Five, Six, Seven.... (Pt. 2)

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A/N: This chapter is really heccin sad. You'll probably want tissues. owo"""
I apologize in advance.

  "Alright, little Hamilton...~ Time to have some fun~

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. Reynolds!

He struggled slightly, but Reynolds wasn't gonna let him go any time soon..

Philip started barking, and Lee had to reach over and kick him to shut him up. "Shut up ya stupid mutt." He growled. Pip just kept barking.

"Just let him be. We'll take care of him in a moment anyways." Reynolds growled, turning back to Alex. "Alright, Hamilton. We'll give it to ya straight. You're a problem. Your little boyfriend is a problem. We're here to take care of the problem."

"Yeah." Lee grinned, darting over. "We're gonna take care of the problem! And then What's-His-Name is gonna reward us!~" He giggled happily. 

"Shut up Lee!" Reynolds shouted at the shorter man, causing him to shrink back. "We're doing this my way, remember?"

"Why your way?!" Lee whined. Goodness, the dude could hit those high notes..

"Because I'm the leader, that's why! Now shut up and do as I say." He growled, turning back to Hamilton. "Get the mutt taken care of. That thing's going to bring everyone over here with its terrible barking.

Lee grinned, and whipped out the gun he'd managed to sneak onto campus. He pointed it at Philip.

"You have until the count of ten to shut up mutt." He growled, though he was smiling brightly. "One, two, three, four.." Philip kept barking, barking much louder now. "Five, six, seven." He started barking rEALLY loud now. Lee frowned, they'd be found in a moment if this kept up.

Alex couldn't look away as Lee pulled the trigger.

A loud bang resounded through the alleyway, and Philip fell over and fell silent.

He didn't get up...

Alex stared at Reynolds wide eyed. Would they do that to him too?!

Didn't seem like it, since Lee was putting the gun away.. But Reynolds smiled brightly, and punched Alex in the gut, letting him fall to the ground. Alex gasped in pain and curled up, clutching his stomach.

Reynolds and Lee proceeded to start kicking him, beating him up, and hurting him a lot.

They continued this for a few more minutes, until they were sure that Alex wouldn't be getting up. 

Voices starting coming from a little ways away, and Reynolds and Lee exchanged a glance. They waited a moment before darting off, not wanting to be caught at the scene.

"Alexander!" A voice called out. Washington!

"Alex!! Alex, where are you?" Eliza.

"Alex??" Hercules. 

"Lexiii! Where'd you go?" Peggy.

"Here, let's split up." Angelica.

"Oui. I'll go this way with Herc, and you girls go that way." Lafayette.

"James and I can go straight forward." Thomas. "Mr. Washington, you can come with."

Everyone split up. Alex looked out at the street. Two people walked by the alley.

"What's that smell?" Herc asked, stopping in front of the alley. The darkness hid Alex and Philip quite well, unfortunately.

"... Blood.." Laf murmured. He darted into the alley way, and almost tripped on Philip. "Que diable? Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?! Est-ce Philip? POURQUOI LA BAISE EST - QU'EST-CE QUE TOUT CE SANG ?!"

Cue intense screaming in French from Lafayette as Herc darts over with his flashlight.

"Oh fuck.." He mutters. He looked like he was about to be sick. "wh-.. what happened.." He scanned the alley way for a moment before spotting Alex, who was half conscious. "ALEXANDER!!" He screamed and darted over to the Caribbean man. Lafayette joined him moments later.

"Alexander?! Oh merde.. What happened to you??" Lafayette asked, kneeling down beside Alex. "Hercules, go get everyone else. I'll help Alex."

"What about--"

"We'll deal with Philip later.." Laf murmured. He turned back to Alex. "Alexander, mon ami.. Who did this to you??"

"r-reynolds and l-lee.." Alex whispered before passing out. Everything turned to black.

Later, in the woods

"So.. Did you do it?" 

"We beat him up pretty good." Reynolds grinned. "It's just a matter of time. They'll find him dead there tomorrow, I'm sure."

"Good. Thank you boys. You've done me a great service."












But yes, I hope you have a good day/night aside from this chapter :""" D

//hesitantly runs from all the angry comments about Pip now being ded---

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