John snuggled up to Mocha eyes, smiling happily to himself.

This was nice.

This felt... Safe.

John looked out across the field, soon spotting the river that he'd heard. It was so crystal clear it almost didn't look real.


He looked up at the sky, and was startled to find it shifting to night already. Instead of stars coming out, these huge golden fish started swimming across the sky as it gave way to the darkness. They cast a peaceful glow across the field, illuminating John and Mocha eyes as they sat there, staring above.

Soon, other creatures began appearing. Cats, dogs, horses, and much more danced across the sky, all seeming happy together. Everywhere one looked there were couples of all sorts playing together in the dark blue of night. It gave John a sense of belonging, in a weird way.. He just had this feeling that he was supposed to be in love with Mocha eyes, and honestly was. It felt like fate, sitting here..

It felt perfect. Like a scene from a movie, the one that just touches your heart and makes you cry..

That's what this felt like.

To be sitting here, feeling loved.. It felt just right. Heck, it felt so perfect it was almost impossible to ignore the feeling of love John felt every time he looked at Mocha eyes.

The way Mocha eyes smiled, the little dimples in his cheeks.. The way his eyes danced, the glow of the sky reflecting off of them.. The way he tilted his head slightly when he laughed, allowing John to see the blush on his face more clearly.. The way the wind blew through his hair, making him seem almost surreal..

It was beyond perfect, actually.

John sighed, leaning in towards Mocha eyes when they were facing each other moments later. Mocha eyes did the same thing, and soon they both had their eyes closed, faces just centimeters apart and


John groaned, rolling over and reaching towards his alarm clock. He eventually managed to shut it off, just as Peggy was getting up to go do so herself.

"mmmhhhh.. And I was having the most wonderful dreamm.." Pegs murmured sleepily. "There were chocolate pancakes, and everything was perfectt.. It was paradise."

"hm.." John murmured back, sitting up and stretching. "We oughta get ready.." He yawned, moving to stand up. "First day back after spring break.. We gotta get ready for it." He said, smiling at Peggy. He could hear her smile as she responded.

"Aye aye, captain." She replied, grinning.


Should I be sorry?

No I'm not >: )))

I would apologize for not letting them kiss, but I'm sure you'll understand it's for the plot~

And if you can't figure out who Mocha eyes is.. Well I have nothing to say. I tried to make it obvious XD

Hope you like it!! Sorry for not updating in a while, school is annoying. But just a few more weeks and I'll have a little bit off before summer classes start (yayyy dual enrollment aa--)

Anyway, hope you like, stay safe, and wear your seatbelts.
I might try to update again soon, but no promises. //mwah

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